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Markov to the all-star game


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How does Huet deserve a spot any more Kovalev? I'll be happy if Huet is chosen but in reality, he has absolutely no business being in an All-Star game based on what he's done this season. And of those 16 players, a lot of them are centers, I'm sure - besides Kovalev, has been doing more than just putting up points - he's been the best player on this team, even better than Markov. If anyone deserves to go, it's him.

I'll agree that Kovalev definitely deserves to go. Maybe a bit more than Markov but Markov is easily the best defender in the East.

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I'll agree that Kovalev definitely deserves to go. Maybe a bit more than Markov but Markov is easily the best defender in the East.

yeah strange how all the Lidstrom, Nieds, Pronger, Rafalski, E. Jonhson, Phaneuf, and some more GOOD 2-way dmen are all stuck in the West while only Markov, Kaberle, Campbell, Redden and very few others play in the East.

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tell you guys the truth, i hope that no other habs players are chosen to play in the all-Star game. I'd rather see Huet, Koivu and especially Kovalev get a well deserved 3 days rest during that week-end. They'll need it for the final push to the playoffs!

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Kovalev didn't make the cut, per TSN.ca.


I'm a bit surprised, but Sundin didn't make it either, and he's got 48 points, seven more than Kovy. The lack of Habs representatives might have to do with the fact that each team has to be represented... leaving less spots for guys like Kovy and Sundin who may have made the team otherwise.

Anyway, I figure we (Habs fans) will make sure there's enough guys on the roster next season when the game is in Montreal. ;)

Seeing as I'm taking an intensive Web Design program right now, I'll work to make a site that helps everyone vote a full starting Habs lineup in (via the Rory Fitzpatrick method) next season once my skill is up. Someone make sure to remind me next year, alright?

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Kovalev being left off the team while the likes of Scott Gomez and Eric Staal make it, in spite of the mediocre seasons they are having, makes me :puke: :puke: :puke:

Edited by sbhatt
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Kovalev being left off the team while the likes of Scott Gomez and Eric Staal make it, in spite of the mediocre seasons they are having, makes me :puke: :puke: :puke:

I've stopped actually thinking of the all-star game very seriously, and it's just easier that way. I don't get irritated about who makes it and doesn't. What matters is our W column, not how many of our players get into the all-star game. I'm glad Markov's going, but I'm not too upset about Kovy getting a chance to rest instead of playing...

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I'm glad Markov's going, but I'm not too upset about Kovy getting a chance to rest instead of playing...

Normally, I'd agree...it's hardly important. But I think it would have been good validation for Kovalev after the sting of being left off of his national team last year...a well-deserved reward for his determined play. Oh well, water under the bridge...hopefully the two consecutive Molson cups and the knowledge that he is the best forward on his team is all the motivation he needs to keep playing the way he's been playing.

Edited by sbhatt
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Yep, Kovalev not making the team is bullshit but I'm stunned that Sundin didn't make it. I feel bad for the guy, things just keep on getting worse for him.

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There are at least 16 forwards more deserving than Kovalev, plain and simple.

Statistically, sure. But I don't know 16 guys who can do with the puck what Kovalev is capable of doing with the puck.

The All-Star game is more about the bells and whistles than the hard edged play, so I mean he'd fit right in - more than Sundin even if you consider Sundin uses his large frame and grit to get points game in and game out. (Not to take anything away from Kovalev who's a big guy and holds his own just as well, but I think you get the point)

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There are at least 16 forwards more deserving than Kovalev, plain and simple.

:rolleyes: How many of those sixteen guys with better stats play in a system that's not condusive to 5 on 5 offense like Montreal's, and without the help of a high caliber linemate?

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I will grant that Kovalev should at least have been in the discussion for being an All-Star. I did some research and posted my thoughts in a thread in NHL talk, and I'm still convinced there are 12 more deserving forwards than Kovalev. That being said, I would at least consider him as an injury replacement.

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When asked how he felt about not being selected to the all-star team, he replied:

"The Canadiens is my all-star team."

He also mentioned that he'd be happy to get a few days rest for the playoffs (nice to see, he assumes we're going). Nice guy.

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