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Everything posted by BCHabnut

  1. Hoffman. Armia. Drouin. Byron. Probably Dadanov. Let's keep them and get rid of a top notch defensive forward.
  2. With preseason over, what are yalls thoughts? Here's mine, whether you want em or not. Dach looks alright. I don't hate him as much as I thought I would. Ghule is the only new face who looks ready for the nhl. Edit... aside from dach and Monahan. Lehkonen for baron and basically a 3rd with how good colorado is? I Said it before he was traded and I still think it. The team is better with him. Not a Baron fan at all. He sucks. How much time does the pp coach get? I get that skill is an important part of a pp, and habs don't have that, but Holy moly it's bad. Snarkovsky and scrabble score need to go to the ahl. Harris would be my first defensive call up. Harvey Pinard didn't look great tonight, but his camp as a whole wasn't bad. Might be a callup if one of the smurfs get hurt.
  3. Is Hockey Canada federally run or funded? I'm confused at how they could do something like this. Edit. 6% was federally funded prior to freezing in June. Ya not interested in government facilitation of Hockey programs. Help me get a family doctor first.
  4. This defense is special kind of garbage. The tank os strong in this team
  5. There's no sportsnet app for roku TV. Not sure about Apple. Fortunately, there is one for ps4. I actually prefer the app to nhl live. Can ff 30 seconds
  6. Debrincat has a scary release. What the heck were the Blackhawks thinking?
  7. I used to have nhl live or rogers gamecentre live before that. Something like that. I think they aren't doing that anymore. Is it sportsnet app where you get every game now?
  8. I agree with this. Why not Edmundson first? The performance expectations are minimal, and he's been around. I hope the media and fans cut suzuki some slack and let him grow into the captain.
  9. Having that one extra trick could certainly make him less predictable.
  10. He's probably more useful smashing defenseman in the boards and passing to another one timer guy. Maybe he can work on his saucer.
  11. I'm kind of rooting for this guy. I love a good underdog story.
  12. Anderson has one move. Fire up the afterburner and power past or through everything in his path. Scare the shit out of the goalie and shoot in close. Not knocking it. It's fun to watch. I just haven't seem much else as far as shooting goes.
  13. He's had no run support his entire career. Played a single season woth an 80 point player. Kovalev. All of their limited success was him. It's a yes for me dog. But not right away
  14. I'm not sure I'm a fan of this move. Habs suck. Who knows how good the 1st will be?
  15. Strongly agree with this. I think that extra year of development would help a lot.
  16. I need to quit drooling over this kid. I don't get excited about draft picks. In fact, over the last 45 years of being a hockey fan, I've developed a very pessimistic view if most draft picks. I just have a feeling about hutson. Subban was the last defenseman that got me excited.
  17. I know right. I had to click the back button on my internet browser.
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