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[Game Thread] Atlanta Thrashers @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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This game is ALL on the D, for all those that ragged on Gilly, he would have prevented likely 2 of those goals. We keep arguing about goaltending when it isn't the issue.

Price made 3 big saves at 0-0 to keep us in the game, yet we don't mention it. Same with Halak, he makes plenty of big saves, I think it's about time the D makes big plays, and when they don't get called out for it.

Send MAB down to the minors, bring up Belle, at least Belle added something with his mistakes, I fear everytime MAB touches the puck. Another thing why do our D HATE, and I mean HATE shooting the puck, they constantly give up a shot, looking for the perfect shot, get it on the net and let the forwards crash the net, we have forwards who will do that this year...grrr..so frustrating watching the D wait like 3 seconds and then finally shoot only to have the puck bounce off the other teams shins.

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Gorges. Ugh. I dont understand why, whenever he has the puck in the defensive zone, he can't just move it and just stays there juggling with it waiting for the opponents to be on him and steal the puck from him. Annoys me to no end.

It seems to me like that is what all of our defense does.

Man you really miss Markov out there when it seems like the rest of our D can't do anything right.

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I see Kozed has a new whipping boy in Josh Gorges. He is the least of our problems on D. Works his ass off every night.

Agreed, sad enough him and Hammer are our two best offensive threats on D. Plenty of time he's been part of the rush in the offensive zone.

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I feel just sick watching the Habs this year.

Thoughts on the game.

The team seems to play much better in front of Halak. Watching Price in goal just does not exude confidence and this teammates must see this. Couldn't really fault Price on a couple of the goals but the bottom line is 5 goals on 30 shots just won't cut it. The only goalie i see playing worse than Price is Toskala in Toronto.

Outscored 1-0 on the PP. Again a difference maker. From what the Habs are getting from MAB, he is causing more problems than helping, no wonder noone was in any rush to sign him.

No production from AK, but what do we expect playing with Chips and Stewart. Stewart is not better than a fringe AHL player. Brings very little to the big club. Get SK back up. Rather see him on the PP point than MAB in the lineup.

I do like what Cammy, Gomez, and Gionta bring to the table.

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It might be time to consider bringing up Sergei. This team is perpetually close, seems to get a lot of chances, but all too often comes up short. Yes, the D is having problems - a regression after the progress made a couple weeks back - but in my opinion we should have had AT LEAST one goal in the first. Too many gloden scoring chances blown. That then sets the tone, where if Price makes one mistake we're trailing, and hey presto, it's flounderin' time.

We need more production up front to take a bit of heat off the D and G. Sergei might add that little bit of extra offense this particular team could really use.

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It might be time to consider bringing up Sergei. This team is perpetually close, seems to get a lot of chances, but all too often comes up short. Yes, the D is having problems - a regression after the progress made a couple weeks back - but in my opinion we should have had AT LEAST one goal in the first. Too many gloden scoring chances blown. That then sets the tone, where if Price makes one mistake we're trailing, and hey presto, it's flounderin' time.

We need more production up front to take a bit of heat off the D and G. Sergei might add that little bit of extra offense this particular team could really use.

Agreed 100%

Let's see SK.

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Be interesting to see what this team does when they get Markov and O'Byrne back.

Price is not the only problem. Defensive zone *lapses* are killing us. We make killer mistakes on defense and the puck ends up in the net.

It could have been worse. We got away with a ton of really dangerous cross-ice passes in our own zone.

Price was outstanding for most of the first period but seemed to lose it after that. I thought he was gonna do it this time. Really too bad. One thing I've noticed is that he seems to have a terrible glove hand. He seems to need the shot to hit him. If I were him, I'd be working like crazy on that glove hand.

I dunno about this guy. You can't really blame him for 4 of the 5 goals, but on the other hand, as someone here already mentioned, 5 goals on 30 shots.

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Price was the difference tonight...unfortunately.

His mediocre goaltending and his inability to recover after letting in a soft goal was not there.

Carey needs his confidence back...simple as that.

On a side note, I have no idea how he won the Molson Cup for the month of October...it should have went to Gionta, Cammalleri or Halak

I think Halak deserves another start in Boston...as Price lost 4 in a row for the playoff series....it will be beneficial.

It's hard to keep your team in the game when you let in 5 goals on 28 "saves"

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I can't see how you can be worried about Price, I'm worried about our Ds lack of well...playing Defence. He stood on his head earlier in the game, fluke skate goal (again), lack of support from D, everyone says the team lost confidence in Price, maybe Price has lost confidence in his team. Can't rely on his team mates to clear the puck on a PK so has to do it himself.

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What's funny is that while Price did look bad, he was not the difference. He looked horrible, but he only had a chance on one goal. The point shot. 3 goals on the same play. Defensive covereage was the difference. Price looked horrible and I was sure she was beat several times, but it didn't go in. Once again, I hate to say that blaming the goalie for this is a little funny. Price looked horrible tonight, but only let in one goal that he should have had.

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I see Kozed has a new whipping boy in Josh Gorges. He is the least of our problems on D. Works his ass off every night.

I already said that in another thread. Gorges has to work his ass off because he has little else to rely on: not a good passer, not a good puck handler, not a long reach or big body or great wheels. It shows whenever he's under pressure. Most of his "work" comes from putting himself in trouble in the first place.

As for him being our best offensive D with Hammer... I hope it's not true, because he has the least pts of all our D except Gill and a grand total of 7 shots in 14 games. So if you want to praise Gorges, try an epithet more fitting than "offensive".

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The D looked far worse than any goalie. Our D can barely even stand on their skates, cannot cover players on a cross crease pass. I want to think that 'hey lets bag on our goalie and that will solve all our problems', but we are foolin' ourselves thinking that is the issue.

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I don't think we can blame Carey for everything. No offense Kovalev I don't know if you got an axe to grind against Price but you seem to have thin patience with the guy.

He was rattled after goals and that's a mental aspect he needs to improve for sure. I just don't want to blame the guy entirely cause honestly where the hell was his defense tonight. It was quite sad to see.

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I already said that in another thread. Gorges has to work his ass off because he has little else to rely on: not a good passer, not a good puck handler, not a long reach or big body or great wheels. It shows whenever he's under pressure. Most of his "work" comes from putting himself in trouble in the first place.

As for him being our best offensive D with Hammer... I hope it's not true, because he has the least pts of all our D except Gill and a grand total of 7 shots in 14 games. So if you want to praise Gorges, try an epithet more fitting than "offensive".

Your out to lunch bud. Hell dont take my word for it. Listen to Murray Wilson who has forgotten more hockey than either of us will know. He is a perfectly adequate defenceman. He is not the problem on defence, it is the fact that we have too many "sixth" defenceman. You are picking on the wrong guy.

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I'm officially getting worried about Price.

Agreed. Hasnt stolen a game since early last year. Too many people make excuses for him on this site. He is not the same guy that was once considered for Team Canada. He used to be cool and unflappable. That seems to be gone. I think it is upstairs.

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Don't see why you guys are blaming Price. Hell! if it wasn't for him, there would not have been a game at all. The defensive play was horrible. And I don't necessarily talk about the defensemen. The forwards simply did not do their job.

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The first 2 goals were bad deflections, not much Price could do on it.

The 3rd goal, when the game was 2-1 for ATL, was the goal Price couldnt afford to allow. Your team just came back in the game and you send them back to square 1. Shot was a routine shot. It's a demoralizing type of goal.

The 4th goal was a mental mistake by Price. He had no business going in the butterfly when the puck went to Antropov who was in the corner with no shot angle whatsoever. He didnt even cut the pass right in front of him and since he was already down he couldnt move laterally. Bad goal.

The 5th goal he had no chance on. But had he moved on the 4th like he moved on the 5th, the 4th might not have gone in.

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Pavelec doesn't have an excellent defense in front of him but the team plays an effective system to clean out the crap around the net. He has players around him who made sure there were a little loose rebounds as possible and were doing a decent job protecting the goalie.

Price didn't get as good as treatment either. The defenders were caught off position so many times and led to way too many odd man rushes. Rich Peverley isn't supposed to come in the Habs defensive zone and skate all over everyone and pass the puck like Gretzky.

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Don't see why you guys are blaming Price. Hell! if it wasn't for him, there would not have been a game at all. The defensive play was horrible. And I don't necessarily talk about the defensemen. The forwards simply did not do their job.

Come on.. Price made a couple of nice saves, but look at the other end.. Pavelec made far more big saves, which was the difference. There were at least 5 chances by the habs that if they had gone in, would not have been Pavelec's fault either, but they didn't go in because he came up huge!

A starting goalie in this league has to do more then make most of the sure saves, he has to rob people on occassion, and of course, timing is everything. Price has a mid-eighty save percentage and while our defence sucks, you can say that about a lot of teams. Atlanta is just as bad, but they have won several games due to goaltending.

And for the record, while Halak has been better then Price, he is not playing like a number one guy either. At some point, one of these guys has to steal some games. They have to bail out our defence. It is no secret that our defense core is depleted. This team needs top line goaltending to make up for it, and so far, we are getting average goaltending.

Price was suppose to be our franchise guy. Our top player. The backbone of our team. He is no where close right now and that has nothing to do with Halak.

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