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[Game Thread] Atlanta Thrashers @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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Price's confidence is low, no doubt.

That said, Martin's post-game conference indicated that he had little problem with the way Carey played - made some great saves to keep them in it early. What Martin was more worried about was the attackers not hustling back to assist the defenders.

And that's straight from the coaches maw.

A good ploy by Martin. Coaches should always defend their players, especially when that player wants to succeed and needs confidence. In fact, it probably wouldn't hurt for Martin to repeat the message that 'Carey is playing great' over and over. Play up the positives. Act like the negatives don't exist or else are minor blips of no concern. Anything to get the kid feeling better about things. I remember reading somewhere that during the dynasty era, when the goalie was struggling the team superstars would allow themselves to be stoned by him in practice - which would levae the G thinking, "hey, I just stoned Lafleur/Beliveau, etc., I must be hot stuff." Maybe Cammalleri should allow Price to rob him a few times.

Anyway, that Martin says it doesn't make it true. (Yes, he's right about the team D, but not so much about Price's performances). Price has been adequate in a league where most goalies are more than adequate. "Adequate" goaltending can cut it in Detroit circa 2007, but not on a team with as many limitations as ours, as unfair as that may be for Price.

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Price's confidence is low, no doubt.

That said, Martin's post-game conference indicated that he had little problem with the way Carey played - made some great saves to keep them in it early. What Martin was more worried about was the attackers not hustling back to assist the defenders.

And that's straight from the coaches maw.

I agree. He didn't look good, but as I said before, he wasn't at fault for 3 goals. It was the returning forward not picking up his man.

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A good ploy by Martin. Coaches should always defend their players, especially when that player wants to succeed and needs confidence. In fact, it probably wouldn't hurt for Martin to repeat the message that 'Carey is playing great' over and over. Play up the positives. Act like the negatives don't exist or else are minor blips of no concern. Anything to get the kid feeling better about things. I remember reading somewhere that during the dynasty era, when the goalie was struggling the team superstars would allow themselves to be stoned by him in practice - which would levae the G thinking, "hey, I just stoned Lafleur/Beliveau, etc., I must be hot stuff." Maybe Cammalleri should allow Price to rob him a few times.

Anyway, that Martin says it doesn't make it true. (Yes, he's right about the team D, but not so much about Price's performances). Price has been adequate in a league where most goalies are more than adequate. "Adequate" goaltending can cut it in Detroit circa 2007, but not on a team with as many limitations as ours, as unfair as that may be for Price.

I disagreee Cucumber. Watch the game again. Price did not look good in the last two periods, but he only actually let one bad goal in. Those goals were due to having 1 or even 2 loose guys in front of the net. Cross crease passes, I mean how is that Carey's fault? I will not defend him and say that he played great, but 4 of the 5 goals which were scored were the fault of the forwards. Where is the acountability to those guys. Don't even blame the defensemen. They were fighting their guy with the puck behind the net. Blame the forward for not taking their guy.

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But 'one bad goal' in a one-goal game spells a one-goal loss. Is it all his fault? Of course not! Has he been a total disaster? Of course not.

Has he been as good as the goalies we're facing? Generally speaking: of course not. Which is kinda significant, I'd say.

Come on. Look at Price's win-loss record, his GAA and his save % and tell me that everything is Jim Dandy in Price-land. He makes lots of saves but also gives up about one bad goal per game; and he also fails, with some frequency, to make the big save at the key moment. This is, as I say, 'adequate.' But most teams have better than adequate goaltending. Therein lies a significant part of the problem.

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Just the fact that people are blaming Price confirms that many people on this board either don't know much about hockey or only see what they want to see. Period.

How ironic!!! Look in the mirror, buddy...

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Anyone else think that the Habs might be doing to Price what the rangers did to Blackburn???

I hope not. Carey definitely has the talent. He's just lost all his confidence right now, and we all know that goalies can be fragile between the ears...it's all about confidence when you play in nets!

I hope the Habs won't ###### him up too much!

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I disagreee Cucumber. Watch the game again. Price did not look good in the last two periods, but he only actually let one bad goal in. Those goals were due to having 1 or even 2 loose guys in front of the net. Cross crease passes, I mean how is that Carey's fault? I will not defend him and say that he played great, but 4 of the 5 goals which were scored were the fault of the forwards. Where is the acountability to those guys. Don't even blame the defensemen. They were fighting their guy with the puck behind the net. Blame the forward for not taking their guy.

plus 1...

I think people are too focused on his goals or saves, instead of how he is playing. He typically starts strong and then once a goal goes in, he is down and deep, a sure sign of a lack of confidence. I am was not happy with his play most of the night. He has stretches where he is better, but it is not consistent.

On sportsnet they called it "playing lazy". ie.. down and in the butterfly as soon as he is unsure of the play. He has to stay up and stop making the first move all the time.

Seriously guys, Price is not playing well and frankly, while he has shown flashes of brilliance, so have a lot of goalies that went no where. I really think Gainey has to make a call on Price soon. If he is sold that he can get it together, then trade Halak for a vet who can help Price with the biggest weakness to his game.. his head. I really believes he needs that mentor to take the pressure off.

I don't think this "two young goalies battling it out" is going to work to turn Price into a top goalie in this league. I also don't think handing him the keys is going to work. He has to work with a vet who is capable of playing for us, but is not a threat to Price long term.

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well it is sure nice to see you never make personal attacks. You really know how to win friends and influence people don;'t you?

And just why are you sticking your nose in here? ForumGhost made the comment, not you. And I merely suggested that what he was saying about others on this site, could be applied to him also. So, according to you, when he says it, it's not a personal attack, but when I do, it is?!!!

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Just the fact that people are blaming Price confirms that many people on this board either don't know much about hockey or only see what they want to see. Period

General statement toward large group of people who are saying something that he doesn't agree with.

How ironic!!! Look in the mirror, buddy...

Direct quote with nice derogratory "Buddy..." attached for good measure.

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