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Next one to be recalled


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Even though JM said Pleks would be able to go tomorrow, Maxwell has been recalled.

As much as I hate burning cap space, it's a risk they needed to take in case Plekanec's health regresses overnight. From the sounds of things, it's just as a precaution; if Plekanec is good to go in the game day skate, watch for Maxwell to be sent back before the daily 5 PM roster deadline.

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According to a source, Coach Guy Boucher told the team not to expect any more call ups from MTL.

At least Dmen wise... And forbidding any injuries ofc.

I guess they want the Dogs to concentrate on the Calder cup.

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if the dogs make an early playoff exit and the habs are still going strong we could call up PK right? I'm not sure in what situation we would call him up, but he seems like he could provide a spark and he thrives under pressure.

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if the dogs make an early playoff exit and the habs are still going strong we could call up PK right? I'm not sure in what situation we would call him up, but he seems like he could provide a spark and he thrives under pressure.

Theoretically, yes. That being said, it'd be a huge shocker if the Bulldogs were ousted before the Habs - they're poised for at least a trip to the 3rd round if not the finals bearing a huge collapse.

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Speaking of the call ups anyone planning to go see the Dogs play the Heat in Abbotsford, this coming Weekend.. I believe they play Friday and Saturday, anyone?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't remember for sure where the discussion took place, but the other day some people were discussing why Maxwell is still up with the team. Someone pointed out that we'd already used three of four post-deadline call ups, so the team didn't want to burn the last one by sending him down and then needing him again. I still didn't quite buy that explanation, because I was pretty sure that if injuries happened, that rule wouldn't apply because it would be considered an emergency call up. Found this further explanation as to why that's not a possibility (from HI/O: "A team may be allowed, on a case-by-case basis, to make an emergency callup from the farm in case of injury or other extraordinary circumstance. But herein lies the issue of Georges Laraque, who remains on the Canadiens' 23-man roster. Whether or not Laraque is in game shape or would be used – not going to happen – he remains available to the team in the eyes of the CBA. So an emergency callup of a forward from the farm will not take place."

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