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2007 MLB Thread


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There was a little over 40K there, it was toonie Tuesday and the Sox are usually a big draw so that helped. I think if the Jays are in contention into July than 35-40k could be a regular crowd...

Were you in the 500 level Trizzak? I was in section 539, right near the left field foul poll.

100 Level, Red Sox bullpen. We were the ones cheering for the scoreboard to come back on when it blanked out (might have been only on our side).

There was also a guy beside me who was heckling everyone from Mike Timlin to the bullpen catcher.

A fairly rowdy bunch all in all. Pretty atmosphere when stuck in the outfield for a pitchers duel.

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most overrated, over hyped rivalry ever. Why does the powers at be ESPN make us the rest of the world have to watch these yanks-sox games when the only people that care about it live in 2 cities. seriously. ENOUGH!!


I care about it and I live in Calgary. You underestimate the size of the fanbases, they're everywhere.

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But someone who is not a fan, will get tired of every single boston-new york game on tv.

Trust me its happen before with the subway series a couple years ago. The ratings plummeted because it was all new york.

Same thing happens when bos-nyy get together. Only people that want to get into the games are the fans and the two cities. Somebody from Arkansas or where ever is going to get tired of seeing the same two teams on tv all the time. Mix it up. The media treats these two teams when they meet like its the world series or the most important match up of all time. Its annoying and it must stop.

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most overrated, over hyped rivalry ever. Why does the powers at be ESPN make us the rest of the world have to watch these yanks-sox games when the only people that care about it live in 2 cities. seriously. ENOUGH!!


Is that a record? I thought i heard Dan Shulman say on the radio that it was but i could have sworn the record was 5 or 6...

4 is the record (done like 3 or 4 times)

once before has it been done against 1 pitcher... in 1963

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Well PTG i have to disagree. I hate both teams but am always compelled to watch when they are on TV and am glad that i can see those games.

I would have watched both the saturday and sunday game if the NHL playoffs weren't on at the same time.

I'm curious as to which game you would have rather seen for the sunday nighter?

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Don't really watch baseball anymore.

Its not the game that ticks me off its ESPN going into complete shut down.

All they talked about the entire weekend was Yankees-Sox. Over hyping it saying you must watch it.

No I don't want to watch it, they play another 20 times. geesh.

Its not the game that bothers me its the fact that ESPN goes into over hype mode and ruins it for me.

What did I watch this weekend?

NHL Playoffs

Nascar for a few minutes, (Phoenix is boring, Nascar is generally boring but its live tv)

Toronto Raptors game

a couple innings of the Cards-Cubs game.

MotoGP in Istanbul watched that, most exciting thing of the weekend.

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Don't really watch baseball anymore.

Its not the game that ticks me off its ESPN going into complete shut down.

All they talked about the entire weekend was Yankees-Sox. Over hyping it saying you must watch it.

No I don't want to watch it, they play another 20 times. geesh.

Its not the game that bothers me its the fact that ESPN goes into over hype mode and ruins it for me.

fine, whatever. But why be such a damn buzzkill? You don't watch baseball anymore. Great! There are a ton of people on HW who don't watch baseball and... they don't post about it! There are people here who like baseball - most of them either root for the Red Sox or the Jays. We enjoy talking a bit about baseball - let us have our fun.

Does ESPN overhype the Sox/Yanks? Probably. But: there are probably no 2 MLB bigger ratings draws than the Sox/Yanks... makes sense. Usually, whenever the sox/yanks come to town, stadium attendance goes way up. People want to see these teams. ESPN is getting ratings for sox/yanks.

Sox/Yanks is a great rivalry and almost always leads to great games. I don't care if you are not a fan of either team (basically echoing Quebecois), last weekend's series was fantastic, exciting baseball.

I watch most of these games with my friends who are Athletics and Astros fans respectively. They root for the Sox during the games just for my sake, but you better believe we always have our eyes glued to the games.

Busting up Mariano Rivera for like 4 runs in one appearance? Boring.

Hitting 4 homeruns in a row (tying league record, only second time v. single pitcher)? Yawn

Okajima and Papelbon shutting down the end of games with devastating stuff? I'm so sleepy.

Alex Rodriguez dinging Schilling for 2 bombs in the first game? Whatever.

Andy Petitte in a relief performance? Nothing unordinary.

Comeback after comback after comeback? Who cares.

I'm sorry if you've let ESPN ruin the experience of watching 2 top teams beat the living hell out of each other. We, on the other hand, will sit on the edge of our seats and enjoy. Please do not try to wreck our fun.

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North Carolina-Duke in basketball

Toronto-Montreal hockey



There's a lot of rivalries out there that are just as important that don't get the same coverage.

I rather watch the rivalries above then yanks-sox because its too played out. They don't play once a year, they play 20 times a year. Like I said earlier talk to me in August not April.

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nobody is stopping you from posting about the next NC - Duke Game.

Guess what? I hate college basketball. Bores me to tears. If you post a thread about the NC - Duke rivalry I wont troll in and ruin your fun.

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But someone who is not a fan, will get tired of every single boston-new york game on tv.

Trust me its happen before with the subway series a couple years ago. The ratings plummeted because it was all new york.

Same thing happens when bos-nyy get together. Only people that want to get into the games are the fans and the two cities. Somebody from Arkansas or where ever is going to get tired of seeing the same two teams on tv all the time. Mix it up. The media treats these two teams when they meet like its the world series or the most important match up of all time. Its annoying and it must stop.

How many people can we get to inform you you're wrong. Baseball has completely dropped off my radar since the Expos moved, yet I was compelled to watch the sunday night game. At night 880AM booms out of NY City into Montreal, so one can even listen to the game when driving around in the car. There's a reason why networks like ESPN cover these games to the extent they do, RATINGS. You sound like someone bitter about the east-coast bias. Oh ya, you're from St. Louis, that explains it.

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PTG, Ive never understood why people say that the hype ruined it for them. Same thing happens with the Super Bowl every single year, of course it is overhyped but how does that possibly ruin the experience for anyone?

If you don't want something to be overhyped, then don't watch Sportscentre/PTI/Jim Rome or whatever. During Super Bowl week i read SI articles and the odd article on the internet, but basically ignore all other media, no chance of the idea becoming stale then.

I may live in Canada but i watch PTI quite frequently, the start of their show is almost always Yanks/Sox. I tune in because i don't mind the excess of coverage, but if the hype bothered me, then guess what? I'd change the channel.

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