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Sundin: will he sign here? (Take 2)

Mats: predict the outcome  

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  1. 1. Are we a-gettin' Big Mats?

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Lang? No thank you, I would much rather wait to see how things shake out with the young guys instead of going with the "Plan F" again.

And, not to go sour grapes or anything, but Gainey also brought up a good point late in that interview - for a 37 year old guy, Sundin better have kept in shape while making his decision this summer. Granted, his fitness/injury history is great, but you can't take things for granted at that stage of his career (and that price tag!).

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Tony Marinaro on team990 said today that a trusted source last night

told him he thinks Sundin will sign with the Habs. Tony's source went

on to say that Sundins lawyers have been looking into tax issues and

because of that he'd be better off signing with a Canadian team.

I have no idea how this is going to end up, I believe retirement is now

an option for the Swede.

But, it wouldn't surprise me if he already had a verbal agreement to

sign with a certain team and has asked the GM to hold off on making

the announcement so he can enjoy the summer and his honeymoon.

Its obvious that the media storm that will ensue if he has agreed to

sign with us will effect his vacation. If it is us, he'll need all the rest

he can get, because we'll be playing into June. :clap:

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For what it's worth, Larry Brooks of the NY Post said on the Fan 590 today that, according to his source, the Rangers haven't heard from Sundin for a couple of weeks, either. This is the same reporter who reported Sundin wanted to be a Ranger a few weeks ago.

Tune in again tomorrow to find out who Sundin hasn't been talking to.

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Well if did trade for a guy like Robert Lang, we could also just bump another veteran like Begin off the lineup. No matter what we do this summer, I still think Kyle Chipchura should have a permanent spot on our roster, the question is simply whether he should play on the third or forth line. That makes us a better team (at least on paper) right there.

Lang is very big, he still had some skills, and he's produced well at even strength throughout his career, again with the Hawks last season. With a guy like Lang in the lineup, we would have three centers capable of producing from 50-70 points, thus making us stronger down the middle, and giving us more depth in case Plekanec or Koivu gets injured.

We could defenitely use another proven centre with some offense if we truly want to contend for the Cup this season. Should we acquire Robert Lang if Sundin doens't sign with Montreal, or simply wait for a better opportunity, that's another question. Personally, I would have no problem either starting the season with the team in place while keeping our ears and options open.

Sundin or a Dman like Schneider or nothing.

Little Kostitsyn is going to be converted to Centre so what the hell.

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A decision has been reached by Sundin. News of this can be found at TSN's main site in the video section. It has not hit TSN/NHL. You have to go to the main TSN.ca site.

According to the blurb, Mats has notified Toronto of intentions. Sounds like he's back in Toronto.

Sportscenter tonight will have a feature. I find it discouraging that Toronto was contacted 1st with decision

Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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A decision has been reached by Sundin. News of this can be found at TSN's main site in the video section. It has not hit TSN/NHL. You have to go to the main TSN.ca site.

According to the blurb, Mats has notified Toronto of intentions. Sounds like he's back in Toronto.

Sportscenter tonight will have a feature. I find it discouraging that Toronto was contacted 1st with decision

I'm seeing nothing, and calling your bluff.


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Ah cripes, Leafs boards are going crazy.

Word is return to Toronto or retirement (else why would he tell the Leafs first?)

*chews fingernails desperately*

Edited by TheAussiePosse
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The rumour "leans" towards Toronto. Take a deep breath because we all know that Dreger always sugarcoats the possible spin happening in Leafy land. His initial assessment of Sundin resigning (before the deal in principle for Sundins rights was acquired by BOb) was with Toronto. Dreger seems to have always given a artificial "tip of the hat" to Leaf fans to get there hopes up or generate news and hits even if it's nonsense. Point is, don't trust Dreger!

Having said that, I should add.....:(

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The rumour "leans" towards Toronto. Take a deep breath because we all know that Dreger always sugarcoats the possible spin happening in Leafy land. His initial assessment of Sundin resigning (before the deal in principle for Sundins rights was acquired by BOb) was with Toronto. Dreger seems to have always given a artificial "tip of the hat" to Leaf fans to get there hopes up or generate news and hits even if it's nonsense. Point is, don't trust Dreger!

Having said that, I should add.....:(

If the Leafs fanbase are elated that Sundin might re-sign with them, then thats

just sad and good for us.

I ain't going to spend a second being upset with Sundin if he signs in Toronto.

It'll then be, lets get on with winning the cup.

I like Schneider, he's elite. If thats plan B, I'm ok with that, but he'll cost

and they won't want Dandenault. I still ok with that.

I'm also ok with Chipchura and Lapierre fighting it out as third line C's. We're

going to make the playoffs, why not give them quality ice-time.

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Just watched it on TSN - big decision is...wait for it...status quo :wall:

What a bunch of clowns. Both "that guy" and Dreger

THe Islanders!!! LOL Yeah, "that guy" is going to sign with a bottom feeder with no direction?

He would go back to Toronto if that was the case.

Classic stupidity from TSN. Why not hire JFJ for expert opinions....oh wait, nevermind

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What a bunch of clowns. Both "that guy" and Dreger

THe Islanders!!! LOL Yeah, "that guy" is going to sign with a bottom feeder with no direction?

He would go back to Toronto if that was the case.

Classic stupidity from TSN. Why not hire JFJ for expert opinions....oh wait, nevermind

I see your vacation is over. Welcome back Mr. Kotter.

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Sundin or a Dman like Schneider or nothing.

Little Kostitsyn is going to be converted to Centre so what the hell.

I'm not syaing we need to get Lang, but the team would defenitely be a stronger contender with a third proven centre than with a kid like Chipchura, Lapierrwe, or now S.Kostsitsyn.

Talking about that comment, I'm getting a little worried about Gainey and Carboneau's intentions for the upcoming season. The fact that the team is considering moving Sergei Kostsitsyn to centre means that Kyle Chipchura again might not be gettting the chance he deserves, and that some limited forth-line player such as Begin, Kostopoulos, or even worse Dandeneault could be playing on the top three lines.

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Talking about that comment, I'm getting a little worried about Gainey and Carboneau's intentions for the upcoming season. The fact that the team is considering moving Sergei Kostsitsyn to centre means that Kyle Chipchura again might not be gettting the chance he deserves, and that some limited forth-line player such as Begin, Kostopoulos, or even worse Dandeneault could be playing on the top three lines.

From all the posts you've made about Chipchura, I can see that you have a major stiffy for him, and that's all good(i've got one for Komisarek...in a non-gay way!) Anyways, the reason why I bring this up is that from all the scouting reports i've read on the kid, and from what I saw last year, Chipchura has a huge problem. SPEED! He has none! Can he keep up?

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I'm not syaing we need to get Lang, but the team would defenitely be a stronger contender with a third proven centre than with a kid like Chipchura, Lapierrwe, or now S.Kostsitsyn.

Talking about that comment, I'm getting a little worried about Gainey and Carboneau's intentions for the upcoming season. The fact that the team is considering moving Sergei Kostsitsyn to centre means that Kyle Chipchura again might not be gettting the chance he deserves, and that some limited forth-line player such as Begin, Kostopoulos, or even worse Dandeneault could be playing on the top three lines.

I've been searching on all websites (RDS.ca, TSN, canadien official website, etc.) and been watching sports news all week long and I NEVER read or heard OFFICIAL quote from Guy Carbonneau saying he WILL play Sergei Kostitsyn at C. He did mention his name, but it was in the same sentence as Kyle Chipchura and Chris Higgins.

All we see is quotes from medias like this one :

from RDS.ca

Comme les chances de voir Mats Sundin débarquer à Montréal pour y poursuivre sa carrière semblent très minces, l'entraîneur du Canadien Guy Carbonneau songe à utiliser Sergei Kostitsyn au centre lors du camp d'entraînement.

Carbonneau, qui aimerait trouver une solution à son problème de centre à l'intérieur de son équipe, aimerait donner l'opportunité à Kostitsyn de prouver son talent à cette position.

translation :

As the chances to see Matt Sundin landing in Montreal to pursue its career there seem very thin, the coach of the Canadien Guy Carbonneau thinks of using Sergei Kostitsyn in the centre during the training camp.

Carbonneau, who would like to find a solution of its problem of centre inside his team, would like to give the opportunity to Kostitsyn to prove its talent to this position.

This is just media speculations, nothing else.

Edited by JoeLassister
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On Chipchura, i agree he needs to skate better but if he is paired for example with Higgins and SK, his speed won't be an issue. He reminds me of the old time shut down centers, good size, uses his body well, very smart, kills penalties, does everything well, just not great at anything.

The thing i noticed more last year was he wasn't hard on the puck, he would turn it over alot and get stripped from behind alot. He'll be fine if those are his line mates.

I'm not sure about SK moving over, i'm not a big fan of moving players who are successfull in one position and switching them over. That's why i don't see Tangauy playing with Higgins, They are both good LW. It's tougher to move to centre then the wing.

If Sundin doesn't sign, after next year the Habs have a huge hole centre, do you re sign Koivu? I don't see anyone in the system who is ready to take the spot, do you make a trade, sign someone?

BG will cetainly have his work cut out for him next summer.

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From all the posts you've made about Chipchura, I can see that you have a major stiffy for him, and that's all good(i've got one for Komisarek...in a non-gay way!) Anyways, the reason why I bring this up is that from all the scouting reports i've read on the kid, and from what I saw last year, Chipchura has a huge problem. SPEED! He has none! Can he keep up?

I keep mentionning him because I think he has the potantial to be a great third line centre, and he did show some good things for the little we saw of him last season. He showed he had very good hockey sense, and some pretty good (and underrated) passing skills in addition to his defensive game.

Chipchura actually has some pretty decent speed, his problem his mostly his acceleration. However, with some work, experience, and the fact that he his game doesn't really require that much speed, I think he'll be just fine. He can still win battles along the boards, have great positioning and anticipation, and pick up his garbage points.

I simply want to see Chipchura get a real chance in the NHL (and that includes Carbonneau shwing a little patience since every kid goesa few ups and downs). I don't mind that we keep a few more experienced guys like Begin and Kostopolos around, you need a couple of those guys. However, they should not get a guaranteed spot in the lineupl; their presence should only help younger players develop, not prevent them from achieving their potential.

Meanwhile, we gave every possible opportunity to a useless Dandeneault; he's not good offensively, he's not really any better defensively, he doesn't play physical, he doesn't fight, he doesn't bring leadership, he's not an "energy-type" player liek Begin... he's completely worthless on the ice. His only quality is that he doesn't hurt the team while on the ice, that's it. Despite all this, this player got to play on every possible role, including playing alongside Saku Koivu for a few games on the top line (at least it used to be). All I would like to see is Carbonneau showing similar patience to some of our best prospects, which he does with Latendresse, but not with anyone else including A. Kostistsyn, Chipchura, Perezhogin, Lapierre, O'Byrne, Grabovski ... who all have/had to force their way into the lineup (and in Perezhogin's case playing well still wasn't enough).

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On Chipchura, i agree he needs to skate better but if he is paired for example with Higgins and SK, his speed won't be an issue. He reminds me of the old time shut down centers, good size, uses his body well, very smart, kills penalties, does everything well, just not great at anything.

Exactly, that's what I see too. I see our third line having a good mix of speed, toughness, hockey sense, character, and strong two-way play with Chipchura, Higgins and Sergei Kostsitsyn.

JoeLassister: I know that Carbonneau only said he's thinking about moving Sergei to the centre position, but if he does, that probably means that Chipchura is out with the possibility that the third line will be ruined by the presence of a guy like Mathieu Dandeneault (sadly I feel he'll be in the lineup for the first game).

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Man, you guys are still mentioning Perezhogan? He's never coming coming back.

I wouldn't worry much about playing time for certain players, GC has made it very clear in 2 years you need to play hard, get with the program, play defense, play smart (getting better) and work every night, or someone else will take your icetime.




Samsonov, etc

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I keep mentionning him because I think he has the potantial to be a great third line centre, and he did show some good things for the little we saw of him last season. He showed he had very good hockey sense, and some pretty good (and underrated) passing skills in addition to his defensive game.

Chipchura actually has some pretty decent speed, his problem his mostly his acceleration. However, with some work, experience, and the fact that he his game doesn't really require that much speed, I think he'll be just fine. He can still win battles along the boards, have great positioning and anticipation, and pick up his garbage points.

I simply want to see Chipchura get a real chance in the NHL (and that includes Carbonneau shwing a little patience since every kid goesa few ups and downs). I don't mind that we keep a few more experienced guys like Begin and Kostopolos around, you need a couple of those guys. However, they should not get a guaranteed spot in the lineupl; their presence should only help younger players develop, not prevent them from achieving their potential.

Meanwhile, we gave every possible opportunity to a useless Dandeneault; he's not good offensively, he's not really any better defensively, he doesn't play physical, he doesn't fight, he doesn't bring leadership, he's not an "energy-type" player liek Begin... he's completely worthless on the ice. His only quality is that he doesn't hurt the team while on the ice, that's it. Despite all this, this player got to play on every possible role, including playing alongside Saku Koivu for a few games on the top line (at least it used to be). All I would like to see is Carbonneau showing similar patience to some of our best prospects, which he does with Latendresse, but not with anyone else including A. Kostistsyn, Chipchura, Perezhogin, Lapierre, O'Byrne, Grabovski ... who all have/had to force their way into the lineup (and in Perezhogin's case playing well still wasn't enough).

I think it was Bob who said chips would have to play himself off the team, so if he puts that motivation to good use we could see some good things happen. As to dandy I think really it is a situation where he doesn't fit the team anymore and needs to find a new arena to hang out in. Lets get another 1st for him like we did rivet and I will be very happy.

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Lets get another 1st for him like we did rivet and I will be very happy.

That is some wishful thinking! Dandy will never get you a 1st round pick...even less when he's in the last year of his contract!

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