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2011-12 NHL Season Thread


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I thought it was a pretty good game, I suspect some of the hype state-side may have had to do with the game being the inaugural broadcast of the new Versus channel, NBC Sports Network.

There was a small trade today, Anaheim sending Nicolas Deschamps to the Leafs for Luca Caputi. I remember in Deschamps' draft year there were quite a few fans upset that the Habs didn't find a way to get him in the 2nd round. I also remember the Habs saying they'd have taken him had they kept their 1st that year...boy did Montreal dodge a bullet there, given that he was dealt for a guy available on waivers a couple months ago.

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There was a small trade today, Anaheim sending Nicolas Deschamps to the Leafs for Luca Caputi. I remember in Deschamps' draft year there were quite a few fans upset that the Habs didn't find a way to get him in the 2nd round. I also remember the Habs saying they'd have taken him had they kept their 1st that year...boy did Montreal dodge a bullet there, given that he was dealt for a guy available on waivers a couple months ago.

And a guy who can't score on Frank D'Angelo.

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And a guy who can't score on Frank D'Angelo.

Is that one of the lamest commercials out there or what? It always sends Don Cherry into a tirade - Zigomanis would be the Leafs' saviour this year...despite the fact no one else thought he's an NHL'er either.

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Is that one of the lamest commercials out there or what? It always sends Don Cherry into a tirade - Zigomanis would be the Leafs' saviour this year...despite the fact no one else thought he's an NHL'er either.

"Lamest commercial" is being kind. Frank D'Angelo has got to be the biggest douchebag on the planet.

He has a huge ego, less than mediocre talents, and friends with money. Check out his youtube channel if you can handle on onslaught of doucheyness.

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Is that one of the lamest commercials out there or what? It always sends Don Cherry into a tirade - Zigomanis would be the Leafs' saviour this year...despite the fact no one else thought he's an NHL'er either.

Disclaimer: I DON'T listen to HNIC's Coaches Corner :bonk: , BUT this past week (too slow on the remote....) Caught the initital promo, and I thought it was sponsered by Cheeta power-surge (drink whatever it's called)...................

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"Lamest commercial" is being kind. Frank D'Angelo has got to be the biggest douchebag on the planet.

He has a huge ego, less than mediocre talents, and friends with money. Check out his youtube channel if you can handle on onslaught of doucheyness.

I actually like him for his odd quirkiness (I remember him singing at an Als-Argos game, terribly might I add). Before the Cheetah motorcycle commercials came back out, I remember sitting wondering what happened to him.

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Speaking of suspensions, if a couple of bruins (lucic and marchand) aren't suspended come Monday something just ain't right.

Well... I just watched the scrap and Lucic certainly doesn't deserve any more suspension than the game misconduct he already received.

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Agreed, Lucic didn't leave the bench.... not in the traditional way which is an automatic 10 gamer.

Marchand deserves something.... 3 time repeat offender too... suspended near the end of last season, fined this season.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Speaking of concussions

I think Ferrence just killed McDonaugh..

It's bad when there's a spectrum of dirty Boston hits, and that I can rank this one as "not the worst one".

Clearly a hitting from behind call, at full-speed no less... but it looks like Ference taking McDonagh's knee so he falls head-first into the boards that really make this a dangerous play.

I wonder if the media will make a big deal about Ference "turtling"? :rolleyes:


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Speaking of concussions, the bug has hit Philly again as Briere is out indefinitely due to one. Also, a trade yesterday as Alexei Ponikarovsky (after listening to Don Cherry butcher his name for so many years, I keep thinking at first it actually is 'Pocahonsky') is off to the Devils for a minor league d-man and a 4th.

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Tim Thomas refuses to go to the White House to be honored by the President... classy stuff.. turn it political and get more negative attention on the NHL. Just go, smile, and accept the congratulations with your team.

I wonder if Thomas realizes that Obama probably doesn't like the Bruins any more then Thomas doesn't like him... :)

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Tim Thomas refuses to go to the White House to be honored by the President... classy stuff.. turn it political and get more negative attention on the NHL. Just go, smile, and accept the congratulations with your team.

I wonder if Thomas realizes that Obama probably doesn't like the Bruins any more then Thomas doesn't like him... :)

Meh, good on him for taking a stand.

I probably disagree with him politically, but I can't disparage him for feeling like going there would be against his beliefs.

I just wish it had happened with the previous president as well.

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Meh, good on him for taking a stand.

I probably disagree with him politically, but I can't disparage him for feeling like going there would be against his beliefs.

I just wish it had happened with the previous president as well.

Well that is where I disagree.. I don't think that is any place to make a statement. He is an employee of the NHL on what amounts to a media event... its not the place for him to insert his political protest.

This is about the "office of the President" offering congrats to the team. I am sure many players in the past have disagreed with the standing president, but they showed up anyway.

Funny how it is just this president that seems to be shown such disrespect. I have a feeling this isn't about a disagreement on economic policy.. i wonder what it might be.....

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Well that is where I disagree.. I don't think that is any place to make a statement. He is an employee of the NHL on what amounts to a media event... its not the place for him to insert his political protest.

This is about the "office of the President" offering congrats to the team. I am sure many players in the past have disagreed with the standing president, but they showed up anyway.

Funny how it is just this president that seems to be shown such disrespect. I have a feeling this isn't about a disagreement on economic policy.. i wonder what it might be.....

"I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People," Thomas' statement read. "This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government."

"Because I believe this," the statement continued, "today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL."

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Unfortunately, Tim Thomas just turned this into a political event and over shadowed his whole team on the day they should be celebrated. I can't wait for Newt to be president and 80 percent of the next team decides they won't go. End of invites to the White House...

Some people seem to confuse rights with politeness. Of course he has a right not to go, but that doesn't mean it is the polite thing to do, or the fair thing to his team mates.

By the way, he says he blames both sides, but I bet if it was Romney in office, or Bush, he would be there with bells on.

oh man !!! Just found out about the existence of Heidi Androl, the girl who used to be "on the beat" for the L.A. Kings.

Would you please marry me ?!?!?!


Only if she is a small government francophone... :rofl:

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