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The only goalie stat that actually matters is wins anyways the other stats are for losers becuase the winner never has to look back on anything else.

Agreed, in all my years of playing recreational goal I'd rather have won 10-9 than lost 1-0 in overtime. Shutouts and save% and GAA are nice perks, but wins are absolutely what it's all about. I'd rather have a goalie who can dig down and win ugly than one who has a pretty save percentage and a losing record any day.

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The only goalie stat that actually matters is wins anyways the other stats are for losers becuase the winner never has to look back on anything else.

Wins are the only TEAM stat that matter. As a goalie stat, it's meaningless unless we're only talking about the playoffs. If you were choosing the goalie for your team, which are you gonna choose? The guy with the most wins or the guy with the best save percentage? Obviously you go with save percentage. Maybe the guy with the most wins was a guy who could barely stop anything, but played on a team that scored so much it didn't matter. Are you really gonna want him rather than the guy who can stop pucks?

most important are wins. that generates confidence and stats will come. I mean, if they'd won 8-6 I'd be more concerned, but 3-2 is okay...

How are wins gonna help his confidence if he's giving up more than 3 goals a game and stopping fewer than 90% of the shots against him? He knows the boys up in Montreal aren't some juggernaut offense and that he needs to stop pucks when he's up there. Winning doesn't help a guy stop pucks, but stopping pucks helps a guy win.

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Wins are important, but would you rather have Patrick Lalime on the Senators and his 40+ wins or Luongo on the Panthers with his 20 wins?

Wins are basically determined by the team you play on. If Huet was on Detroit he would have 10 more wins than he does now doing essentially the same thing.

Same goalie, same performance, different Win total.

If Price wins a game 6-5 and gives up 5 goals on 11 shots is that considered a positive effort? I would much prefer

if Price loses a game 1-0 and stops 45 of 46 shots for his development. He cannot help the team that has been placed in front of him.

He already proved last year that he could take a good team to the next level with the Bulldogs. But taking a bad team and making them mediocre really is hard to notice.

So wins and losses are not my concern at this point in his development. His confidence and fighting the puck are the things I am looking for.

Look at Justin Pogge. The guy is all of a sudden back on track because the Marlies have stacked themselves with AHL veterans.

On the surface his recored of 16-3-4, .910 Save percentage and 2.27 GAA look spectacular. But place it up beside career backup Scott Clemmenson who plays in the same situation

and the numbers don't look so phenomenal. 13-7. .906 and 2.56.

Price has struggled in his return to the AHL and has just begun to rebound in his last 4 games. His numbers will improve I am sure.

Edited by Wamsley01
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Generally GAA and Wins are a function of team performance. Obviously the goalie plays a significant role, but those are the stats most determined by outside factors the goalie can't control (i.e. how good the 20 guys in front of him are). SV% can be skewed to help goalies on bad teams, and also skewed to help goalies with bad rebound control. A goalie who swallows up the rebound consistently will face less shots, and because of this ability, less scoring opportunities. But not all rebounds lead to a scoring chance, they more often lead to more shots that aren't of a high quality.

The simple goalie stats are good reference points but don't always tell the whole story. Even when you break down the stats to more specific matters (rebounds given up, SV% on scoring chances, SV% on PP and PK, etc.), outside factors come into play. The exciting part of goaltending is that you can never predict when a goalie is going to elevate his game or crumble. But you can get a good idea by looking at their history.

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Generally GAA and Wins are a function of team performance. Obviously the goalie plays a significant role, but those are the stats most determined by outside factors the goalie can't control (i.e. how good the 20 guys in front of him are). SV% can be skewed to help goalies on bad teams, and also skewed to help goalies with bad rebound control. A goalie who swallows up the rebound consistently will face less shots, and because of this ability, less scoring opportunities. But not all rebounds lead to a scoring chance, they more often lead to more shots that aren't of a high quality.

The simple goalie stats are good reference points but don't always tell the whole story. Even when you break down the stats to more specific matters (rebounds given up, SV% on scoring chances, SV% on PP and PK, etc.), outside factors come into play. The exciting part of goaltending is that you can never predict when a goalie is going to elevate his game or crumble. But you can get a good idea by looking at their history.

That is why I gather alot from a goalie stepping up in the biggest moments. Price has done it numerous times already. WJC, Calder Cup, First start against the Pens.

Cam Ward had a sub .900 Save percentage and won the Conn Smythe. Roy was a kid who put up a 5.55 GAA in Granby and one year later won the Conn Smythe trophy.

The league is littered with Patrick Lalime's. Guys who had spectacular stats and choked in big games (Lalime's 2 brutal goals to the Leafs in game 7)

Roman Cechmanek put up better numbers than Brodeur in 03 with a 1.83 GAA and a .925 Save Percentage. But the guy was absolutely brutal.

Roman Turek and Brent Johnson put up big numbers with the Blues in the early 2000s, both were garbage.

That is why I don't worship at the altar of Cristobal Huet because he has a .920 percentage.

Stats lie all the time when it comes to goaltending, that is why you see so many cup contenders chances go up in flames when they look at their numbers and expect them to not change in the playoffs.

It is also why you see teams overachieve in the playoffs with a mediocre team and goaltenders with average stats, but have the ability to steal a couple of games.

Edited by Wamsley01
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W/R/T Huet, I don't think he's had much of a chance to prove one way or another if he is one of those goalies or not. He plays for a lousy national squad in international tourneys, played in the Swiss league for a lot of his development, didn't get a full playoffs in the AHL and has had one NHL playoff experience where the team lost to the Champs without their captain and then top centremen for all 4 losses. Hopefully we find out this post-season if Huet can deliver.

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W/R/T Huet, I don't think he's had much of a chance to prove one way or another if he is one of those goalies or not. He plays for a lousy national squad in international tourneys, played in the Swiss league for a lot of his development, didn't get a full playoffs in the AHL and has had one NHL playoff experience where the team lost to the Champs without their captain and then top centremen for all 4 losses. Hopefully we find out this post-season if Huet can deliver.

Yeah, he hasn't had his stage yet. But I am wary, he started off his Canadiens career looking elite. Other than 2006 though I haven't really seen him raise the team above their level.

I think the elite goalie's are able to mask deficincies in their teams. I don't see that with Huet. He has his chance to prove me wrong in the next 3-4 months.

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Yeah, he hasn't had his stage yet. But I am wary, he started off his Canadiens career looking elite. Other than 2006 though I haven't really seen him raise the team above their level.

I think the elite goalie's are able to mask deficincies in their teams. I don't see that with Huet. He has his chance to prove me wrong in the next 3-4 months.

I fully agree with you. I won't say that Huet is not an elite keeper, but I will say that he's never shown it to me over the long term and I thought he was very weak in his lone NHL playoffs. One good thing is, barring another injury he's well on his way to breaking his 42 game per season ceiling. If he can get 50-60 games in while playing well and staying healthy, it'll go a long way towards removing his 'fragile goalie" label.

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English - Price keeps up his morale in Hamilton

Français - Price garde le moral à Hamilton

A report from Roland Melanson - Sounds like Price might be recalled to the Habs within the week

LOL, I love these translations

"But he can not always play in a context of strong emotions."

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So if Price is getting called up it just proves that he is absolutely, 100%, without question ahead of Halak on the depth chart and that they are willing to risk losing or ruining Halak if it means they can develop Price to his full potential.

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So if Price is getting called up it just proves that he is absolutely, 100%, without question ahead of Halak on the depth chart and that they are willing to risk losing or ruining Halak if it means they can develop Price to his full potential.

Look at it this way, Price has done everything he has been told with a positive attitude. His potential is down right scary. He was a 1st round draft pick. Halak is a 9th round pick who has allegedly asked to be moved if he's not played, a 22 year old making these demands! Halak has played a whopping 40 minutes in the near month since being called up. I seriously doubt anyone in the Habs organization has EVER put Halak above Price on the depth chart. Who knows what the future will bring however. To me Price just needs a little more consistency and he'll be fine. I've been guaranteeing my Leaf fan buddy's for 3 weeks that Price will be called back up just in time to stone the Leafs again...let's hope I was right all along :lol:

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Look at it this way, Price has done everything he has been told with a positive attitude. His potential is down right scary. He was a 1st round draft pick. Halak is a 9th round pick who has allegedly asked to be moved if he's not played, a 22 year old making these demands! Halak has played a whopping 40 minutes in the near month since being called up. I seriously doubt anyone in the Habs organization has EVER put Halak above Price on the depth chart. Who knows what the future will bring however. To me Price just needs a little more consistency and he'll be fine. I've been guaranteeing my Leaf fan buddy's for 3 weeks that Price will be called back up just in time to stone the Leafs again...let's hope I was right all along :lol:

Of course, but before, some people though Price's demotion was a punishment and proof that he didn't belong in the NHL. Now, we can be pretty sure (if he really does get called up, anyway) that he was only demoted because there were no back-to-back games coming up - so they're going to let Price play in Hamilton while Halak rides the bench in Montreal.

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It is Price for sure.

This proves it though as Price will play the Leafs which are the most pressure filled games of the season no matter what place either team is in. Price is clutch.

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Rollie the Goalie was recently quoted as saying Price needs to play 50 games this year. He's at 29 (19 NHL, 10 AHL).

I think it's reasonable to assume that Price may get a few games here in the NHL before being shipped back to the AHL at some point. This could be as much about keeping Halak sharp and some game action as getting Price a game or two back at the NHL level. I don't think this move is permanent, but I do think Price will play vs. Toronto, which is like playing an AHL team anyways.

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