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xbox NHL 2008 League


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Where do I get this magical item? Future shop, Canadian Tire, Walmart, Toys R Us, The Bank, corner of Ste Catherine and St. Laurent?

go to Parc Viger at about 3:45am on a friday night. If you just shout out "I got a scratch and the only thing for it is a doctor" you'll be fine.

Or you could go to Future Shop or Walmart.

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BTW - I've let my Gold membership lapse as I go through my final exams. See you all again after the 13th of December.

That just reminded me of the date for mine, it's so awesome. I bought Xbox Live on Christmas Eve last year so now all I have to do is put a new subscription on my Christmas list every year and I won't even have to miss a day.

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go to Parc Viger at about 3:45am on a friday night. If you just shout out "I got a scratch and the only thing for it is a doctor" you'll be fine.

Or you could go to Future Shop or Walmart.

So, what's this miracle stuff do?

You soak the disc in some liquid? Add some salt?

Maybe it's a gelatin and you greese it all over the disc?

A rag with grinded rat applied to the wool?

http://discdoc.com/ ?

http://www.diskdoctor.com.au/ ?

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Well I got my 360 and NHL08 I need to find a way to get the ethernet to tv area now!

My last place had 50 metres of cable running from the modem to the 360 lol.

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My last place had 50 metres of cable running from the modem to the 360 lol.

That's similar to my situation right now. :lol:

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Heck, that's nothing. I have two cable cords and an ethernet cord running from the room next to me into my room. Cable on my computer and TV and then the ethernet for my computer obviously. I'd go wireless, but ever since I got my Wii, the signal kept cutting out and I got sick of it.

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My last place had 50 metres of cable running from the modem to the 360 lol.

Thats exactly how I've got mine running right now. But the wire keeps slipping out from the back of the Xbox because I switch it back and forth from my crappy computer in my room to the xbox.

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Well, I joined. I thought I'd try my luck as Vancouver... Can't wait to get my ass kicked! :D

Vancouver can't have it's ass kicked!!!!! :P


I think that's what going to happen tonight vs the Sharks though....

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Thats exactly how I've got mine running right now. But the wire keeps slipping out from the back of the Xbox because I switch it back and forth from my crappy computer in my room to the xbox.

Looks like it's not even working now - may need to pick up a new cable before I can do any gaming online for any game... gah.

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