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GAME THREAD: Wings @ Canadiens


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Well back to the game post, What is up with all the lazy feaking penalties? It's about time to start benching people for all the dumb penalties.

The one thing i really like about the team now is they play hard until the end, if they started better it would be nice but you have to like the work these guys are doing especially with all the injuries.

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Well back to the game post, What is up with all the lazy feaking penalties? It's about time to start benching people for all the dumb penalties.

The one thing i really like about the team now is they play hard until the end, if they started better it would be nice but you have to like the work these guys are doing especially with all the injuries.

I hear ya there. The Habs are the most penalized team in the league and have the fewest penalties called for them.... almost time for a conspiracy theory or two :lol:

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Gomez will go in the books as Bob's worst trade setting the team back a few more years.

Terrible. Wait ... I can hear the Rangers laughing at us.

He has to be the most overated player right now with that contract.

The Rangers still have two more that are worse contracts in Drury and Redden.

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Gomez is overpaid, but the worst trade? come on, if you don't like him fine, he does have more cups then any current habs player (minus Gionta) and last years team as well. He does plenty of good things on the ice and is a winner.

Can he score more? Absolutely, is he exooected to yes.

He is better then the buch they got rid of.

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So Vinny for Plex, both Kosty's and a Weber/Subban type?


Are you insane?

Plex is scoring more than Vinny and has more use as well. Best case scenario considering his contract and performance is Plex and SK (or Carle) with a pick, or Plex and Weber.

I said if I was TAMPA that's what I'd be asking for - especially since bob has a habit of overpaying and even if he did overpay for Vinny the French media would finally be happy with gainey, even though such a move would be another Gainey blunder.

If I was in bob gainey's shoes I wouldn't touch Vinny with a 10 foot pole. The ONLY I way I would ever consider trading for Vinny was if Tampa was willing to trade him straight up for Gomez - and the only reason that Lawton might be dumb enough to do that is that while the cap hits for the two are simar for the next 5 years, vinny is do a LOT more money during that period then what is due to Gomez AND on top of that vinny has ANOTHER 5 years.

Hovever, given vinny's contract, I wouldn't wa t to be stuck with an anchor that is going to drag the franchise further down to mediocarity. With his current contract Vinny can no longer EVER be the answer for montreal and it's time people understand that and move on.

I do think the habs need to unload gomez and sign plex and then find another offensive centre, but vinny is NOT the answer!!

Besides if vinny wanted to play in montreal, all he had to do was wait a year rather then signing a lifetime deal with Tampa. He clearly has/had no interest in playing in Montreal.

Edited by hab29RETIRED
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That isn't the way you can build anything except for the Leafs farm system.... a full 23 man roster of big non-talented players.

Why rely on luck just to get a 3rd-4th liner, they are the easiest to sign UFA.

Luck would be if 1 of the large players becomes a top 6 guy. With no luck you at least get large 3rd and 4th line guys.

Yes, the Habs would have the Laffs farm team. However, what you fail to realize is that the Habs already have 3 top 6 guys signed long term. Bob needs to sign Pleks long term, and possibly A Kosts, or trade them for somebody the Habs need who is singed long term, like Vinny. With 4 top 6 forwards signed long term they'd only need 2 more, which they probably already have right now. The Laffs have 1 top 6 30+ goal forwards signed long term, so dont be daft suggesting the Habs will become the Laffs if they draft nothing but large guys for 2 years. The Habs and Laffs are in completely different situations last time I checked.

Do you realize how few 18 year olds are 6'4, 225 pounds? Maybe one per draft?

Who cares how big they are? We want good players, otherwise we would just sign a bunch of sumo wrestlers and be done with it.

If you want to watch Smurfs, go to Smurf village. Seriously the Habs already have the highly skilled small guys locked up long term. What are they lacking? ummm, could it be size?

1 per draft? Are you kidding me? Price is basically that size, and he's a G. There was 2 guys in the 2009 1st rnd that are pretty much that size (6'3" 220 lbs), and hard to beleive, a G in the 2nd rnd that size, and if I keep looking I'm sure theres a lot more. Just because the Habs dont have any doesnt mean that none exist. Plus they dont have to be that exact size, its just an example, its not written in stone, just large players who are actually large and not a complete joke being called large. Oh ya, never mind. me bad, I forgot, the Habs have Patches. He's huge, Pierre McGuire says so. :rolleyes:

Players like Patches, and Malkin etc, you know they'll never put on the weight to be large. They dont have the body type. Draft players who do have the body types to become 220+ lbs when they are in the early to mid 20's. Unlike Patches, Malkin at least has the height. 6'2" is the high end of average sized guys. Why not draft some tall large mean Gargamel's to go with our long term Smurfs? Is it really that crazy bad of an idea? :wacko:

The sad truth is that if Moen was sent to Hamilton he could be the crap out of the entire team, and he's only 6'2" 215 lbs. Moen isnt even really big, he's just big among Smurfs. Are you really going to try to tell me Moen is a deterrent? Theres lots of NHLers who could put a beat down on Moen. Only 1 or 2 Habs could go toe to toe with Moen. Moes has been great, and the Habs have nobody who could possibly replace just his size.

The Habs D prospects are coming, so where the hell are the big guys they need? The Habs already have enough 5'-10" 185 lbs prospects to get them to 2015 but lets draft more Smurfs because drafting big guys is dumb? :puke:

Are ya's sure aboot that? ^_^

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Gomez will go in the books as Bob's worst trade setting the team back a few more years.

Terrible. Wait ... I can hear the Rangers laughing at us.

He has to be the most overated player right now with that contract.

Gomez brought Mara Gionta Cammalleri Moen and will bring others.

He plays against the top defenders and that surely has helped Plekanec.

I agree Gomez needs to produce more points but the trade was a good one.

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