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2008-2009 Habs Training Camp


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Exactly! His girlfriend doesn't have to work, and if she needs some extra help, i'm pretty sure her parents or Guillaume's parents would be more than happy to help. And if that is not enough, they can get a nanny or a housemaid to help out mommy with the housechores. Let's not forget ladies and gents that we are talking about somebody who is making 850,000$ per year(+bonuses) He got to spend 4 months with his kid this summer, and gets to see his child 3-4 days a week during the season(except during road trips).

I'm not too worried about this child.

ON a different note, I can confirm that Guillaume has not been spoted in the nightclubs around town this summer.

I bumped into him in the summer of 2007 at the Pinokkio nightclub. I had bought him a shot and we talked for about 2 minutes.

I saw some pictures of Gui in the papers last week, and it shows that he lost some weight. He also went to Ontario with his brother and Pavel Valentenko to take power skating lessons. The kid looks like he's very serious about this year, and seems to be motivated. These are all very good signs! Let's hope it'll be a breakout year for Gui!

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Exactly! His girlfriend doesn't have to work, and if she needs some extra help, i'm pretty sure her parents or Guillaume's parents would be more than happy to help. And if that is not enough, they can get a nanny or a housemaid to help out mommy with the housechores. Let's not forget ladies and gents that we are talking about somebody who is making 850,000$ per year(+bonuses) He got to spend 4 months with his kid this summer, and gets to see his child 3-4 days a week during the season(except during road trips).

I'm not too worried about this child.

ON a different note, I can confirm that Guillaume has not been spoted in the nightclubs around town this summer.

I bumped into him in the summer of 2007 at the Pinokkio nightclub. I had bought him a shot and we talked for about 2 minutes.

I saw some pictures of Gui in the papers last week, and it shows that he lost some weight. He also went to Ontario with his brother and Pavel Valentenko to take power skating lessons. The kid looks like he's very serious about this year, and seems to be motivated. These are all very good signs! Let's hope it'll be a breakout year for Gui!

It doesn't matter if you make a lot of $$ and have fulltime child care. Having a child generally makes you grow up real fast

(Unless you are Britney Spears). Until you have one, you likely will not understand the maturation and changing of one's life

goals essentially overnight. Latendresse is no longer playing for himself anymore.

He may remain immature because everybody is inherently different, but it would not surprise me to see an added level of

maturity to his game this season.

Edited by Wamsley01
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Exactly! His girlfriend doesn't have to work, and if she needs some extra help, i'm pretty sure her parents or Guillaume's parents would be more than happy to help. And if that is not enough, they can get a nanny or a housemaid to help out mommy with the housechores. Let's not forget ladies and gents that we are talking about somebody who is making 850,000$ per year(+bonuses) He got to spend 4 months with his kid this summer, and gets to see his child 3-4 days a week during the season(except during road trips).

I'm not too worried about this child.

Besides with newer webcam technologies, it makes it a lot easier to be "present" with your kids and wife. With the money he has, Guillaume could even put up a very large plasma screen in his living room so that daddy won't miss the kid's first word and steps.

Also, it's not like he'll be gone for 2-3 months at a time (like I've had to do at times), most road trips are quite short, and players are back in Montreal in no time. Otherwise, he can ask Kovalev for a ride if he gets lonely :P

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About the kid: perhaps that every generation since the baby-boomers are immature because it was the norm for previous generations to start families in their early 20's. And like it's been pointed out, money does make a whole lot difference. I'm pretty sure financial instability (and both parents having to work alot) is one of the main reasons young couples have to wait longer to get kids.

As for how it affects Gui: to begin with, he never was as flaky as Theodore, Ribeiro & co were at the same age (and even later). He also much more veterans to turn to for guidance: aside from Carbo, there's Brisebois, Bouillon, Dandeneault, Begin, Laraque and Tanguay who are all serious family men now. It can only be a grounding influence when all the other Francos on the team are more than 10 yrs older than you and all have kids. The only same-aged friend Lats has on the team is Lapierre and Laps already had his reality check last year.

Gui aims at a 3rd line spot, but in front of him on the LW there's Tanguay, AKost and Higgins. I'm thinking someone will move to the RW where there's no offensive options after Kovy and SKost. Tanguay can play all 3 forward positions while AKost and Lats broke in the league as RWers, so it'll be interesting to see who moves there. Whoever it is, the 3rd line C should be Lang or Koivu, which almost garantees good offensive production. I'm expecting a 20+ goals season from Lats, with also a boost in assists in the 15+ range.

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Gui aims at a 3rd line spot, but in front of him on the LW there's Tanguay, AKost and Higgins. I'm thinking someone will move to the RW where there's no offensive options after Kovy and SKost. Tanguay can play all 3 forward positions while AKost and Lats broke in the league as RWers, so it'll be interesting to see who moves there. Whoever it is, the 3rd line C should be Lang or Koivu, which almost garantees good offensive production. I'm expecting a 20+ goals season from Lats, with also a boost in assists in the 15+ range.

I still hope Latendresse ens up on the second line with Tanguay and Koivu. I think he would complement their efforts better than any other winger (except for A.Kostsitsyn, but Carbonneau will return with the first line intact to begin the season), and playing with such proven offensive players should be great motivation for him to give his best effort... and when Latendresse gives his best effort, like when trying to get a contract at training camp, we've all seen what he's capable of.

Besides, I think we're better with Chris Higgins solidifying the third line... while still playing with Robert Lang, which is not bad at all... and I would rather see the faster, dynatic Sergei Kostsitsyn play alongside Lang. If possible, we should probably try to keep Lang and Latendresse on different lines.

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About the kid: perhaps that every generation since the baby-boomers are immature because it was the norm for previous generations to start families in their early 20's.

I'm not sure I exactly get what you're saying here. At the risk of hijacking this into a more lounge-worthy area of discussion, I'll just say that as someone who is either the youngest of the Gen X generation or the oldest of the Nexters (!?!?), I don't feel particularly less mature than my elder counterparts.

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I'm not sure I exactly get what you're saying here. At the risk of hijacking this into a more lounge-worthy area of discussion, I'll just say that as someone who is either the youngest of the Gen X generation or the oldest of the Nexters (!?!?), I don't feel particularly less mature than my elder counterparts.

yeah but you are you just don't know it. us baby boomers do. (its a joke) :lol:

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Paquet isn't at camp. Either he changed his mind or whoever issued that initial roster made an error by including him.

Robert Mayer, the Swiss goalie who was at the rookie camp, is the team's only pure tryout at the main camp. What's weird with him is that he's already played 2 QMJHL games this year. He's 19, but as a European, he can actually play in the minors. It'll be interesting to see how he does with the big guys.

I still expect him to get sent back to Saint John for the season, but he's worth keeping an eye on as a potential prospect.

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Quote from Habs trainer Scott Livingston "Last year, Latendress skating was bottom 5, this camp, it is top 5!"

:o:clap: :hlogo: :ghg:

was he skating with the goalies only ??

now lets hope that his feistiness and courage will be top 5 as well.

once he realises that goals come by puting your nose in the traffic, he'll be a 30 goals scorer for many year.

I hope he watched the Holmstrom DVDs I sent him!!

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Just listened to La Zone on the SRC. They said Price actually lost 28 lbs!

Show was pretty good. Laraque & Tanguay looked just awed by the team. Laraque started listed the Habs strengths "They got skills and speed and hands and goalies and... the Habs, they have it all!" And when Tanguay was asked where he expected to play, he basically said that there was so much talent on the roster he'd fit with anyone and would play anywhere asked of him.

Are you excited yet? :D

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Just listened to La Zone on the SRC. They said Price actually lost 28 lbs!

Show was pretty good. Laraque & Tanguay looked just awed by the team. Laraque started listed the Habs strengths "They got skills and speed and hands and goalies and... the Habs, they have it all!" And when Tanguay was asked where he expected to play, he basically said that there was so much talent on the roster he'd fit with anyone and would play anywhere asked of him.

Are you excited yet? :D

I started getting excited when they traded Huet last season... I kinda "expected" that we were getting ready for the real thing for this season.

1. Huet might have been a better option than Price last season for the plaoffs.

2. Getting Price in net gave broke the ice for him. Giving him the starter job from trade deadline on gave him more game experience and "exposed" him more to NHL real life.

3. 1 + 2 = getting Price ready for this season (and for the future) so that when the team is all ready to win, Price is not so green anymore. (and has only 1 less playoffs game played than Huet :P)

the rest was just gravy. Finishing first in East, winning against the Bruins in a Koivu comeback. Getting Tanguay at the draft (and rights to Sundin). Laraque signing with us. Trading for Lang! etc etc.

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Quote from Habs trainer Scott Livingston "Last year, Latendress skating was bottom 5, this camp, it is top 5!"

:o:clap: :hlogo: :ghg:

BTW, Maxim Lapierre now tips the scale at 210 lbs. He added over 10lbs this summer. 6-2, 210 lbs centre who's a speed demon and a pest: me likey!

I'm totally loving the number of people who came to camp in SUCH good shape having achieved personal goals to improve their play:

Lappy = gained muscle

Lats = lost more weight(about 10 pounds), improved skating

Kovy = lost about 10 pounds

Price = lost 28 !!!! pounds

Higgy = said he gained 5 pounds and did better on all his tests than last year

Everyone seems sooooooooooo pumped and so aware that they have to be at their best... :clap::clap::clap:

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I'm totally loving the number of people who came to camp in SUCH good shape having achieved personal goals to improve their play:

Lappy = gained muscle

Lats = lost more weight(about 10 pounds), improved skating

Kovy = lost about 10 pounds

Price = lost 28 !!!! pounds

Higgy = said he gained 5 pounds and did better on all his tests than last year

Everyone seems sooooooooooo pumped and so aware that they have to be at their best... :clap::clap::clap:

You know, I've never seen so much emphasis being put on the player's conditioning than in the past 2-3 seasons. Maybe it was before and nobody was talking about it; but it seems like when the new coaching staff got in place they really pushed the players to train -better- in the summer. From Komi & Higgins doing their special yoga training to Lats taking powerskating & losing weight the past 2 summers, etc.

I dont remember Carbo being a conditioning freak as a player; but he played until he was 40 yrs old so he might gave it more importance as he grew older.

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You know, I've never seen so much emphasis being put on the player's conditioning than in the past 2-3 seasons. Maybe it was before and nobody was talking about it; but it seems like when the new coaching staff got in place they really pushed the players to train -better- in the summer. From Komi & Higgins doing their special yoga training to Lats taking powerskating & losing weight the past 2 summers, etc.

I dont remember Carbo being a conditioning freak as a player; but he played until he was 40 yrs old so he might gave it more importance as he grew older.

Sure... :D

Remember, it was total opposite in the "dark era" when we'd beat records for "man-games" lost to injuries. :(

Talking about injuries, is Forsberg planning to play this season?

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It just shows that Higgins is smarter than you are

?????????????????? This means what exactly... Are we attacking? Can we stay polite even if we disagree?

Sure... :D

Remember, it was total opposite in the "dark era" when we'd beat records for "man-games" lost to injuries. :(

Talking about injuries, is Forsberg planning to play this season?

I remember that. It was beyond horrendous. We had a not-great team to begin with, and by the end of the season the Habs were essentially the Fredricton Canadiens because all our "major leaguers" were out with injuries and we had everyone up from Fredricton.

I think one year we lost over 500+ man-games to injury... These were in the Patrick Traverse days. Shudder...

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Quote from Habs trainer Scott Livingston "Last year, Latendress skating was bottom 5, this camp, it is top 5!"

:o:clap: :hlogo: :ghg:

his he canadian ?? I was impress by his french when interviewed on RDS.

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You know, I've never seen so much emphasis being put on the player's conditioning than in the past 2-3 seasons. Maybe it was before and nobody was talking about it; but it seems like when the new coaching staff got in place they really pushed the players to train -better- in the summer. From Komi & Higgins doing their special yoga training to Lats taking powerskating & losing weight the past 2 summers, etc.

I dont remember Carbo being a conditioning freak as a player; but he played until he was 40 yrs old so he might gave it more importance as he grew older.

I think you can thank upper management for realizing how

important player developement ,as in conditioning and proper

nutrition is.

Gainey was always a conditioning freak and have you ever

seen Timmins with his shirt off?

I can't wait for the freakin season to begin :hlogo:

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I'm totally loving the number of people who came to camp in SUCH good shape having achieved personal goals to improve their play:

Lappy = gained muscle

Lats = lost more weight(about 10 pounds), improved skating

Kovy = lost about 10 pounds

Price = lost 28 !!!! pounds

Higgy = said he gained 5 pounds and did better on all his tests than last year

Everyone seems sooooooooooo pumped and so aware that they have to be at their best... :clap::clap::clap:

I'm starting to workout also.

I figure I need to be in better shape to hold my

spot at the front of the crowd for that parade in

June. :hlogo:

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Quote from Habs trainer Scott Livingston "Last year, Latendress skating was bottom 5, this camp, it is top 5!"

:o:clap: :hlogo: :ghg:

Interesting. I was just reading about how oil companies were going to put 90% of their profits into research for renewable technologies. At a summit in the West Bank, peace was finally found. A benevolent alien species has sent us technology to help clean our air and forever fix global warming.

I mean, Latendresse skating that well is on the same order, right?

Anyone check for signs of Armageddon? Is this one?

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I'm starting to workout also.

I figure I need to be in better shape to hold my

spot at the front of the crowd for that parade in

June. :hlogo:

raise your elbows !! :lol:

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