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Habs vs Sens...


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People who thought Kovalev was leaving without a goal are really stupid

Kovyyyyyyyy woohoooooo!

I loved Kovalev on our team. He's a perfectionist , so he can get thrown off track, but I always thought he was a good guy..and brilliant to watch. Good for him.

This is starting to annoy me from Martin: Habs are down in the 3rd, they need to open the play up and shorten the bench. What does he do: send his sucky 4th line and keeps asking short-pass low-risk hockey.


I'll bet it ain't a lot of fun to be a coach some nights..

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Its still early, but if we don't make the playoffs, its bye bye time for Gainey.. not many GMs get to remake a team twice and survive with these results...

Ah c'mon, how is that relevant? the playoffs are in 6 months.

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Our D cannot clear the zone or make a first pass to save their life. Spacek, I dunno whats up with him, but he is not playing well, I don't know what he was brought in to do.

Also, why the hell do the forwards even pass the puck back to the D if they are just gonna dump it back in the corner, then we eventually lose it.

For the first time this season I am worried...worried about our D, worried about our scoring, but not about our goaltending.

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two wins five losses no alarm bells yet but are we really anything better than a middle of the pack club, at best? sheesh i invested five seasons of faith and patience for this?

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Ah c'mon, how is that relevant? the playoffs are in 6 months.

As I said.. it is early,... IF we don't..

the point is that Gainey had the rare opportunity to complete remake his team after what can only be called a disasters.. so far, we have two over time wins and 5 loses... The team doesn't look any better then last year, in fact worse. Markov is killing us, I grant you, but still...

So I repeat.. this is Bob's last chance, imo. I just don't see him surviving if this team doesn't make a radical turn around.

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I predicted a first-half crisis, but I didn't expect it this early. :puke:

What's frustrating is that this team has dominated its opponents for significant stretches more than once this season. It happened against Colorado, and in the first period tonight - and yet we failed to come out with more than a one-goal lead. All it takes then is a bad bounce (Colorado) or penalty trouble (Ottawa) and you're scrambling. This is a universal problem in hockey: if you dominate for a long stretch and don't get rewarded, the air goes out of the balloon and you're in trouble.

I have NO doubt that with Markov we'd be at least .500 at this point. But that doesn't do us any good.

As it stands, this team may have too many of the same kind of player up front. This was flagged all along as a potential problem, but I think our offensive impotence is a bit surprising and best explained in those terms. It's too *easy* to play against a team that is throwing the same kind of attackers at you shift after shift. Contrast that with, say, Boston last season, which hurled Lucic, Ryder, Kessel, and Savard - all fundamentally different kinds of players - at you. Makes it hard to develop a single game plan for defensive purposes.

To be competitive on the 'same kind of player' model, maybe you need to be like Detroit, throwing SO many players of elite or near-elite calibre at the opposition that they're simply overwhelmed. As it is we can't do that.

Just a theory.

Beyond that, Spacek is trying but he just isn't good enough to serve as a #1 D-man in Markov's absence. He could prove to be Gainey's biggest off-season mistake. That Cam Barker idea looks better and better.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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I think we should throw the season, buy out everyone but Gionta and Markov, and suck for the next 5 years. It worked for chicago, pitts, and washington. Screw this mediocrity. I usually don't get upset, but I am now. That is enough.

Edited by BCHabnut
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I'll bet it ain't a lot of fun to be a coach some nights..

Maybe not, but it's his team. He's basically starting from scratch. Tonight there was only 8 regular players dressed remaining from last season's team. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Everybody else came this summer or are call-ups.

What I'm seeing is a mix of bad luck, stress, lack of chemistry and a couple of young players not up to par. What worries me the most right now are the special units. Both needs to improve.

Every game has been pretty tight (except the blow out against Vancouver), so I'm thinking the players are getting very frustrated to always end up on the losing side of games they could easily have won. One game where they score more and get a comfortable 2 or 3 goals lead could change it all.

There is some positives. Plekanec is a changed man & Kostitsyn finally seems to want to involve himself physically and keep it simple.

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Maybe not, but it's his team. He's basically starting from scratch. Tonight there was only 8 regular players dressed remaining from last season's team. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Everybody else came this summer or are call-ups.

What I'm seeing is a mix of bad luck, stress, lack of chemistry and a couple of young players not up to par. What worries me the most right now are the special units. Both needs to improve.

Every game has been pretty tight (except the blow out against Vancouver), so I'm thinking the players are getting very frustrated to always end up on the losing side of games they could easily have won. One game where they score more and get a comfortable 2 or 3 goals lead could change it all.

All true. But right now we're 'finding ways to lose.' If that doesn't change soon it won't matter what we do.

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There's a potential puck moving D in Berg in the minors, me personally I'd bring up Subban.

Subban is not ready... I watched him a lot in Belleville and I have huge hopes for him.. but he needs time in the AHL. let's not ruin the kid.

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Heh there's good reason I'm not a GM. I can still dream of Subban, the D besides Gorges and Hamrlik, and recently Belle always seem flat footed, and never able to add to the offense.

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All true. But right now we're 'finding ways to lose.' If that doesn't change soon it won't matter what we do.

Losing is good. Throw the season. Buy out all the bums, oompa loompas, Alcoholic headcase goalies, no good 4th line prospects, useless matrix defensemen, no heart europeans, the stick boy, everybody. Bring up the Cincinati cyclones and throw the next 3 years. Screw it. Fire timmons and gainey and get some CANADIAN OHL, QMJHL,WHL, elite big beautiful handed players.

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Pierre McGuire, you know, the annoying bald guy with glasses. Has always suggested that Latendresses development was forever screwed because he didnt start in the minors. I'm starting to think he's got a point.

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