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No one ragging on Lapierre for his penalty?

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with his play...

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No one ragging on Lapierre for his penalty?

I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with his play...

I didn't even think to rag on him, now that you mention it. I just thought, yep, late in the game, the NHL always finds a way to try and get involved in the outcome of games.

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Big road win without Markov, Gill, Gionta and Gomez for the 3rd period.

Our D played a strong game in front of Price, except for the 2nd goal where Plex let Morrison slip away­; but Plex made up for it with a killer PK at the end.

I wonder if we're going to call up anyone for tomorrow's game vs Detroit if Gomez is a no-go. Maxwell is on a hot streak and it might be his time.

I don't blame Plekanec on that play; that was a perfect set-up from Green. You have to give credit to the opponent on that one.

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I think we need to take it a little easy on Laps. He's not in his usual roll so he looks a little out of place, but he still plays every shift with heart.

He needs to be put back on the third line so that he can be himself.

AKost - Pleks - Pacs

Camms - Gomez - Moen

Lats - Laps - R.White

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I don't blame Plekanec on that play; that was a perfect set-up from Green. You have to give credit to the opponent on that one.

Kozed never gives credit to the opponent. Be it Tanguay, Ovy, Malkin or Gordie Howe.

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Simply amazing victory, and I'll take it, BUT...

8 shots in the final 2 periods...

Washington buzzing all over us in the 3rd...

If not for Price, we'd have been killed...

Like I said, I'll take it, and maybe take some consolation in the fact that Plex was amazing, Kosty seems to have his game back, and Price continues to play extremely well.

Maybe this team will be better than mediocre when their injured return. To be fair, I have to say the jury's still out...

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The jury chimes in after every loss, though...

You know, why don't you give it a rest?

Maybe you're incapable of changing your mind, or perhaps your opinions are so perfect, that there's no need for you to change your mind, but in this neighborhood, we're human, we make mistakes, and we're constantly re-evaluating based on current results.

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I think we need to take it a little easy on Laps. He's not in his usual roll so he looks a little out of place, but he still plays every shift with heart.

He needs to be put back on the third line so that he can be himself.

AKost - Pleks - Pacs

Camms - Gomez - Moen

Lats - Laps - R.White

I know he's a player every team needs...and he's always more appreciated on yours then as an opponent. But I find his antics are becoming tiresome. He's now drawing bad penalties because the refs know what he's all about. I think it's only a matter of time before fans and teamates start to lose respect for him. He needs to be forced to watch Claude Lemieux tapes for a few days...he may not have been a "fighter" as much as he was an agitator but Lappy is more of Barnaby's mold and that's annoying as hell.

I don't really buy the theory that his "role" is different either...why do you think so?

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Ok bar, i am here to pay off my debt, You can make the call on what that is. You are the man and will never doubt you again.

I am going on vacation tomorow and won't be able to post after Tuesday but a bet is a bet.

So on to the game, they played reall y well for the most part especially Price. I can't figure out all the dumb, lazy hooking and holding penalties.

Is it just me or is Lats and Laps working there way right out of the line up?

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