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xbox NHL 2008 League


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hits are not as good as goals. I got myself out of position on the first goal when I was looking for the big hit - I let you go in solo on my goalie with Smyth. This is also known as dumb D, early Komisarek style.

On the second goal I sent two players to harass your guy behind the net... this allowed Sakic to get open in the slot.

Both your goals came from capitalizing on bad defensive miscues and I deserved the loss. A couple of unsuccessful 2 on 1's don't change the fact that I was outthought at least twice.

I was outhit, outshot and pretty sure I lost 99% of the faceoffs. I was waiting for you to eventually miss someone though so I could send a guy in alone, just happened to be Smyth. I killed myself by doing that in my last game against Fanpuck. I think I missed almost every hit I initiated. So I lucked out on the first goal and the 2nd goal, I just happened to notice Sakic moving into the slot at the last possible second. Have to admit, I was frantic there with 2 guys harassing me behind the net, hehe.

I have now moved up to 2-0 (and REALLY lucky on that one. I'm not sure about Maca but that session was lagging REALLY bad for me).

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Yeah it was killer laggy on my side too, really took away from the game play. My fault, of course. I kinda forgot to turn off all the downloads I had going (The last 3 episodes of Prison Break and 2 of Heroes... I've been missing a lot of television lately).

Shoudln't be that bad next time. It was still a pretty intense game though. I was surprised I even played that well since it was my first game in... erm... over a month maybe. And honestly, I wasn't very good last month either.

Salt on the wound? I played another match before and got my behind handed to me 12-2. Honestly, every shot the guy took was going in. They were all slapshots too. Methinks slapshots are the one-timer of old.

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Only if you bought the Elite.

Hmm, I've bought the XBox with HDMI port but not the Elite. So there isn't a cable alone available right now, just in a package with the Elite?

Btw. Is there already a roster update available for NHL08?

Maybe I'll join the league too as I've set up Live yesterday but right now I should try winning some games in single player mode. :rolleyes:

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I'll join tomorrow night. Studying for a stupid chemistry test right now...... :puke:

Then again I've barely done anything and the Nucks game is starting in an hour..... :unsure:


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Pretty confident for a guy I've beaten twice by 2+ goals. ;)

Well it just dawned on me in the first game today you score every goal on the exact same move. Of course by that time, it was 3 to friggin zip. I haven't won NHL tourneys by fluke though so I think confidence in my skills is warranted. The amount of time I sit there playing games doesn't hurt either.

I'd own you all by the way. Just give me time to buy the game and learn the moves.

I will make it rain.

I really, REALLY doubt that.

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It doesn't even matter if people suck, this is all just for fun (with the exception of friendly trash-talking, hehe). Of course you don't have your 360 so it's all moot.

But if someone is worried they suck? Who cares! Join us anyway and have some fun! The day you get judged as a person on your NHL 08 skills is the day hell freezes over. :lol:

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Mahn, I suck so bad I'm nothin' but lips - G-Unit!

Honestly though, I'm pretty bad but it's still awesome. I just keep hoping I can win something someday so that I could pick up some achievement points. haha

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Well it just dawned on me in the first game today you score every goal on the exact same move. Of course by that time, it was 3 to friggin zip. I haven't won NHL tourneys by fluke though so I think confidence in my skills is warranted. The amount of time I sit there playing games doesn't hurt either.

I only use that strategy till the other team can stop me. ;) You'll notice I took the lead the next game on a non one-timer.

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Well obviously after I noticed that, you didn't manage to pull it off again. Yeah, the other one was a slapshot from the slot. Combined before you cut out though, I was outshooting you 49-13. My goalie not stopping a beach ball is out of my hands.

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Well obviously after I noticed that, you didn't manage to pull it off again. Yeah, the other one was a slapshot from the slot. Combined before you cut out though, I was outshooting you 49-13. My goalie not stopping a beach ball is out of my hands.

You did have a lot of shots, but not a lot of them seemed like quality shots. Huet definitely outplayed Budaj, though.

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You did have a lot of shots, but not a lot of them seemed like quality shots. Huet definitely outplayed Budaj, though.

I'm not pointing out shots as much as a difference in puck posession. 4 goals on 7 shots though is disgusting. And my goalies are always like that, even offline. They'll put me in holes early and I have to work my tail off in the 3rd.

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