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Game Thread | Toronto At Montreal | 03/25/06


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I don't think he will. Campbell is usually good at whehter a guy is suspended or not (not good at deciding how long, but good at deciding if). Circumstances count a lot. Kovelov had his head away from Tucker, probably noticed Tucker coming and put his elbow up, not his fault Tucker is shorter. :D

not so fast. I hope I am wrong but I believe if a player gets 2 major penalties in a game that it is an automatic game suspension. Campbell would have no choice.

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More sweetness!

We plunged a dagger into the faintly-beating heart of Leaf playoff hopes - the Leafs are dead! And we killed them! It's a beautiful thing.

I didn't think that a game could have a better result than Thursday's, but the Habs proved me wrong tonight. A much more balanced game, a more dominating performance. Winning is nice... utterly destroying the opponent is awesome. Very sweet that everybody responded when the game got rough at the end. We won't be pushed around. Just hope Kovy doesn't get suspended.

The importance of these 2 wins cannot be overstated: obviously, the Habs pick up much-needed points and the 8th spot in the playoff race, but we also narrow the field chasing us (Leafs=dinner=done); and we come together as a team in the rough-going. Too early to tell, but I'm hoping this also translates into momentum over the crucial next games. If we're playing in late April, these two games will be the reason.

In the bigger picture, for those who doubted the reality of the Habs-Leafs rivalry, this game illustrates that these two teams hate each other with a passion. Now, if only the Leafs were competitive. :D The resurgence of the greatest rivalry in hockey (sports?) is underway.

On a side note.... anybody catch what Cherry was saying at the end? Something about the 4th goal shouldn't have counted, because the ref didn't see the puck go in. "I could show it to you right now" he said, but they were out of time, apparently. What a caterwauling Leaf lover. Just pathetic.

Anyway, I go to sleep a happy camper tonight. Thank you, :hlogo: .

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not so fast. I hope I am wrong but I believe if a player gets 2 major penalties in a game that it is an automatic game suspension. Campbell would have no choice.

An automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100) shall also be added when a major penalty is imposed for any foul causing injury to the face or head of an opponent by means of a stick.

For the third major penalty in the same game to the same player he shall be ruled off the ice for the balance of the game, but a substitute shall be permitted to replace the player so suspended after five (5) minutes have elapsed. (Major penalty plus game misconduct with automatic fine of two hundred dollars ($200).)

A misconduct penalty imposed on any player at any time shall be accompanied with an automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100).

A "GAME MISCONDUCT" penalty involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game but a substitute is permitted to replace immediately the player so removed. A player incurring a game misconduct penalty shall incur an automatic fine of two hundred dollars ($200) and the case shall be reported to the Commissioner who shall have full power to impose such further penalties by way of suspension or fine on the penalized player or any other player involved in the altercation.

So it should be an expensive game for Kovy and Campbell will have to look into it, but I hope there isn't any suspension.

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An automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100) shall also be added when a major penalty is imposed for any foul causing injury to the face or head of an opponent by means of a stick.

For the third major penalty in the same game to the same player he shall be ruled off the ice for the balance of the game, but a substitute shall be permitted to replace the player so suspended after five (5) minutes have elapsed. (Major penalty plus game misconduct with automatic fine of two hundred dollars ($200).)

A misconduct penalty imposed on any player at any time shall be accompanied with an automatic fine of one hundred dollars ($100).

A "GAME MISCONDUCT" penalty involves the suspension of a player for the balance of the game but a substitute is permitted to replace immediately the player so removed. A player incurring a game misconduct penalty shall incur an automatic fine of two hundred dollars ($200) and the case shall be reported to the Commissioner who shall have full power to impose such further penalties by way of suspension or fine on the penalized player or any other player involved in the altercation.

So it should be an expensive game for Kovy and Campbell will have to look into it, but I hope there isn't any suspension.

The way I read the rule, he'll only get a $100 fine for the misconduct. Tucker got up and fought Kovy, so the elbow didn't cause an injury. And the $200 fine only kicks on on the third major penalty, while Kovy only got two majors. Campbell conceivably could fine Kovy for a blow to the head, but most elbows are head shots, yet don't earn fines for the offending players.

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I'm so happy......

so happy i could cry :)

I love the headline on tsn.ca

"Montreal Smoked Leafs"

smoked meat???? NO smoked leafs


This was great....with all the emotion of the last 2 games, the team is going to have to be extra careful to come out solid tommorow night against the Pens, and look for some revenge.

But for right now i'm going to let this beauty sink in


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Tucker will almost certainly get a suspension as he started the scrap with less than 5 mins left in the game. Quinn and Gainey could also receive fines for the same reason.

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Great game.... too bad I was working the whole thing.

A bit worried about tomorrow's game against the Pens. It's such an emotional high to play against TO in that situation and come out on top.... and then have to face lowly Pittsburgh the next night.

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Nice hit by Kovalev. And why would Kovalev get the suspension? Tuckers the one with the cheap shot.

Kovalev just plain ran him over. Thats was a clean hit.

Good game for the most part, Nice to see Atlanta lost

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Buds can't win the prize, I have to watch the Habs win another one,

All my dreams, pass before my eyes, My team's a tragedy,

Smelling the wind, leaves are a fart smell in the wind.

This team sucks, rearrange leafs the anagram makes them fleas,

All we do, is a waste of time, though we refuse to see,

Dust in the wind, Leefs are just dust in the wind.

Don't hang on, nothing lasts forever & the blue & white die,

It's all so gay, and all their money won't another Cup buy.

Dust in the wind, Leefs are just dust in the wind,

Dust in the wind, this year is dust in the wind.

Every year is just dust in the wind

We killed the Leafs :king:

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For those of you unlucky to have not seen it, here is the still of Kovy steamrolling Tucker....we need to start coming up with some captions for this one! (BTW....Tucker actually appears as if he was thinking about taking another dive, but then somehow realized that he was actually going to be steamrolled in the 3rd period of 6-2 game)


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Nice hit by Kovalev. And why would Kovalev get the suspension? Tuckers the one with the cheap shot.

Kovalev just plain ran him over. Thats was a clean hit.

Good game for the most part, Nice to see Atlanta lost

Clean hit? I saw an elbow.

Granted, Tucker was backing down

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Ok....fellow Habs fans....let me start by saying I've got a pretty good buzz-on tonight.

My brother and I enjoyed watching the Habs drive the final nail in the Leafs coffin whilst toasting the bleu blanc et rouge with many a beer. Afterwards, we went out to a local watering hole and mercilessly teased anyone wearing Leafs gear....you'd all be proud. The teasing took many forms:

-my going up to one and shaking his hand, while saying "I'm impressed bud, it takes balls to wear that hat after your team put in such a gutless performance"

-my standing behind Leafs fans and whistling the chorus from 'Vertigo' as loud as I possibly could until they got flustered

-my inquiring if the Leafs fans knew when tee-off time was for Sundin and the boys

It felt so damn goooooood!!!!



Oh, and a special shoutout to my good friend J. Ferguson, who predicted Radek Bonk would have a big night tonight!

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Et le premiere etoile...


Suspension or not, Tucker had that coming, the little turd - and kudos to Kovy for meting out the punishment himself.

That was one of the highlights of this season!!!

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"I haven't done anything yet. The main goal is to get this team in the playoffs."

-Cristobal Huet

So, Mr Huet, how did you become a goalie?

"I didn't have a choice. My brother Antoine was a forward and he needed somebody to take shots at."

29 GPI 14W

Gotta love him!

Mathieu, seen cycling today?? Boonen was sooo good!! Won bigtime!!

Yep. Another E3 Prijs in the bag for Tom Boonen. Just like last year the World Champion demolished his breakaway companion Alessandro Ballan in a two man sprint.

"Ballan was also very strong but suddenly, after a cobbled section, he had problems with his saddle. He spoke to me about it. I said that he shouldn't bother about it and keep riding hard, because I would beat him in the sprint anyway."

-Tom Boonen

Pretty confident kid.

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