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Shame about Layton. I mean, he's probably the best leader of the bunch, but there's no way I'm voting for THAT agenda.

That's funny, I feel pretty much the opposite. I like the NDP and most of their ideas (although they're a little far from the centre, which should change now that they feel they have a slim chance of winning) however I don't think Layton makes is a good leader for the party.

For starters he has very little charisma for a country leader (which is what he would like to become), and dresses like I would if I were to go mud wrestling. I think I would be a little ashamed to see Jack Layton sitting with other nation leaders such as Obama (assuming he wins), Sarkozy, etc... Layton at the very least needs to shave that moustache, and guy himself some nice Italian suits.

I really like Layton, but more as a fiendly uncle; I just don't see him at all as a country leader.

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That's funny coming from the leader of a party that has no chance of winning the federal elections, which makes their votes wasted votes as well...

If you fear a Conservatives majority, then a vote for the Bloc is not a waste.

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Networks decide Elizabeth May and Greens cannot take part in TV debates - CTV

Apparently 2 or more leaders denied her their eligibility. Two or more denials leads to disqualification apparently.


What a bunch of loosers we got ! They are freaking too affraid to lose the face in the environment part of the debate. Harper is one of the coward, i wonder who is (are) the other(s) ?

Edited by JoeLassister
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What a bunch of loosers we got ! They are freaking too affraid to lose the face in the environment part of the debate. Harper is one of the coward, i wonder who is (are) the other(s) ?
Sorry about the caps lock JL before I edited. Anyway, it has been revealed that Dion was the only one to accept May which makes sense given their alliance. Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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What a bunch of loosers we got ! They are freaking too affraid to lose the face in the environment part of the debate. Harper is one of the coward, i wonder who is (are) the other(s) ?

From a politics standpoint it makes little sense for any party to want them there...why give your competition publicity??

Personally, I think if they gave the Green party a legitimate forum the Greens would likely crucify themselves as they aren't prepared enough to actually govern. They are a fringe party that represents one primary issue. It would be like having a party primarily about Feminism...

The Green party needs to run as opposition, get their feet wet and actually learn the ropes. They've widely been considered fairly conservative on most issues other then the environment so I can also see why the Conservatives would say no.

Politics is politics...nothing to do with cowardice. I don't go inviting my competitors to my sales luncheons...would you?

If you had a leader that was THAT inept to invite their competition to steal at least SOME of their votes would you want that person as a leader? They'd be a moron and would get destroyed in trade, foreign policy decisions, etc...oops, sorry Mr. Dion didn't mean to call you out so subtly...

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From a politics standpoint it makes little sense for any party to want them there...why give your competition publicity??

Personally, I think if they gave the Green party a legitimate forum the Greens would likely crucify themselves as they aren't prepared enough to actually govern. They are a fringe party that represents one primary issue. It would be like having a party primarily about Feminism...

The Green party needs to run as opposition, get their feet wet and actually learn the ropes. They've widely been considered fairly conservative on most issues other then the environment so I can also see why the Conservatives would say no.

Politics is politics...nothing to do with cowardice. I don't go inviting my competitors to my sales luncheons...would you?

If you had a leader that was THAT inept to invite their competition to steal at least SOME of their votes would you want that person as a leader? They'd be a moron and would get destroyed in trade, foreign policy decisions, etc...oops, sorry Mr. Dion didn't mean to call you out so subtly...

:D nice one.

But i'd assume that miss May would not be that much involved in the other discussions, i would just like to see her against other politicians concerning greens issues.

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Harper doesn't want May in the debate because it will force him to talk about his environmental policy.

Since Harper doesn't have an environmental policy, this was an obvious topic to avoid. Dion on the other hand wins every time the election is discussed in the context of the environment.

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That's funny, I feel pretty much the opposite. I like the NDP and most of their ideas (although they're a little far from the centre, which should change now that they feel they have a slim chance of winning) however I don't think Layton makes is a good leader for the party.

For starters he has very little charisma for a country leader (which is what he would like to become), and dresses like I would if I were to go mud wrestling. I think I would be a little ashamed to see Jack Layton sitting with other nation leaders such as Obama (assuming he wins), Sarkozy, etc... Layton at the very least needs to shave that moustache, and guy himself some nice Italian suits.

I really like Layton, but more as a fiendly uncle; I just don't see him at all as a country leader.

My microwave has more charisma than Dion. Anyhow, doesn't Layton suit us Canadians? Uncle Layton in his shabby suits, friendly moustache, and mighty apologies? *laughs* Okay, not really, but it's a good image.

My point was not that he was a really good leader, only that I felt him to be the best of the bunch. I'd rather see him standing for Canada than Dion, who makes me leery wondering if he'll just go blank and blush during a speech or talk completely monotone ALL the time. He's infinitely better than Duceppe because if that loony ever became PM every leader in the free world would just point and giggle all the time. And I feel he would look better standing for Canada better than Harper because Harper hasn't once been on his feet, rather he's been on his knees behind Bush's ass the entire time.

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My microwave has more charisma than Dion. Anyhow, doesn't Layton suit us Canadians? Uncle Layton in his shabby suits, friendly moustache, and mighty apologies? *laughs* Okay, not really, but it's a good image.

I can't see Dion as prime minister either... sadly Harper is the only one who looks like a country leader, somewhat... with such "leaders", it looks like we could be stuck with minority governments for a while...

Where's our Sarkozy? Our Obama? Our hope for change, and a reason to excited over politics again? ^_^

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My microwave has more charisma than Dion. Anyhow, doesn't Layton suit us Canadians? Uncle Layton in his shabby suits, friendly moustache, and mighty apologies? *laughs* Okay, not really, but it's a good image.

My point was not that he was a really good leader, only that I felt him to be the best of the bunch. I'd rather see him standing for Canada than Dion, who makes me leery wondering if he'll just go blank and blush during a speech or talk completely monotone ALL the time. He's infinitely better than Duceppe because if that loony ever became PM every leader in the free world would just point and giggle all the time. And I feel he would look better standing for Canada better than Harper because Harper hasn't once been on his feet, rather he's been on his knees behind Bush's ass the entire time.

behind ??

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A very interesting demographic in Bloc territory could be the women voters. I believe that's where the Bloc should go with their issues. Seems they certainly have too. If that doesn't work, it's going Conservative. Something is afoot when Lac-Saint-Jean/Saint Lambert gives the Tories hope. They've also been key historical Liberal and Bloc strongholds that can start the ball rolling for the winners. The ripple effects from Lac-Saint-Jean/Saint Lambert usually tell the rest of the rural story in Quebec.

Canadian politics is falling flat on it's ear in many different provinces with the result being; default Harper. The left wing thinking voters had better hope that Saskatchewan and Manitoba backlash against the Conservatives. The tide must stop in BC too.

The left wing can welcome itself to the same problem the PC's and Reform had; A split vote.

Eg: Conservatives could win seats by default. Let's say out of 5 people (on average), 2 voters vote Conservative in a riding, and the 3 remaining vote 1 NDP,1 Green and 1 Liberal. It won't happen in many ridings but it is a concern. The seat system can produce a majority without strong popular vote.

That's another problem. I guess just keep hoping for more commercial or internet puffin gaffes. Hope Harper trips and falls off the tarmac. :lol:

Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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My microwave has more charisma than Dion. Anyhow, doesn't Layton suit us Canadians? Uncle Layton in his shabby suits, friendly moustache, and mighty apologies? *laughs* Okay, not really, but it's a good image.

My point was not that he was a really good leader, only that I felt him to be the best of the bunch. I'd rather see him standing for Canada than Dion, who makes me leery wondering if he'll just go blank and blush during a speech or talk completely monotone ALL the time. He's infinitely better than Duceppe because if that loony ever became PM every leader in the free world would just point and giggle all the time. And I feel he would look better standing for Canada better than Harper because Harper hasn't once been on his feet, rather he's been on his knees behind Bush's ass the entire time.

I really don't get the perception that Harper is a lackey for the USA. The fact is that while it was popular for the Liberals to talk crap about the States it was not good for business. America represents 85% of our exports, a solid working relationship only makes sense. When Obama promised to re-open NAFTA and get a more favorable agreement for them, it was Harper who stood up and challenged it. Simply stating that he would welcome it because of the huge amount of energy we ship there.

Can you imagine Layton meeting with the other members of the G8? Or being our representative in world talks about energy reform like Harper did not long ago?

What about Dion?

I was embarrassed for Canada when Chretien (most corrupt leader in Canada's history), was our representative on the world front. I can't even imagine Layton or Dion.

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The Conservatives are peaking way to early. All this talk of a majority government is going to push a number of groups into the liberal voting category:

1. Urban voters

2. Women

3. Green party/NDP supporters

The reality is that most intelligent people know that the only left of centre party with a hint of chance at forming government is the liberals and to cast a vote now for the Green party or the NDP (especially in a tight riding) is just casting a vote for a Stephen Harper majority government.

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I was embarrassed for Canada when Chretien (most corrupt leader in Canada's history), was our representative on the world front. I can't even imagine Layton or Dion.

I don't know about that, Canada was running pretty smoothly under Chretien. Although to be honest, I think we've also been doing pretty good under Martin and Harper.

When the biggest scandal in several years within a country is some politicians misusing or misdirecting part of the funds of the sponsorship program (does anyone genuinely believe there is any government in any country that doesn't misuse funds or somehow play favorites with their "friends"?), you know the country is doing quite well.

After all last time I checked Canada still ranked amongst the best countries in the world for our starndard of living, violence and crimes are relatively low, economically we're doing ok, and we still think it's a huge deal when someone gets shot on the highway in biggest city in Canada or when a kid gets shot by the police.

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When the biggest scandal in several years within a country is some politicians misusing or misdirecting part of the funds of the sponsorship program (does anyone genuinely believe there is any government in any country that doesn't misuse funds or somehow play favorites with their "friends"?), you know the country is doing quite well.

After all last time I checked Canada still ranked amongst the best countries in the world for our starndard of living, violence and crimes are relatively low, economically we're doing ok, and we still think it's a huge deal when someone gets shot on the highway in biggest city in Canada or when a kid gets shot by the police.

Under the Liberals, Canada also had some pretty poor rankings on corruption, relative to the G8 of course. I don't know that it's changed under the Conservatives either. In fact, I think that the bureaucracy in Canada is much more corrupt then people realise...the number of payouts and resulting government overpayments on procuring materials and/or contracts has probably cost this country hundreds of millions over the last decade alone. JMHO. It's tough for the politicians to control the bureaucrats since they (and as a result we) have such poor accountability and control over them.

The interesting thing with Adscam was that it was directly attributable to an elected political group. The stuff from the civil servants irritates people to no end but you don't vote for them...I don't think you should downplay the sponsorship program at all. The Liberals deserve to carry that shame for some time and Chretien should have been on trial for it.

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Under the Liberals, Canada also had some pretty poor rankings on corruption, relative to the G8 of course. I don't know that it's changed under the Conservatives either. In fact, I think that the bureaucracy in Canada is much more corrupt then people realise...the number of payouts and resulting government overpayments on procuring materials and/or contracts has probably cost this country hundreds of millions over the last decade alone. JMHO. It's tough for the politicians to control the bureaucrats since they (and as a result we) have such poor accountability and control over them.

The interesting thing with Adscam was that it was directly attributable to an elected political group. The stuff from the civil servants irritates people to no end but you don't vote for them...I don't think you should downplay the sponsorship program at all. The Liberals deserve to carry that shame for some time and Chretien should have been on trial for it.

But that's the case for pretty much every government, the difference is that this time around they got caught. You cannot control everyone, and besides, it's probably even necessary for a party to maintain power, and not make ennemies of some pretty affluent people.

I'm not saying it's right, but when that the biggest scandals in your country is overpayments and and some favoritism (which I'm guessing is common to pretty much all governments), it means that overall, things are going pretty well...

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The Conservatives are peaking way to early. All this talk of a majority government is going to push a number of groups into the liberal voting category:

1. Urban voters

2. Women

3. Green party/NDP supporters

The reality is that most intelligent people know that the only left of centre party with a hint of chance at forming government is the liberals and to cast a vote now for the Green party or the NDP (especially in a tight riding) is just casting a vote for a Stephen Harper majority government.

Except that the most people who are jumping to the Green Party or NDP are former Liberal voters. Just splitting the left wing vote would help the Conservatives win seats. The Green Party isn't as left wing as many realise but most voters won't be informed enough to even realise it so they'll vote for them based on the thinking that an environmental party is likely pretty left wing overall.

I think you're right about peaking too early but only because I think most voters will realise they may split the vote and jump back to the Liberals to keep the Conservatives from a majority.

Ultimately, I just hope the Liberals don't get into power.

As far as the Conservatives are concerned, they win in a big way with or without a majority. Even with a minority they force the Liberals to look like idiots in the election, hopefully get more people splitting the left wing vote, eat away Liberal campaign money, etc. Not to mention that they know no opposition will force an election for at least 2 years, so they can continue to pass a lot of what they want without too much fear of the opposition voting for no confidence...it's actually very good politics on Harpers part. He'll have essentially been able to run his government as though he has a majority.

If the Liberals get any sort of power I think Canada is going to be in a HUGE mess. This Green Shift plan will screw us for years...and no future government EVER removes a tax like this so letting them push it through will screw us over.

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Except that the most people who are jumping to the Green Party or NDP are former Liberal voters. Just splitting the left wing vote would help the Conservatives win seats. The Green Party isn't as left wing as many realise but most voters won't be informed enough to even realise it so they'll vote for them based on the thinking that an environmental party is likely pretty left wing overall.

I think you're right about peaking too early but only because I think most voters will realise they may split the vote and jump back to the Liberals to keep the Conservatives from a majority.

Ultimately, I just hope the Liberals don't get into power.

As far as the Conservatives are concerned, they win in a big way with or without a majority. Even with a minority they force the Liberals to look like idiots in the election, hopefully get more people splitting the left wing vote, eat away Liberal campaign money, etc. Not to mention that they know no opposition will force an election for at least 2 years, so they can continue to pass a lot of what they want without too much fear of the opposition voting for no confidence...it's actually very good politics on Harpers part. He'll have essentially been able to run his government as though he has a majority.

If the Liberals get any sort of power I think Canada is going to be in a HUGE mess. This Green Shift plan will screw us for years...and no future government EVER removes a tax like this so letting them push it through will screw us over.

###### it ANY green plan is better than ANY conservative idea. Believe it or not, environment is a WORLD challenge right now, it is THE BIGGEST concern in the WHOLE world.

I hate and even get pissed (like now) when people say a green plan will screw us, taking no action (like the conservatives) will screw us even more. I would rather have 1% more of my TPS invested in a green plan than a 1% cut.

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I love political threads since they lead too nothing. We all have our beliefs and ideologies. I doubt that even one poster will influence another in any way shape or form. So, it's down to mud slinging :rolleyes:

After all, right or wrong; "Where there is no understanding, there is no explanation possible. Where there is understanding, there is no explanation neccessary."

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