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The Official Funny Youtube Video Thread


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I'm not sure how far to push the envelope on this thread. There are definitely some videos that are hilarious but might be offensive to some.

Here ya go!


1. Have fun. Dont take yourself too seriously

2. Respect. No racism/racial-slurs/prejudice/personal provocation/foul language, etc.

3. Content. No spamming, links to BS websites, no sexual content or links

4: Quality. No post padding! (Quality before Quantity). And try to post your

message/threads in the right board (Example : Do NOT introduce yourself on the "Habs

Talk" board), those threads will be moved/deleted. Do not overuse smilies.

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I'm not even going to ask how you found that...but very funny nonethless. By the way, I really, REALLY want pink hair now. ^_^

It was in the AIM profile of a guy I knew from college. I'm guessing someone ran across the video and sent it to him since he was an official member of the Chipmates. What the hell is a Chipmate you might ask? Well, there were three people on the floor who always had Kroger brand chocolate chip cookies. The package had a pirate on it, so we combined "chip" with "shipmate" to get "chipmates." They named the pirate logo "Chester, the gay pirate bastard." :lol:

Actually, come to think of it, I found it in the profile of someone else, who linked to this other guy's profile. He thought the video was a good tribute to the Pittsburgh Pirates when they swept the Cardinals last season, keeping the Reds in first place for the time being.

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It was in the AIM profile of a guy I knew from college. I'm guessing someone ran across the video and sent it to him since he was an official member of the Chipmates. What the hell is a Chipmate you might ask? Well, there were three people on the floor who always had Kroger brand chocolate chip cookies. The package had a pirate on it, so we combined "chip" with "shipmate" to get "chipmates." They named the pirate logo "Chester, the gay pirate bastard." :lol:

Actually, come to think of it, I found it in the profile of someone else, who linked to this other guy's profile. He thought the video was a good tribute to the Pittsburgh Pirates when they swept the Cardinals last season, keeping the Reds in first place for the time being.

You expect me to believe that? :lol:

Don't worry, we all have our guilty pleasures. :P

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This one isn't funny but is the most inspiring vid I've seen to date.

Very cool...but damn, he needs dancing lessons. :blink:

You think I could make a story like that up? lol

Here's another good one:

Ahahaha! Very great.

Here's another pretty funny one. Suggestive, but no nudity. The end is the best! ^_^

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I think you missed something last summer, it circulated already in this board(the thing about the Bot). But yeah DOTA is his new single. How Foolish! Maybe it's Doktor Kosmos :D

But yeah it sticks in your head!

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Haha hilarious, i think i see JLP ;)



(wait till she starts singing, OMG!!)

That one wouldn't load for me. :(

Someone forgot to take his medication... :blink:

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