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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/17/24 in all areas

  1. He's still not expected to play a game this season, but he's started skating.
    2 points
  2. I think it depends on whether a team is looking for a #1 goalie or a solid back up.
    1 point
  3. Q&A with Mailloux Catching up with... Logan Mailloux | Montréal Canadiens (nhl.com)
    1 point
  4. Agreed, his offence was never my concern either but it's never guaranteed that success in junior will translate to the next level so it's great to see him have such a good year in the AHL. His passing and shooting skills are elite, I think better than any young defenseman they have. He does need work on his defensive game like almost any 20 year old defenseman. I still see Guhle and Kovacevic get beaten badly 1 on 1 sometimes so he is not the only one. All in all it's been an excellent year of progression for him. Hopefully more to come.
    1 point
  5. No lineup changes, other than Allen Xhekaj has improved the things he was sent down to work on ... some nights are harder than others but progress being made Ylonen not playing (obvious with no changes) ... work being done with him is "details of his game" (e.g., where he goes when he doesn't have the puck ... which I take as different that just defence)
    1 point
  6. Concussion was saturday. This is 6 days later. This isnt a wow, this is the normal course for a mild concussion. You do some light skating and physical activity. If you get dizzy or throw up or have other symptoms you stop and rest a few days. If you dont have symptoms, you do a little more each day until fully cleared.
    1 point
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