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GAME THREAD : Habs vs Preds


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Okay, well I just got back from a Bar Mitzvah (left early) so I'll toss my will at the screen and see if I can change the momentum.

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Okay, well I just got back from a Bar Mitzvah (left early) so I'll toss my will at the screen and see if I can change the momentum.

We need all the help we can get tonight...

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This is simply disgraceful. A good team does not allow 42 shots after 2 periods - never! Not when they're in a slump. Not when they have lots of injuries.

No matter *what* we do in the 3rd, we don't deserve to win this game. And Martin better have a response in practice tomorrow, regardless of how that 3rd works out. I like the Herb Brooks mentality... if you didn't want to work in the game, you'll damn right work *now.*

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This is simply disgraceful. A good team does not allow 42 shots after 2 periods - never! Not when they're in a slump. Not when they have lots of injuries.

No matter *what* we do in the 3rd, we don't deserve to win this game. And Martin better have a response in practice tomorrow, regardless of how that 3rd works out. I like the Herb Brooks mentality... if you didn't want to work in the game, you'll damn right work *now.*

How many bag skates can he have this year? Seems like it's been one a week or close to it, since the season started.

Sooner or later the players have got to get it. Don't they????

This is embarrassing. They can't even dump it in correctly.

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Well, that is what Price gets for winning.. he gets to play the next game... apparently alone. :(

Amazed that this team could play so brutal when they had most of the game to get that tying goal... embarrassing effort.

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Ah well. Since I'm sure this thread will be nine pages of people moaning about embarrassment, disgrace, Bob Gainey and all those other comments that sound like an incredibly annoying broken record, I think I will duck out now.

Yeah, the Habs clearly weren't playing their best game by I'll offer this advice before I leave: don't whine like little girls about it. Suck it up. Look forward to the next game. be real Habs fans. :hlogo:

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At this point, I'm just routing for the Preds to get as many shots on goal as possible so we can break the franchise record.

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At this point, I'm just routing for the Preds to get as many shots on goal as possible so we can break the franchise record.

Nah 2 shorties and we're right back in this game. :rolleyes:

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Gomez is looking worse and worse AND worse :(

What happened to the guy who was here to PROVE he deserved his contract, to defend his PRIDE? He is invisible.

Also, two things are happening:

a) Martin tells the D to back pass constantly, instead of you know, getting it out.

b) we have the worst D in the league at passing the puck.

How many times will MAB pass the puck to his partner, his partner passes it back, the other team knowing our D sucks at passing has two forecheckers, our D panics "omg the guy is coming after me, here take the puck whew..almost got hit", and then the other team gets a chance, while the forwards are like "wtf mate wheres the pass?".

Haha on a serious note...our D is terrible, please waive MAB, his shot does not mitigate his terribleness at being a D.

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I think I've watched MAB long enough now. That is the single worst decision Gainey has ever made. I understand why he did it, but MAB isn't an NHL defender.

He generated so many offensive chances... He was our biggest offense threa in the 3rd.

Ok NOW I'm really out.

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