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[Game Thread] Canadiens vs Lightning - 7/11/2009


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The referees missed a bunch of calls and the Habs suffered the most. No question about that.

Anyhow, did you guys see Lapierre and Latendresse play in the 3rd? I think that they have been benched starting in the 2nd period.

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To be fair Nitimaki was very solid tonight. His puck tracking was fantastic. Gio could have had a hat trick tonight. Would they make him captain aready? I am scared shitless everytime the puck ends up in our end. How many times did a simple defensive play when there are two D back, turn into a cardiac moment? Bergy is a waste of skin. I think they should tell Breezy to park his NASCAR and come back. Bergy = Ass sweat. First line was awesome tonight except for the first. Really if the first would have been better, I bet we would have won this game. I say send White down and bring up Lil Kosty. It's time. Metro was great again! I can't understand why anyone would whine about Begin, when Metro is ten times the player he is. Paccioretti looks so good, but has no finish. Put in the net man!

Habs D = :puke: . Habs defensive zone coverage = :puke:

Habs one. Tampa 1. Refs 2.

Edited by BCHabnut
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The referees missed a bunch of calls and the Habs suffered the most. No question about that.

Anyhow, did you guys see Lapierre and Latendresse play in the 3rd? I think that they have been benched starting in the 2nd period.

Indeed they were.. and deservedly so...

I have to wonder what is wrong with all these guys.. could it be that the country club atmosphere is over and the few guys left from last year can't take it?

Other then Pleks, every other guy I would say has been working hard and digging deep has been one of the new guys. All the duds (forwards anyway) have been carry overs.

Something stinks...

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To be fair Nitimaki was very solid tonight. His puck tracking was fantastic. Gio could have had a hat trick tonight. Would they make him captain aready? I am scared shitless everytime the puck ends up in our end. How many times did a simple defensive play when there are two D back, turn into a cardiac moment? Bergy is a wate of skin. I think they should tell Breezy to park his NASCAR and come back> Bergy = Ass sweat. First line was awesome tonight exvept for the first. Really if the first would have been better, I bet we would have won this game. I say send White down and bring up Lil Kosty. It's time. Metro was great again! I can't understand why anyone would whine about Begin, when Metro is ten times the player he is. Paccioretti looks so good, but has no finish. Put in the net man!

Habs D = :puke: . Habs defensive zone coverage = :puke:

Habs one. Tampa 1. Refs 2.

Pax should park himself in front of the net and wait for his chances there. He rarely does it, but it's what he should do. Look at Kostitsyn, he was in front of the goalie on Gionta's goal. These guys are big and they make it difficult for the goalie.

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I for one am sick and tired of these useless shots from the point. Please only take slap shots if you have the lane. All it does when they miss the net is create and easy break-out for the other team(with the lively boards at the bell).

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I think they are asking too much of Laps and Lats, I suspect they are being pushed to score goals, and that has never been their style.

Agree. I think Lil t!ts and Big t!ts need to play with Plek. Play Moen with Metro and Lats.

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It's disappointing, but I remain optimistic. We have two defensemen about to come back (O'Byrne and Gill). Carle is showing that he is a good fix. He should remain with the club. As for the forwards, once the defense will be fixed, we should get the puck out of the zone more quickly and that will help. I also believe that one of the two newcomers, White in particular, has what it takes to remain in the line up. Finally, Sergei will be back soon and he will help. I think that his purgatory his almost finished. AK46 will raise to the occasion. LOL

And if I am guilty of wishful thinking, so be it. That's just a game, for C. sake!

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I didn't see much of the game, but based on everything I've gathered from replays and reportage, two observations seem pertinent:

1. Price got outgoaltended. We won't win when that happens. What's the point of "defending" someone who is being outplayed by his opposite number far more often than the reverse? If Gomez is being outplayed by *his* matchup and goes -3 on the night, nobody makes excuses for him. Price needs to be as good or better than the goalie at the other end, on a nightly basis. This isn't "blaming" Price, but apologizing for him strikes me as lame. Once you stop evaluating his play according to some abstract standard and instead measure him against the other goalie on the ice, you realize that he hasn't been what he needs to be - except for that great Boston game.

2. This team desperately needs one of the following to actually do something on offence: Pacioretty, Latendresse, Andrei Kostitsyn, Sergei Kostitysn (if he's acting like a man in Hamilton, call him up!!), and, should he ever return to health, D'agostini. That's five young players from this "awesome" developmental organization (cough). Sure ONE of them can actually deliver some goods. Tabernac. :angry:

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Price's bad goaltending is caused by a bad team in front of him, goaltending and the other five skaters are part of the same equation. If, Hamrlik defends against Tanguays stick, there is no second goal, if Gorges doesn't go crashing into the net there is no third goal (potentially). You cannot just look at highlights and stats to get a true picture. Even if Price played amazing, the fact remains we cannot score goals. We pay the top 3 a LOT of cap space to score and they really aren't producing lately.

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The best goalies avg above 2.00 GAA, if the team cannot give their goalies over 2.00 GAA, then they will not win, offense is the problem, not goaltending. Blaming goaltending is just smoke and mirrors hiding the real problem.

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Price's bad goaltending is caused by a bad team in front of him, goaltending and the other five skaters are part of the same equation. If, Hamrlik defends against Tanguays stick, there is no second goal, if Gorges doesn't go crashing into the net there is no third goal (potentially). You cannot just look at highlights and stats to get a true picture. Even if Price played amazing, the fact remains we cannot score goals. We pay the top 3 a LOT of cap space to score and they really aren't producing lately.

while that is partially true, it is just another excuse, imo. There were two goals that Price could have stopped. The bad rebound, and getting his glove on that 3rd goal before it hit the post. Oh, and he blew another play big time and his team bailed him out while he tried to get back in net.

Price has been pretty average and that is not good enough. Either our D becomes one of the best in the league, or Price has to be one of the best. We had a ton of good scoring chances tonight but the other goalie stuffed us, despite his D screwing up plenty.

I remember when Toronto fans blamed the Toronto D for Toskala.. yet now that they are getting goaltending from their monster, the whole team looks better. It goes both ways I guess.

The best goalies avg above 2.00 GAA, if the team cannot give their goalies over 2.00 GAA, then they will not win, offense is the problem, not goaltending. Blaming goaltending is just smoke and mirrors hiding the real problem.

You seem to be ignoring the obvious... we have more then one problem. :lol:

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Three goals, Price made the first save on two, and the post and weak defending conspired to pop in the third. Was he brilliant? No. But let's just take him out of the equation.

Where in criminy is our scoring? We have one line. Pax needs to, as has been said, get in front of the net - but on a line with Metro and Moen, it wouldn't matter a whole lot. That line is meant to bang and crash. I want to see Pax on the first line, or the second with a centre that can put the puck on his tape while he's using the big body to make space in the crease. I mean, at this point, isn't it worth a shot? He's offering more effort than anyone other than the first line and Plex, so let's work on turning him into that power forward we covet so much.

I see that Martin is trying desperately to get Kosty into the game. But there are SO many mental lapses it hurts to watch. All that skill, and nothing upstairs. Shame. I hope him playing that much is actually more a showcase, but I'm sure that's just dreaming. On the same page, what is Georges thinking? How many more turnovers can he offer the opposition? He seems to make the wrong decision constantly. Between he and Bergeron, we must have two of the biggest turnover defenders in the world, nay universe.

Finally, while it's not an excuse, there can be no denying that as one of the worst officiated games in a long time. I don't want refs to decide a game by calling too much, but neither do I want them to factor when they are that atrocious. It's hard not to feel picked on when some of those things are missed so blatantly.

Incidentally, I think that third goal should have been disallowed. Not because the net was off, but because the guy in the crease shuffled his skate at the puck to help it across the line. That baby was kicked in.

This team needs to get healthy on defense, and it needs some secondary scoring.

Now, having said all that, I have to say this edition of the Canadiens is a lot more exciting than any I've seen in a decade at least, and they outwork any Habs team well into the mid-90's.

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