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Game Thread | Habs vs. Devils | 11/03/08


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Thanks again for the quality post KoZeD! You continue to set an example as a moderator on this site for the rest of us...





Keep up will ya...

looks like we maybe won the lottery? :clap:

Hmmm, dunno... It'll be a long debate. Would we be a better team with Huet/Halak and Kopitar?

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Komisarek blocked at least 3 shots in that 30 second span when Price lost his stick. Great 40 minutes by the boys. Score and early goal in the third and that will be the last nail in the coffin for the devils!

When was the last time teh habs had a 3 goal lead going into the 3rd period against the Devils????

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Looks like Philly is consolidating its hold on the 8th spot... Would be an upset if Buffalo or Washington sneak in the top 8 now.


Thx... I was thinking of Buffalo being virtually eliminated now.

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Anyone listening to CJAD? Since when did the game start being "brought to you by the Government of Quebec"?

Are they just bandwagon fans? Or have I missed this all along?

Been a while I think. They pay bug bucks to have the advertisement space in front of the Habs bench.


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Great game so far.

I seem to remember many people were jumping off buildings when guys like Brule were passed over for Carey Price. One of the older members here Howie Morenz said this was not a bad pick, even though Theo was still in Montreal. Not sure if he had flame proof drawers on with all the flack as it was in a warmer month. Price still has not done anything yet in the NHL, however I am starting to believe...

And not too long ago Smoke or slowinski as referred to was being run out of town. Patience, paience patience as nobody here will EVER win a game of Chess against Bob Gainey or guess his hockey moves. :hockey:

That is all...Now back to the game comments.....

Edited by InsaneAVSfan
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Great game so far.

I seem to remember many people were jumping off buildings when guys like Brule were passed over for Carey Price. One of the older members here Howie Morenz said this was not a bad pick, even though Theo was still in Montreal. Not sure if he had flame proof drawers on with all the flack as it was in a warmer month. Price still has not done anything yet in the NHL, however I am starting to believe...

And not too long ago Smoke or slowinski as referred to was being run out of town. Patience, paience patience as nobody here will EVER win a game of Chess against Bob Gainey or guess his hockey moves. :hockey:

That is all...Now back to the game comments.....

I wanted Kopitar. I was confused when they took a goalie, but I didn't realize that Theo was done, he was pretty good in 2004,

not 2002 level, but still a top level goalie.

But I will never question a Timmons pick ever agian.

and Howie Morenz is a very smart man :)

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Great game so far.

I seem to remember many people were jumping off buildings when guys like Brule were passed over for Carey Price. One of the older members here Howie Morenz said this was not a bad pick, even though Theo was still in Montreal. Not sure if he had flame proof drawers on with all the flack as it was in a warmer month. Price still has not done anything yet in the NHL, however I am starting to believe...

And not too long ago Smoke or slowinski as referred to was being run out of town. Patience, paience patience as nobody here will EVER win a game of Chess against Bob Gainey or guess his hockey moves. :hockey:

That is all...Now back to the game comments.....

I think i will celebrate after a year or two. I have seen too many goalies play amazing for 30 games, then suck. I don't think Price will do that, but I learned not to get too excited about any player until I see them over time.

If you went by 40 games, Ty Conklin would be the greatest goalie that ever lived. :)

Let's just wait and enjoy the ride...

(as for smolinski, it will take a lot more then that before I think he was worth signing)

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I think i will celebrate after a year or two. I have seen too many goalies play amazing for 30 games, then suck. I don't think Price will do that, but I learned not to get too excited about any player until I see them over time.

If you went by 40 games, Ty Conklin would be the greatest goalie that ever lived. :)

Let's just wait and enjoy the ride...

(as for smolinski, it will take a lot more then that before I think he was worth signing)

Goalies can do it for 2-3 seasons and suck. But position players can score 90+ and then 60 points as well.

THe kid has the pedigree. He has won at the junior level, the AHL level and now he is doing it at the NHL level.

Could it happen? Anything can happen, but barring injury the odds are against it.

I still don't like the fact that they are giving up 40+ shots per game.

They are better than that.

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Kozed is so misunderstood. It's his way of getting a player going. I'm sure if Higgins reads the game threads he would be impressed.

yes it was my bad and in my own way i apologized sorry kozed :hlogo:

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yes it was my bad and in my own way i apologized sorry kozed :hlogo:

Kozed is the king of the curse and the reverse curse. You better watch yourself

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