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Everything posted by Dalhabs

  1. At the moment I want Yzer... No thats old draft. I mean I like Eiserman. Im ok if we get a Brett Hull.
  2. Thing is if we didnt draft Price Im sure we pick Brule or Skille...
  3. Kapanen two more goals.
  4. Worst case Josh Anderson? Best case Tkachuck?
  5. I think Mailloux was saved abit by the bigger scandal from 2018 hockey canada being revealed. Media forgot about him because the other story was so much bigger.
  6. I don't understand your hatred for him? Is it because he made Bergevin look even more useless? He got offered 6M$!!! I dont blame him for taking it but Im sure he will never return here because he would be booed every night he doesnt score a goal.
  7. The son of Andrei Kovalenko (from a certain trade) is playing first game for Colorado tonight.
  8. Caufields contract makes him almost untouchable. Signed longterm to a very nice amount
  9. For the Ducks to concider this we have to switch the Winnipeg pick for at least our first next year or maybe even our first this year. Im sure they will get better offers than that for Zegras.
  10. I hope this is the last season we are hoping to end up 5th from the bottom in a long time. Lets hope its wild card battle next year. I want to hope for wins.
  11. I hope Engström wins the swedish Championship. They are such a story. Just barely making the playoffs then sweeping two of the favourites to go to the finals.
  12. Problem with rempe is he doesn't really win his fights....
  13. Wouldnt be surprised if Calgary drafts Iginla.
  14. I think it was Serge Savard that traded for Recchi though....
  15. Engströms Rögle still tied with Färjestad after 5 periods. Waiting for 6th period now. If Rögle win they are up 3-0 in the series.
  16. Heres to Bruins or Leafs signing him and he goes back to the Drouin we all (well most of us anyway) remember.
  17. Filip Eriksson called up to Växjo in the SHL-playoffs. https://www.expressen.se/sport/hockey/shl/filip-eriksson-har-gjort-succe-i-nybro-nu-gar-han-in-for-vaxjo-i-slutspelet/
  18. This is dangerous times to be our gm. If the D he trades becomes good top4 players while the ones he keeps kinda busts... Oh man
  19. What happened? Sounds serious. I hope and pray for the best for coach StLouis and his family.
  20. They just advanced to the quarterfinals so they will play for a few more weeks at least.
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