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Ruutu gets 2 games for his hit on Lapierre


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(Sorry mods, I didn't know whether this should go in NHL talk or Habs talk)

I think 2 is realistic, considering there wasn't any (reported) injuries resulting from the elbow. Personally, I'd prefer more games, and a crackdown on headshots.

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I was going to post this same story too, and it's also up on the front page. I believe he deserved it, and I'm surprised he hasn't been suspended before today, since he's been one of the dirtiest players in the NHL for a while.


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I am pleasantly surprised to hear that Ruutu actually got 2 games for his headshot. I really wan't expecting him to get any suspension at all. 2 games is better than nothing!

Edited by Habsfan
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Very good - considering I wasn't expecting any suspension because there was no injury. It was a cowardly act, and an obvious intent to injure.

This is a realistic penalty but it's pretty sad that this offense can get less than the Kostopoulos hit based solely on the length of injury.

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two games is good. he can serve the suspension then come back for next thursday when laraque can beat the living crap out of him

Laraque will not drop the gloves against someone like Ruutu. They aren't of the same "weightclass". If Laraque drops the gloves, it'll be against Neil...but for some reason, Neil hasn't wanted to drop the gloves against the Habs this season!!!

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I thought TomKop deserved the 3 games, however in comparison this deserved a 5min major for intent to injure a game misconduct and at least a 5- 10 game suspension. this was a deliberate attempt to injure with an elbow to the head. Max is lucky he is not on dizzy street for a month or so. He unlike Van Ryn had no chance to defend himself. THIS was DIRTY DIRTY hit and needs to be out of the game.

Laraque will not drop the gloves against someone like Ruutu. They aren't of the same "weightclass". If Laraque drops the gloves, it'll be against Neil...but for some reason, Neil hasn't wanted to drop the gloves against the Habs this season!!!

Maybe he is not as stupid as I think he is. :lol:

Edited by habs rule
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Ruutu is not happy which is fine with me. :lol: His game hinges on this type of play from time to time. He has been and is a dirty player overall career IMO.

He'll be watched and assessed penalties when he returns unless he smartens up. :clap: Too bad for Ottawa that he's under watch.


Dummy Ruutu. No class waving at the crowd. :angry: P--sy!!!

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Laraque will not drop the gloves against someone like Ruutu. They aren't of the same "weightclass". If Laraque drops the gloves, it'll be against Neil...but for some reason, Neil hasn't wanted to drop the gloves against the Habs this season!!!

so it falls to Cube? meh

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so it falls to Cube? meh

My sentiments exactly. In that case, Ruutu should not have been given a choice. Drop em, grab him, start punching. It's worth the extra penalties if Ruutu doesn't fight back, given what he did.

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My sentiments exactly. In that case, Ruutu should not have been given a choice. Drop em, grab him, start punching. It's worth the extra penalties if Ruutu doesn't fight back, given what he did.

You say that now, but I'm sure had Laraque jumped Ruutu, and gotten a 2 minute instigator penalty, plus a 5 minute for fighting and a game misconduct...some people on these boards would complain that Laraque didn't think things through. :rolleyes:

It's a lose-lose situation for Big George. You can't expect him to fight in every simgle game...that's unrealistic!

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You say that now, but I'm sure had Laraque jumped Ruutu, and gotten a 2 minute instigator penalty, plus a 5 minute for fighting and a game misconduct...some people on these boards would complain that Laraque didn't think things through. :rolleyes:

It's a lose-lose situation for Big George. You can't expect him to fight in every simgle game...that's unrealistic!

it's funny, if you look at the replay of the incident, Laraque was charging at Ruutu after the elbow, but bouillion beat him to it!

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Check this out.


And I wonder what I hate sportsnet.

What an effin' idiot. How do these people get sports columns? I can think of at least 10 people that post on this board that would be better candidates.

The worst part is that the uninformed will read this article and take it do be the gospel truth, and further propagate these idiotic notions. :puke:

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I agree with Habsfan on this one. If cube would not have grabbed him, BGL would have had to. But he would have been nailed to the cross for it. Cube steps in and all is right in the world. If it was Souray, we would have been in 4 minutes of penalties. George hung around there and there were no side fights, or anything like that. Plus cube wanted Rutuu. He was on him fast.

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What an effin' idiot. How do these people get sports columns? I can think of at least 10 people that post on this board that would be better candidates.

The worst part is that the uninformed will read this article and take it do be the gospel truth, and further propagate these idiotic notions. :puke:

Same guy also said the Bell Centre is one of the quietest buildings of the in the league full of suits.

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Same guy also said the Bell Centre is one of the quietest buildings of the in the league full of suits.

What a moron. We make more noise than 3/4 of the league just in the warmup...

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I couldn'T beleive what I was reading from that Moron over at Sports net!

What an idiot. It's moments like these that I pat myself on teh back for making a conscious effort not to watch sportsnet!

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I couldn'T beleive what I was reading from that Moron over at Sports net!

What an idiot. It's moments like these that I pat myself on teh back for making a conscious effort not to watch sportsnet!

Sportsnet really doesn't offer a lot hockey-wise. Major junior games on occasion (and related things like the Canada-Russia Challenge series, which is usually lopsided), but their commentary is pretty crap. Even their star guys are kind of second rate, like Mike Brophy. The Score has better commentary, and they run on a shoestring budget.

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