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Markov back on his skates!


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gREAT NEWS. jUST READ AN ARTICLE ON CYBERPRESSE. Markov is back on his skates!

here it is!


François Gagnon

La Presse

Le Canadien est décimé par les blessures et une autre mauvaise nouvelle pourrait lui tomber sur la tête avec une possible fracture au pied subie par Andrei Kostitsyn lors du match de mardi.

Mais au milieu de ces mauvaises nouvelles, une bonne se pointe à l'horizon alors qu'Andrei Markov a chaussé les patins au centre d'entraînement de Brossard. Il accompagnait Georges Laraque et Matt d'Agostini.

Il était sur la patinoire hier également.

On tentera d'en savoir plus long après l'entraînement du Tricolore, mais il appert que le défenseur a passé une dizaine de minutes sur la patinoire.

Markov s'est fait sectionner un tendon du pied gauche lors du tout premier match de la saison, à Toronto, le 1er octobre dernier.

Conduit dans un hôpital de Toronto, il avait alors subi une intervention chirurgicale au cours de la nuit. Les premières informations indiquaient que Markov ne pourrait revenir au jeu avant la pause olympique.

Il sera intéressant de voir si sa présence sur la patinoire hier et ce matin augure un retour hâtif.

Edited by Habsfan
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Should be back by the end of December

That would be great considering we all expected him to be out of action til February!

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From rds.ca


"Je suis heureux"

Jeudi 26 novembre 2009


Andrei Markov reviendra-t-il au jeu plus tôt que prévu? (Photo RDS)

Andrei Markov avait le sourire lorsqu’il a rencontré les journalistes jeudi puisqu’il a été en mesure de recommencer à patiner cette semaine et il pourrait effectuer un retour plus tôt que prévu vers la fin du mois de décembre, selon ce que RDS a appris.

«Je suis heureux, a d’abord déclaré l’habile défenseur. Ce n’est pas confortable, mais je suis content d’avoir pu sauter sur la glace et je ferai de mon mieux pour revenir au jeu le plus tôt possible.»

Blessé lors du premier match de la saison, Markov avoue qu’il trouve le temps loin de ses coéquipiers.

«Je préfère jouer, c’est difficile de rester à la maison et de regarder les matchs à la télévision; c’est ennuyant», a-t-il ajouté.

Le défenseur russe, qui a subi une lacération à un tendon de la cheville gauche, a sauté sur la glace du Complexe sportif Bell mardi, avant de répéter l'expérience ce matin.

Par ailleurs, Jaroslav Spacek, Scott Gomez, Benoit Pouliot et Matt D'Agostini sont les autres joueurs du Canadien qui ont sauté sur la glace jeudi matin.

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They mentionned in Habs inside out that Markov put on some uppeer body weight...all of it muscle! That's great, but I hope it won't affect the rest of his game?!?!

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They mentionned in Habs inside out that Markov put on some uppeer body weight...all of it muscle! That's great, but I hope it won't affect the rest of his game?!?!

So he will neutralize Crosby AND beat him up?


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Remember when this kid couldn't speak a word of English? For a couple of years because he was so shy? 14 minutes of interviews? Zoiks! Fingers crossed for a full recovery. REALLY looking forward to seeing Markov back in the game.

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Not trying to be a jerk here, but it's a well-documented phenomenon that a team often loses lots of games after a star player returns. The principle seems to be that there's a psychological let-up :'oh thank God, I don't have to kill myself as much to compensate for his absence...'

I'm sure Martin is aare of this syndrome and has strategies for neutralizing it. All I'm saying is that we should prepare for this possibility. :wacko:

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Not trying to be a jerk here, but it's a well-documented phenomenon that a team often loses lots of games after a star player returns. The principle seems to be that there's a psychological let-up :'oh thank God, I don't have to kill myself as much to compensate for his absence...'

I'm sure Martin is aare of this syndrome and has strategies for neutralizing it. All I'm saying is that we should prepare for this possibility. :wacko:

Yeah, but the earlier he gets back, the quicker we get out of that letdown and then start winning like we should. If we lose 5 games because of this phenomenon, it's better to do that with 40 games left on the schedule than with 20.

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Yeah, but the earlier he gets back, the quicker we get out of that letdown and then start winning like we should. If we lose 5 games because of this phenomenon, it's better to do that with 40 games left on the schedule than with 20.


For heaven's sake, I want Markov back ASAP! :clap: Just striking a note of caution before we get TOO euphoric.

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Is it wrong for me to feel he shouldn't go anywhere near the olympics? Sorry, but I'd like to see him dedicate himself to the Montreal Canadiens, considering all the time he's lost between this season and the end of last.

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Is it wrong for me to feel he shouldn't go anywhere near the olympics? Sorry, but I'd like to see him dedicate himself to the Montreal Canadiens, considering all the time he's lost between this season and the end of last.

I agree. it's like last year when Price hurried to get back for the all-star game when he wasn't completely healed up. We all know how well that went.

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Is it wrong for me to feel he shouldn't go anywhere near the olympics? Sorry, but I'd like to see him dedicate himself to the Montreal Canadiens, considering all the time he's lost between this season and the end of last.

Unfortunately for us, if the docs say that he's able to play for us, Markov will go to the Olympics. You just cannot, as a pro team medecin, declare a player healthy enough for the team but not for the Olympics...

And, even more important, Markov is Russian... The only team that could beat Canada IMHO. The pressure on him will be important coming from the Russian federation.

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The Olympics could be good if he needs more game action. Quite frankly, I'm proud of any Canadien that makes the Olympics. If he's good to go, and wants to play, let him go.

100% agree with you. And playing in the Olympics for your country is much more important than playing for a pro hockey club.

As far as the impact Markov will make upon his return... Don't forget, that he's always been a slow starter after an injury. I hope people don't put too much expectation on him.

You know, despite my earlier negative impression, this team could be quite good once *all the injuries* (not just Markov) come back. We do need good goaltending however - that is the most critical. Price needs to continue on his trek back and, if he doesn't, we need to quickly switch over to Halak. (No wasting games to allow Price to "find" himself - look at how the competition from Halak helped him this year. Contrast this with how he *didn't* improve when we kept handing him undeserved starting assignments last year.)

It's really strange that the injuries have actually helped us in one sense. Other players have picked up the slack and improved their game. Remember how in previous years, we had a pitiful record when Markov wasn't playing? This time around, we'll be that much stronger when the injured return.

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According to RDS, Markov's objective is to be back in one month. That gives us our top defenseman and all-star player in the line-up for Christmas. It's probably a little bit too optimistic, but what a nice gift it would be for the fans and his teamates.

Edited by JCPetit
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So, Markov has been out for a long time

And we don't have an official Captain yet.


I think the organization has already selected the "C" man

(It should be Gionta, hopefully)

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I'd be happy with mid-January. Don't want to rush him at all.

As to the captaincy, I don't think we'll have a captain all season. Maybe if we push into the 6-7 position in the east. That would mean that the team came together and a leader emerged. If we squeak in, just miss, or aren't even close I don't think one will be named. I guess that kind of reveals where I think this team will end up at the end of the season :(

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I am very glad to hear that his return looks to be way ahead of schedule. I am very surprised and happy with our record during his absense, especially considering all the teams other injuries.

As for the Olympics, well I will just say that I believe pro atheletes should still not be allowed to compete in them. It was one thing when USSR was putting their "non-professional" pros in the tourny, but those days are gone. Make it a match for the amatuer players as it is suppose to be, no NHL/KHL/Swede Elite, etc players allowed. Save our best vs there best for a different tourny that isn't in the middle of the season. Just my humble opinion. It all started because the Olympics wanted to be a bigger TV draw. USA's dream team in BBall was the start of something bad. Then again, what good has ever come out of BBall? Almost as boring as Tennis which is just pingpong without the table!

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