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[Game Thread] Atlanta Thrashers @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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Blah.. nice shot.. at least Price was out cutting the angle nicely.. unfortunately, everytime I complement him he gets scored on.. lol..

I will stop jinxing him.. how about that Pavelec.. he won't get scored on every.. no way,no how..

Edited by brobin
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Blah.. nice shot.. at least Price was out cutting the angle nicely.. unfortunately, everytime I complement him he gets scored on.. lol..

I will stop jinxing him.. how about that Pavelec.. he won't get scored on every.. no way,no how..

Nice Shot???

Looks to me like Price stunk that one up.

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I am trying to be nice.. at least he wasn't on his knees deep in his crease..

I hope he was screened or something.. :wacko:

If that puck didn't knuckle, it was a horrible play by Price. No screen. No deflection. No excuses.

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I hate to say it, but whenever i've watched Price lately, he seems to let in bad goals at bad times.

Doesn't look like he's battling hard enough.

Much rather see more of Halak in the nets.

I would like to see Pavelec in nets. :)

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We have got to start burying some shot's! Between the first and second periods we have had at least 4 one timers in the slot, probably all within 10 feet of the goalie, and hit the net once.

Pavelec is playing well but don't make it easy for him by not even hitting the net.

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I liked Price on the breakaway. Great job of not dropping into the butterfly too early. That shot catches these style goalies far too often it seems. He stood with it and was there for the save.Also so glad to see Cammy come back and make up for the fanned shot. Last year and for many before we would watch a player on the bench shaking his head after that one. This guy is a real goal scorer, the one we have been missing for many years in my eyes. Hope he continues to prove it. Team isn't playing badly at all, couple mistakes and the capitalized on most. We have missed a few. Could be a different score easily. Price looks better than I thought he might, 3rd goal soso, but hope he continues too make the big ones. I'll take his big ones this game and allow the bad. No fault ion the 1st 2. I think we will win this tonight, and feel confident even in OT/SO. We should take the 2pnts. I hope,lol.

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