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  1. I noticed that too. What happened to the guy that worked his butt off each and every shift? I don't about you, but I find Darche isn't bringing anything to the table this season. He is eminently replaceable.
    1 point
  2. I don't know about that. Here is a guy who accepted a contract extension at less money in order to have a NTC and control what teams he would/wouldn't play for. Now because the Flyers traded him before that NTC kicked in he wasn't able to prevent the trade to Columbus. He was screwed over royally. He took less money to get the NTC and ultimately had no control over what team he played for and what city he lived in. Sounds like he has every right to say now that he isn't happy in Columbus. The Red Flags that scare me the most are the rumors of this guy's party lifestyle that I heard during his time in Philly and then exploded after the deal. That scares the shit out of me as a Habs fan, if you consider moving him to Montreal.
    1 point
  3. I can't be the only one who hasn't been impressed by Subban on the powerplay this season. So many posters here and elsewhere calling for more PP icetime for him, but I've seen more poor decisions on his part than good decisions. Has he even got a shot to the net yet with the man advantage? His shot is either blocked or wide or telegraphed to the goalie so much in advance he could mail in notice. Also, more PP time for him means more 5on5 time for Weber and Diaz. No thank you! We should talk more PP time for Subban when he's A) earned it, and B) not relied upon as a defensive stalwart on a very green D line.
    1 point
  4. Darche was forced to play the PP should he really be the first choice if COle isn't available
    1 point
  5. I have no problem with Gomez on the PP.. I have a problem with putting him with gionta and cammy... split up the small guys.
    1 point
  6. say what you want but a defence that has been playing that well under the extremely watchfully eyes of a gizzzzillion GM's (fans) and you wanna throw in Gill?whos's beena disaster this past week and with a whole season ahead? Gill doesnt need to prove anything right now to this team. Moving forward, to pull any one defender out of the line up after these last four games would be detrimental to their confidence! its a major chance at the big stage to prove that their worthy! you got to give these kids that chance! A drastic failure like the NYI game would mean these guys are truely hit and mis right now.... but a sound performance will go a long way in actually having a vastly rich bundle of depth in the back to play with... does anyone deserve to be out of the line up right now? if JM did that i'd be freaking out... this is a very very big game for weber diaz emelin and st.denis. baptism under fire so they say and i really wanna see what these guys got. Does Emelin finally give us that little bit of presence on the back end against Boston that we've desperately been craving??? our the SWISS "brothers" pushing each other to succeed from a nation slowly growing in hockey power? Are Diaz and Weber that shifty and not to mention that witty back there that its ok to be average in size?? St. Denis?? another prospect?? a sleeper out of know where? the next french canadian in montreal? or just a filler from the A? Josh Gorges as the defensive anchor/leader he's meant to be ?? (instead of gill) AND FINALLY PK the game changer? or the pest?". answers that would NOT be answered if we mess with a defence so raw and green but... with only 3 goals against in 12 periods and playing way over the expectations of people everywhere... BIG BIG GAME FOR CAREY PRICE! im so stoked for tonight... LONG LIVE THE CANADIENS!!!!!
    1 point
  7. I have to say that I'm a little worried about the game tonight. Yes, we just stopped a 7 game winning strek for the Rangers, but Like Joe Thornton said a few weeks ago, the Rangers aren't as physical as the Bruins...and we all know how much the Habs are NOT a physical team. Also, the Bruins will most likely be looking for some revenge for the back to back losses they had against the Habs a little while ago. Unless Carey plays like a GOD, I got a feeling were gonna lose this game!
    -1 points
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