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2008-2009 Habs Training Camp


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Does anyone have any news regarding Ryan White and J.T. Wyman? I can't find a single comment about their play since the beginning of the training camp, and unless I'm mistaken, they didn't even dress for either game so far (although the team probably wanted to offer a more Quebec-flavored roster for last night's game).

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Does anyone have any news regarding Ryan White and J.T. Wyman? I can't find a single comment about their play since the beginning of the training camp, and unless I'm mistaken, they didn't even dress for either game so far (although the team probably wanted to offer a more Quebec-flavored roster for last night's game).

Carbo split the training camp roster into two groups for the preseason games. The first two games were played by the same group. White and Wyman are in the second group, that begins their preseason tonight in Detroit. The first group got the first two games because they have the Kostitsyn brothers and Weber, who haven't got their work visas that allow them to play in the USA yet.

We'll see if either, or both of those two prospects make tonight's lineup. Koivu will still be held back, so that's one more open spot in the lineup.

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17 days to recover a groin is more than enough for Kovy.

It's a pain for the line up juggling having Koivu, Kovy, Laraque, Hammer, Breezer out but

since all of them don't really need a training camp to perform in the NHL it's not a big

deal. And a plus is that they save fuel for the season.

It will give a bigger chance to the rookies and the new players to adopt the team system

that the coaching staff put back on track yesterday after the Halifax massacre.

The more capable players learning the team strategy from the start means more ready

to step up if injuries happen. By the capable guy who can have more ice time from these injuries

i mean D'agostini, Maxwell, Trotter, Stewart and even Chipchura get's a better shot because

of the domino effect.

On defense, Carle, Subban, Valentenko and Weber will have a chance to play more games.

Personnaly i thought it was stupid from Boston and Buffalo to have so many regulars in the line

up 2 weeks before the season really starts. Real pro's don't need that much time to be in game shape.

That is why habs will still be strong in 2009-10-11-12. The kids will be ready to replace the vets

to fit under the cap.

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Add Carle to the injury list they will take no chance with a concussion before two weeks.

:puke: Camp over for him, it was a good timing for him to get some experience.

Hopefully that experience will teach him that you can't skate with your head down, and that you should never put in yourself in an vulnerable position when you have the puck, just had, or are battling for the puck. Patrice Bergeron learned that last one the hard way last season...

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A.Kostitsyn - Plekanec - Kovalev

Higgins - Koivu - Tanguay

Latendresse - Lang - S.Kostitsyn

Kostopoulos - Lapierre - Laraque

Begin - Dandenault

Markov - Komisarek

Hamrlik - O'Byrne

Bouillon - Gorges


So, that's our wonderful situation as far as sickbay is concerned.


"BONES!!!!!! HELP US!!!!!!!"

Edited by Athlétique.Canadien
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A.Kostitsyn - Plekanec - Kovalev

Higgins - Koivu - Tanguay

Latendresse - Lang - S.Kostitsyn

Kostopoulos - Lapierre - Laraque

Begin - Dandenault

Markov - Komisarek

Hamrlik - O'Byrne

Bouillon - Gorges


If we went into the season with those holes, who would you replace them with?

Heres mine:

A.Kostitsyn - Plekanec - S Kostitsyn

Higgins - Lang - MaxPac

Dandy - Lapierre - Diago

Kostopoulos - Chips - Begin

Begin - Dandenault

Markov - Komisarek

Subban - O'Byrne

Bouillon - Gorges



Edited by MMPL
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***, add Lang and Higgins to the inury list

Aux noms déjà connus des Alex Kovalev, Roman Hamrlik, Patrice Brisebois, et George Laraque tous blessés à l’aine, de Saku Koivu, blessé à un pied, de Guillaume Latendresse, blessé à la hanche et de Mathieu Carle qui souffre des contrecoups de la sévère commotion cérébrale subie, mercredi, à Detroit, se sont ajoutés les noms de Chris Higgins, Robert Lang et Alex Tanguay

Source : François Gagnon

I dont give a *** if we loose all our remaining pre-season games, I just want the team to be healthy at the season opening.

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Although it's discouraging to have all these injuries, Carbo said he is being cautious, and if it was the playoffs, all of his players could be playing now.

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Plekanec says the warm weather could be the problem, as the ice isn't in tip top shape as a result.

But Carbo said if it were the playoffs, all those guys would be good enough to play. And Kovalev is scheduled to play tomorrow night anyways.

Begin is also hurt, with a hand injury from the Thornton fight.


But yeah, if it were the regular season, and all guys with minor injuries inexplicably couldn't play...

Andrei - Plex - Sergei (maybe this should be split up to balance the forwards, since line 2 is all rookie)

MaxPac - Maxwell - D'Agostini

Stewart - Lapierre - Kostopolous

Trotter - Chipchura - Glumac/Dandenault

Markov - Komisarek

Bouillon - O'Byrne

Gorges - Valentenko/Dandenault

Price (please save us)


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But yeah, if it were the regular season, and all guys with minor injuries inexplicably couldn't play...

Andrei - Plex - Sergei (maybe this should be split up to balance the forwards, since line 2 is all rookie)

MaxPac - Maxwell - D'Agostini

Stewart - Lapierre - Kostopolous

Trotter - Chipchura - Glumac/Dandenault

Markov - Komisarek

Bouillon - O'Byrne

Gorges - Valentenko/Dandenault

Price (please save us)


Wow, giving a lot of place to guys just out of juniors

I'd be a bit more conservative. Dont want 6 guys with virtually no pro experience all in the lineup at the same time.

Pacioretty-Plex-Andrei <--- Andrei goes back to his natural wing to make room for MaxPac

Sergei-Lapierre-D'Agostini <--- played together in Hamilton last year

Stewart-Chipchura-Dandeneault <--- 3 guys who played on our 4th at some point last year

Flinn-Lehoux-Kostopoulos <--- 3 guys who were in the LA Kings system together



Henry-Gorges <--- Henry played 2 season under Lemaire in Minnesota, he knows the drill.



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Wow, giving a lot of place to guys just out of juniors

I'd be a bit more conservative. Dont want 6 guys with virtually no pro experience all in the lineup at the same time.

Actually only Pacioretty and Maxwell had no pro experience, and you could also add Trotter who played a handful of games last season. Besides, Carbonneau mentionned that the first week was essentially to evaluate the young players, which makes sense since we already have a full roster, and that the more serious training and preparation was going to start next week after the cuts, with three games and some time in betweem to fine tune the lineop and the strategies.

My roster for tonight would like this:

Kostsitsyn-Chipchura-Kostsitsyn --> Give the kid a candy before he reluctantly spends more time in the minors, and challenge him so that he can show us what he's made of

Pacioretty-Plekanec-D'Agostini --> Basically two strong candidates for a callup this season, and who might play together in Hamilton

Beauregard-Trotter-Kostopoulos --> Two offensive forwards who have some potential, and might also play together in Hamilton. Paired with a former AHL star, and young NHL veteran

Stewart-Lehoux-White --> Just guys who will play in Hamilton this season, you want to give Stewart and White some good NHL pre-season experience before they're sent down.

Markov-Belle --> Can't play the same 6 defensemen every game, so why not play Belle tonight

Valentenko-Komisarek --> Again we need to challenge Valentenko as much as possible since he's a strong candidate for a call-up this season. He's looked a little jittery so far, which is why I would like to see him in a defensive role, on his natural left-side, with one of the top defensive defensemen in the NHL.

Suban-Bouillon --> Suban will have a great chance to display his abilities playing with an established defensive defenseman like Bouillon.



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Wow, giving a lot of place to guys just out of juniors

I'd be a bit more conservative. Dont want 6 guys with virtually no pro experience all in the lineup at the same time.

Pacioretty-Plex-Andrei <--- Andrei goes back to his natural wing to make room for MaxPac

Sergei-Lapierre-D'Agostini <--- played together in Hamilton last year

Stewart-Chipchura-Dandeneault <--- 3 guys who played on our 4th at some point last year

Flinn-Lehoux-Kostopoulos <--- 3 guys who were in the LA Kings system together



Henry-Gorges <--- Henry played 2 season under Lemaire in Minnesota, he knows the drill.



On second examination, I'd probably just leave Trotter off and make it a Glumac-Chipchura-Dandy 4th line, but I'd keep Maxwell and MaxPac up there. Quite frankly, they appear to be better players than the likes of Flinn and Lehoux.

And maybe I'd dress Henry or Flinn as well, just for some extra goon power. In a lineup that thin, even Kostopolous is too valuable to have off the ice for 5 minutes.

Maybe dress Henry at forward (he has played a number of NHL games at F), and put Dandy on D (he's a better D than Henry):

4th of : Henry-Chips-Glumac

3rd D of: Gorges-Dandy

Glumac, BTW, played in the NHL more recently than either of Flinn, Lehoux, or Henry. And to my eyes, he looked better than those guys in some of the preseason action I've seen. I'd keep him in.

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Actually only Pacioretty and Maxwell had no pro experience, and you could also add Trotter who played a handful of games last season. Besides, Carbonneau mentionned that the first week was essentially to evaluate the young players, which makes sense since we already have a full roster, and that the more serious training and preparation was going to start next week after the cuts, with three games and some time in betweem to fine tune the lineop and the strategies.

My roster for tonight would like this:

We were talking about regular season rosters with all the current injuries.

That's why I tried to make a lineup that I thought would be the "safest".

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We were talking about regular season rosters with all the current injuries.

That's why I tried to make a lineup that I thought would be the "safest".

Oops sorry, I missed that part... I thought it was strange that people cared about putting a "safe" lineup in a preseason game :)

In that case, my lineup would be something lile this (no matter what we come up with, it won't look great):










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Meh, screw injuries. More ice time for the kids (notice, it's all older, established players that have "injuries", except for Carle of course)

Hee Hee, its called contenderitis and lasts till the

regular season games begin. :hlogo:

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