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[Game Thread] Atlanta Thrashers @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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argh... Lats needs to learn to finish.. that was a beauty pass...

better looking PP at least.. .good puck control, some nice chances.. Lats is planted in front of the net, as is Metro... man if Bergeron didn't fan on that sweet slot chance...

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I just tuned in, but were there people booing as he did so??

I didn't hear any boos, but there wasn't an overabundance of cheers either.

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not a bad penalty by Gomez.. good save by Price after being pretty quiet back there..

now that was a nice save... the breakaway wasn't a very good shot.. but that cross crease save was highlight reel stuff.

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well.,.. now we will see how Price plays. that goal was not his fault, but what I have been troubled by is how he responds to those breaks.. He was playing great, out at the top of his crease and staying mobile. In past games, after some crap like that he would start backing in. I sure hope he can shake that off and keep playing like he was.. I think if he can get past that issue he will start to gain confidence.

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Nobody can blame Price for that goal, but I'm sure some people will...

The real issue is the blown chances at the other end.

The game's a humdinger so far. Sometimes the lamest matchups yield the most exciting contests, and this could be one.

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Im listening on CJAD. By the sound of it, we dont deserve to be down 2-0.

Nope, but every mistake has pretty much gone into the net.

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Yeesh, no blaming Carey on that one. 3 guys standing around watching Peverley skate into the slot freely.

Not Price's fault, but why is he suddenly deep and on his knees.. he had no chance on that one because he was totally out of position. Again, I am not blaming him for the goal since it was a defensive mistake and a great shot, but everytime he gets a bad break he starts being deep and down.. making it really hard to make a great save.

By the way, we made that same play twice and we were stopped, because their goalie was at the top of the crease.. he was up when the pass went across and pushed out hard to take the shot away. That is what Price needs to do if he wants to have a hope of making that save.

Again, I am not blaming Price for the goal, but I am concerned with his positioning.

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