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Pacioretty in Hamilton


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Pacioretty à Hamilton

Par ailleurs, le directeur général du Canadien, Bob Gainey, a aussi mentionné que le jeune attaquant Max Pacioretty devrait entamer la saison avec les Bulldogs de Hamilton. Il a toutefois tenu à préciser qu'aucune décision finale n'avait été prise dans son cas.

with all the depth in this year's team I'm not surprised he's going down.

he will get alot of ice time and when he comes back he wont go down...just like Kostitsyn did last year !

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almost every Habs great of late have been in the AHL for a stint except for Koivu and Guillaume( although he's not great yet).

Pacioretty will benefit on the long term.

It's great to think that Montreal has the luxury of keeping such a stud in the American League for a while or even the whole season.

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almost every Habs great of late have been in the AHL for a stint except for Koivu and Guillaume( although he's not great yet).

Pacioretty will benefit on the long term.

It's great to think that Montreal has the luxury of keeping such a stud in the American League for a while or even the whole season.

Great news (although it's not news yet). Pacioretty will be in a Canadiens uniform soon enough...

Patches needs to play as much as possible, and with the Canadiens being one of the top contenders for the Cup (how great is it to finally say this!!), we just couldn't garantee him the 15+ minutes that he needs right now, and we couldn't let him play through slumps like the Hawks did with Kane and Toews.

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When Gainey announced Carbo's extension, he also said that Pacioretty will start the year in Hamilton.

Good news in my opinion...no use in rushing him. Even though he looked awesome, i don't think he was awesome enough to displace one of our top 9 forwards...

Yes even latendresse for you haters! 16 goals is good for a 19 year old who doesn't EVER play on the PP

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When Gainey announced Carbo's extension, he also said that Pacioretty will start the year in Hamilton.

Good news in my opinion...no use in rushing him. Even though he looked awesome, i don't think he was awesome enough to displace one of our top 9 forwards...

Yes even latendresse for you haters! 16 goals is good for a 19 year old who doesn't EVER play on the PP

Just to play devil's advocate... Latendresse was actually a 20 year-old 80 game veteran, and his 4 power play points indicate that he did get some powerplay from time to time... but that's irrelevant to the facts that Tender needs to play in Montreal while Pacioretty needs the extra ice time in Hamilton.


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Very good news indeed. I'm kind of tired of hearing Habs fan boys go nuts on this guy and how he should be in Montreal. People tend to forget that the top 9 spots are filled and nicely stacked. Pacioretty doesn't need fourth line ice time, he needs top minutes and he'll get that in the AHL.

While Guillaume Latendresse's play has driven me nuts on several occasion, he's the perfect example on why we shouldn't jump the gun on Max. I mean, everyone seems to forget that Guillaume barely gets any qyality ice-time and yet this kid has major expectations. That's the last thing Pacioretty needs, more pressure.

On a side note, they better send down Weber too regardless of the Bouillon injury. Sure, he has a nice shot but that's all he pretty much has now. I can't stress how much he needs to polish his defensive game.

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Just to play devil's advocate... Latendresse was actually a 20 year-old 80 game veteran, and his 4 power play points indicate that he did get some powerplay from time to time... but that's irrelevant to the facts that Tender needs to play in Montreal while Pacioretty needs the extra ice time in Hamilton.


He had 16 goals in his rookie season at 19 yrs old too. :P

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Great to have some prospects like Pacioretty and Chipchura. If something happens, they'll be ready to step up. THey are also assets in the hand of Gainey. Gives him flexibility, leverage comes re-signing time, while keeping the other players on their toes.

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Who could we possibly move? The only way is if he decides to trade Lapierre and I don't see that happening.

If you want both in the line-up, you need to get rid of at least two of Dandenault, Begin and Kostopoulos. But Begin and Kostopoulos have a lot of potential use for us.

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Dandenault's value is pretty low considering how he's been on the bubble for quite some time now since last season. The most logical choices are Begin or Kostopoulos.

I have no idea why but my gut is going with Begin being moved if both Lapierre and Chipchura are kept in Montreal.

Steve's a hell of a team player but now might be the time to move someone like him before his body catches up to him. Mind you, it already slowly has but he can still string a decent amount of games together. Obviously, this is an option assuming both Lapierre, Chipchura and Kostopoulos are kept in the line up.

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This season, with our team ready for a Cup run, Begin will be much more useful to us than Chipchura even after a year of development in the NHL. Even if that did happen, Carbo would play other veterans ahead of him once we get to the playoffs. Begin's gone after the season and he has more value to our team than he could get us in a trade.

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This season, with our team ready for a Cup run, Begin will be much more useful to us than Chipchura even after a year of development in the NHL. Even if that did happen, Carbo would play other veterans ahead of him once we get to the playoffs. Begin's gone after the season and he has more value to our team than he could get us in a trade.

Actually with a full NHL season behind his belt, and if he's paying with full confidence, I think Kyle Chipchura would be more useful than Steve Bégin, despite his experience level (although this is why I still think we should have given him playoff experienccne last season). The playoffs are where guys like him excel, and where they can truly make a difference.

However, that doesn't mean that Begin should not play either, and I agree that considering the ridiculous return we would get in return if we traded him, we're better off keeping him in Montreal.

Edited by CerebusClone
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Begin might be the better defensive player but Chipchura is already ahead of him in terms of offense. All Kyle needs is to become a faceoff specialist and he'll pretty much become a team intangible from that point on.

Yes, Begin is the better defensive player right now. Give Chipchura more NHL games and tutoring from the Habs coaching staff and he'll easily become the team's top shutdown player.

Trading Begin or anyone else from a salary dump move or a move to free up roster space is always a losing cause. You just take the deal that minimizes the losses.

Edited by Tony
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I am not one to put undue emphasis on faceoffs (important, but much less important than other aspects of the game), but I think the phrase "All Kyle needs is to become a faceoff specialist" underestimates how difficult such a task is. Considering how many centres in the league are unable to sustain a 50% faceoff win rate, I have to assume that a lot of decent players just can't do it that well.

Obviously, one hopes that Chipchura has significant room for improvement in this skill, but it is quite possible he will always be below average.

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Improving faceoffs is easier said than done for sure. I'm not asking Chipchura to be a Yanic Perreault or Chris Drury faceoff kind of guy but someone who can win more than 50% since that seems to be the coaching staff's sticking point. He's already a decent faceoff guy, he just needs to be consistent since on some night he'll do fine and on other nights the timing is just brutal.

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Improving faceoffs is easier said than done for sure. I'm not asking Chipchura to be a Yanic Perreault or Chris Drury faceoff kind of guy but someone who can win more than 50% since that seems to be the coaching staff's sticking point. He's already a decent faceoff guy, he just needs to be consistent since on some night he'll do fine and on other nights the timing is just brutal.

That will probably just come with the extra experience and confidence, how many rookies step in as faceoff masters right away? Besides, it's not like Lapierre, Begin, Kostopulos, or Dandeneault are faceoff machines either...

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Begin might be the better defensive player but Chipchura is already ahead of him in terms of offense. All Kyle needs is to become a faceoff specialist and he'll pretty much become a team intangible from that point on.

Yes, Begin is the better defensive player right now. Give Chipchura more NHL games and tutoring from the Habs coaching staff and he'll easily become the team's top shutdown player.

Trading Begin or anyone else from a salary dump move or a move to free up roster space is always a losing cause. You just take the deal that minimizes the losses.

A bit extra defence or a bit extra offence isn't really what matters in your fourth liners. What we need is energy, shot-blocking, experience, leadership, heart. Chipchura will be that player someday but those attributes are the very definition of Steve Bégin and the playoffs is the place where Begin and Kostopoulos work their best.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guess who broke out this week? 3 point night on Wednesday, and a point each on Friday and Saturday. Got his first professional goal on Wednesday. 5 points in 3 games... not too shabby.

Thats great news.

Lets hope he can keep it up and force the Canadiens hand to rid themselves of Dandenault and Begin.

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