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Habs @ Penguins | Game Thread


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"So coach, you may need me after all "


I'm pretty sure goal scoring is not the issue. Do you really think the Habs defence would be better with Kovalev in the lineup. That is the real joke here... you've got to be kidding me.

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I'm pretty sure goal scoring is not the issue. Do you really think the Habs defence would be better with Kovalev in the lineup. That is the real joke here... you've got to be kidding me.

Well, he could have helped in the shootout yesterday.......

So, if the D has been the culprit as you are pointing out, why is Kovy the scapegoat ?

Edited by rafikz
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Well, he could have helped in the shootout yesterday.......

So, if the D has been the culprit as you are pointing out, why is Kovy the scapegoat ?

Because he is our best player, playing like the worst...

You can't sit all of them

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Well, he could have helped in the shootout yesterday.......

So, if the D has been the culprit as you are pointing out, why is Kovy the scapegoat ?

who said he was the scapegoat tonight. The issue was passion, emotion and drive. Kovalev demonstrated NONE of that the last month. His benching was a signal to the team, based on last night it worked, based on tonight, maybe not.

It's quite clear that this team needs to improve its defence, I really don't think offence is the issue. Kovalev just doesn't bring anything to this team anymore.

You made the point that "who's missing me now" but I'm saying nobody. NOBODY in that locker room tonight is going to be thinking "man if only we had Kovalev, we'd have had a chance".

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I thought Kovalev has played with passion

Ok, he hasn't produced pointwise, but he worked harder than some players........

apparently you've been watching different games than Guy Carbonneau, Bob Gainey, every member of the hockey/sports media, 98% of all fans in the arena, and basically every poster here at habsworld, but whatever you say buddy. :lol:

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well. another loss...

terrible defense, terrible goaltending... and when they really needed it.. they stopped shooting (after seeing them go in when they did shoot..)

Pleks had a great chance with 2 to go and did another dumb pass to no one... all he had to do was shoot and crash the net.. grrrrrr

Well, I am convinced this team needs a real number one centre, a goalie, and maybe a more consistent winger to go with AK... Hard to see that happening...

I am coming around to the view that we are still 3 years away and we need to clear out Koivu, Kovalev, and maybe hammer.

Why is it that we dont get ONE SINGLE GOOD shot on goal those last 3 minutes?

Because Pleks passed when he had a great shot opportunity... you can't waste them like that...

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well. another loss...

terrible defense, terrible goaltending... and when they really needed it.. they stopped shooting (after seeing them go in when they did shoot..)

Pleks had a great chance with 2 to go and did another dumb pass to no one... all he had to do was shoot and crash the net.. grrrrrr

Well, I am convinced this team needs a real number one centre, a goalie, and maybe a more consistent winger to go with AK... Hard to see that happening...

I am coming around to the view that we are still 3 years away and we need to clear out Koivu, Kovalev, and maybe hammer.

Because Pleks passed when he had a great shot opportunity... you can't waste them like that...

3 years away? When we never get that no1 pick so we actually get a star player instead of stocking up the farm with 3rd liners and possibly 1 or 2 2nd liners at best. Gainey... when Tampa says "give us all your depth at D and we give u Vinnie" next time you say "YES" in a heartbeat.

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Not a bad loss. We couldn't get both the offense and defense going at the same time but we at least got nice performances out Andrei, Plekanec, Pacioretty and a select few others. As I said earlier, these past two games have been totally unaffected by our slump, we lost because we had less talent in the line up than the two teams we played against. I think we're out of the slump, we just need to start winning...

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