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Habs @ Edmonton, March 8 21:30


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Patch with 30 is just further proof of the great young talent this team has.

Subban also had a hell of a game and got his 30th point of the year.

This team can be turned around next season with a couple key pieces

Just get Galchenyuk damnit

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Patch with 30 is just further proof of the great young talent this team has.

Subban also had a hell of a game and got his 30th point of the year.

This team can be turned around next season with a couple key pieces

Just get Galchenyuk damnit

Galchenyuk or Grigs I think its fine either way.

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Great to see Pac score 30.

Yes it's the first power forward who can score that's been developed here in I don't know how long.He's absolutely the first player i'd try to lock up long term,ahead of P.K and Price. It's good to see the habs win. I am apathetic to them,but I will never root for the Habs to lose. Anyone who does openly is a lame excuse for a Montreal Canadien fan.

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Yes it's the first power forward who can score that's been developed here in I don't know how long.He's absolutely the first player i'd try to lock up long term,ahead of P.K and Price. It's good to see the habs win. I am apathetic to them,but I will never root for the Habs to lose. Anyone who does openly is a lame excuse for a Montreal Canadien fan.

Well said.

I rate Subban ahead of Pacioretty, mainly because I believe so deeply in building from the blueline. For all his travails this season, PK is an absolute monster of a young defenceman who will dominate in this league once he hits his stride. But yeah, good for Patches! - what a great kid and great young player. :thumbs_up: We haven't had a troika of young studsof the calibre of him, Subban and Price for as long as I can remember.

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Nice win against the Oilers, losing all remaining games wasn't realistic anyway. Look at all that young talent in Edmonton, and they still can't get it together. They need time. Makes me concerned about the possibility of a "fast" rebuild. As the Russian teenagers being looked at in the draft thread will need time as well. Hopefully the one we select won't be a bust. It's such a strange feeling being out of contention this early. Can we fast forward to the draft, and the opening of free agency? A lot of work to be done.

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Yes it's the first power forward who can score that's been developed here in I don't know how long.He's absolutely the first player i'd try to lock up long term,ahead of P.K and Price. It's good to see the habs win. I am apathetic to them,but I will never root for the Habs to lose. Anyone who does openly is a lame excuse for a Montreal Canadien fan.

Ya they need to lock this guy up. Cole has. Een so good for this guy's developement I think.

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Nice win against the Oilers, losing all remaining games wasn't realistic anyway. Look at all that young talent in Edmonton, and they still can't get it together. They need time. Makes me concerned about the possibility of a "fast" rebuild. As the Russian teenagers being looked at in the draft thread will need time as well. Hopefully the one we select won't be a bust. It's such a strange feeling being out of contention this early. Can we fast forward to the draft, and the opening of free agency? A lot of work to be done.

Yeah, we all get the pain. I can see us going .500 for the rest of the season if Markov gets back. It will be a nightmare if Toronto slips past us and picks ahead of us.

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We don't need a rebuild. We need some significant adjustments. So there is no analogy to be drawn with Edmonton, which is a case study in the challenges and uncertainties involved in a genuine rebuild, and one of many examples of why those who have long advocated a serious 'tank job' in Montreal are misguided. Finishing last five years in a row does not guarantee a Cup. For that matter, of our Big Three young players Price, Subban, Patches) only one was a top-5 pick. I certainly see the case for 'tanking' this season, but as for a wider, comprehensive rebuild? No thanks!

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We don't need a rebuild. We need some significant adjustments. So there is no analogy to be drawn with Edmonton, which is a case study in the challenges and uncertainties involved in a genuine rebuild, and one of many examples of why those who have long advocated a serious 'tank job' in Montreal are misguided. Finishing last five years in a row does not guarantee a Cup. For that matter, of our Big Three young players Price, Subban, Patches) only one was a top-5 pick. I certainly see the case for 'tanking' this season, but as for a wider, comprehensive rebuild? No thanks!

One year is fine but gotta stay top 3 to get another elite fwd for sure. (top 3 can fall to 4th, 4 elite fwds in this draft)

I realize you might get a D drafted in the top 4 and the fwds might be there at 5, 6 or even 7 but I like guarantees.

Also I like 3rd cause it lets Timmins pick between 2 or more guys

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Great to see Pac score 30.

One of the few bright spots on the season, and on the anniversary of the Chara stanchion. Gotta love this kid.

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