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GAME THREAD : Habs vs Preds


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Finally - if this keeps up, then Bob had BETTER do the sensible thing and start shedding expensive assets like crazy come deadline time. If this season is a wash I at least want to see us come out of it with a bundle of picks and/or new young talent.

I don't think there's a lot to be said about this until at least the holiday break when he'll have a much better idea on the prognosis of Markov. Plus, it's pretty much a well-established fact that early season trades in the cap era are difficult, to say the least.

As for expensive contracts, where do you shed? You've got Gio and Cammalleri - but they're actually producing on a non-productive team. Imagine what they could do with support? The only real targets are Hamr and Gomez and both are probably too well-paid for what they're currently offering to be legitimate trade items.

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Thanks be to God, I didn't see this game.

And yet, I thought it was one of the most interesting games of the season to watch. It was evident early on we weren't going to win this one, but to see Price play with poise, a little swagger, and most importantly, to be consistent and confident and focussed from beginning to end - THAT was intriguing to watch. It wasn't just that he played great, it was that he never lost his focus and he was still making highlight reel saves two minutes from the final whistle. If there's a Canadiens fan not encouraged by that performance, well I daresay they don't understand goaltending.

Most telling of all for me, though, was what happened at the final whistle. Carey skated off without looking at his teammates, and they avoided looking at him altogether. You could see embarassment in their eyes, quite honestly. The only person who touched Price on the way out was Mara, and that was the merest tap on the pads with his stick - I don't think he even looked at Carey. Camm's post-game commentary was subdued and embarassed. Carey was clearly disappointed, but despite that, you can't help but think that a game like that did his confidence wonders.

I won't say this game was clearly a turning point, but he definitely looked like the world-beater he was before his injury rather than the struggling kid post-bobo.

Look, bottom line, no one but Carey showed up. Every team in the league has games like that every year - it happens. The encouraging thing about this one was that one guy did show up, and kept his shinney team in the game until the final whistle while facing more rubber than a coked-up hooker working Ste. Catherines during a Cup parade.

Had Carey sucked, the TV would have been off after the first. But watching him perform - thrive - during a horrible team display? Totally worth the time spent.

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Hmm..I know this is no laughing matter...but did Price sleep with Maras wife or something? Anyone notice Mara plow over price during the game, haha maybe it was the angle but he just seemed to knock him over. First the spear, now the rough up...poor Carey better watch out for Mara, he's on a rampage!!!

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after last night game, i think we got to call up Kostitsyn...i dont like the way it played out with him but we need scoring and this might help his brother to get going..and if bob dont what the kostitsyn part of the habs..it could only help their trade value..and from what i read kostitsyn is playing good in the ahl

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Luckily I missed this game. I gues the only bright spot was Carey's performance. Good to know that Carey was great last night. Hopefully he can keep it up.

This team will struggle all year. We as fans will have to be damn patient.

Anyone know when O'Byrne and Gill will be back??

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Luckily I missed this game. I gues the only bright spot was Carey's performance. Good to know that Carey was great last night. Hopefully he can keep it up.

This team will struggle all year. We as fans will have to be damn patient.

Anyone know when O'Byrne and Gill will be back??

O'Byrne is expected to skate with teamates later this week (thursday or friday I think)

Heard it on RDS last night.

O'Byrne and Laraque both skated in today's practice. Maybe I heard he was to come back later this week. To many beers I gues...

Edited by JoeLassister
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I don't think there's a lot to be said about this until at least the holiday break when he'll have a much better idea on the prognosis of Markov. Plus, it's pretty much a well-established fact that early season trades in the cap era are difficult, to say the least.

As for expensive contracts, where do you shed? You've got Gio and Cammalleri - but they're actually producing on a non-productive team. Imagine what they could do with support? The only real targets are Hamr and Gomez and both are probably too well-paid for what they're currently offering to be legitimate trade items.

You know, you're right. I really hadn't thought that through. I guess you can look at moving Hammer and trying to get a top pick or some real quality prospect back. I don't think that's impossible, either - Hammer would be a HUGE addition to a team defence gearing up for a Cup run, assuming that team had cap space. It's too early to tell, but I'd also consider ditching Spacek if I got high value back. But like you I wouldn't advocate moving Gio or Cammy, who are authentically quality players, and Gomez is unmoveable...so all we're really discussing is moving Hammer at the deadline.

I like what you said about Price. He had a similar evening in Boston a little while ago. These seem to be definite warning signs that the Thoroughbred is still there and perhaps on the cusp of putting a run together. Last night aside, some truly commanding netminding would make a big difference to this bunch.

A depressing time to be a Habs fan. I cling to my theory that Gainey is working on a rebuild in disguise - it's all I can base any hope on at this point.

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I think about what could have been for this team, if injuries had no robbed us of 1/2 our D. I suspect like others that Gaineys plan has changed based on early season results.

Ya know, I don't accept this 'we're missing half our D' argument. O'Bryne was not a regular last season, and Gill (who I like) is a 5th-6th defenceman. For a team to go in the tank because it's missing those two is unfathomable. Only Markov is a really heavy loss.

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Ya know, I don't accept this 'we're missing half our D' argument. O'Bryne was not a regular last season, and Gill (who I like) is a 5th-6th defenceman. For a team to go in the tank because it's missing those two is unfathomable. Only Markov is a really heavy loss.

I think it's a really good excuse. It's not like our backup was clearly ready to jump in their spots... That also hurts team chemistry and in a season where half of the team is a new group of players, it's critical.

And IMO, just losing Markov is enough of an argument...

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This team is good enough to fight for 6th to 10th place and I'll reiterate the problem - Martin. It's now 25% of the season almost done and we are 1 of only 5 teams in the East to play 20 games and we are still in 12th place! The decision making of our players with and without the puck is disappointing. A team that barely shows up against Nashville, completely outplayed as the shots might indicate, and the laziness on this team is concerning. If you watched Latrendesse, Kostitsyn, even Metropolit, these guys just aren't committed or determined. Bergeron? What's the point?. We can't score goals anyway and he's a huge defensive liability. Yet Shawn Belle, who I thought brought speed and grit is returned to the minors. How I would love to have a coach to deservedly calls his team out aka Sutter against the Leafs last night when it was 3-2. Result? 5-2 for the Flames. All Martin does is shake his head with the assinine penalties we take. I guess I need to reset my expectations and accept mediocrity like so many habs fans have. Nope, can't do that either, I have to expect performance = potential. Sigh!!!!!

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Hmm..I know this is no laughing matter...but did Price sleep with Maras wife or something? Anyone notice Mara plow over price during the game, haha maybe it was the angle but he just seemed to knock him over. First the spear, now the rough up...poor Carey better watch out for Mara, he's on a rampage!!!

Ya that was really funny. They were both laughing after it. I was so glad to see Carey laughing about and relaxed after seeing more rubber than a Thai girl in a US marine port.

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I like what you said about Price. He had a similar evening in Boston a little while ago. These seem to be definite warning signs that the Thoroughbred is still there and perhaps on the cusp of putting a run together. Last night aside, some truly commanding netminding would make a big difference to this bunch.

Carey has been unbelievable in 4 games now. This is promising. The first two, Boston and last night. He was the best player on either side in all 4 of those games. I don't know if that can be said about another habs. That they dominated 4 games this season.

Edited by BCHabnut
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On top of that, Spacek was playing hurt. Because the replacements are just bearely NHL talent, it's been up to guys like Gorges, Mara and especially Hamrlik to eat up a lot more minutes, and the wear is starting to show. It's not their fault.

I can't figure out why they Spacek hasn't been allowed to play the left side. And I do believe that O'Byrne being out leaves a hole. This is only based on the fact that he is right handed. Nothing more. Watching all those lefties trying to clear the puck on the right boards is painful to watch. You guys must see it. They keep trying to backhand it with their ass facing the blueline.

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I can't figure out why they Spacek hasn't been allowed to play the left side. And I do believe that O'Byrne being out leaves a hole. This is only based on the fact that he is right handed. Nothing more. Watching all those lefties trying to clear the puck on the right boards is painful to watch. You guys must see it. They keep trying to backhand it with their ass facing the blueline.

I think the loss of Markov has been crippling...no pun intented on his injury, and the other D casualties just compound an already tenuous situation. I've seen some pretty good play out there at times, and it's great to see Price show glimpses of awesome, for in a real way uncle Bob certainly did make the commitment to his contributions for the long haul.

It may just be my natural buoyancy, but I still think we've got a pretty good team and if Mr Gomez decides to continue his hockey career, ...who knows? Pleks has certainly returned to his marvelous form and good for him!

Thre had to be a drop after the big year that wasn't where uncle Bob took the risks he had to take to give us a shot. I think he came very, very close. Who knows how well Price might have played if he didn't have all the pressure on his shoulders following the injury plague.


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Is it at all possible that we lack an official "C" on the habs and no one wants to get in deep thus causing the lackluster efforts in some games ?

Nashville was brutal, where were the "A"'s ???? I can't believe how everyone on a team is so effortless on the same night ( i.e can bad supper be the cause , water bottles ? )

I'm just throwing some hypothetical scenarios out there in trying to understand how unprofessional they looked.

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Is it at all possible that we lack an official "C" on the habs and no one wants to get in deep thus causing the lackluster efforts in some games ?

Nashville was brutal, where were the "A"'s ???? I can't believe how everyone on a team is so effortless on the same night ( i.e can bad supper be the cause , water bottles ? )

I'm just throwing some hypothetical scenarios out there in trying to understand how unprofessional they looked.

A fair number of years back, I remember a game where the Detroit Red Wings were brutal. In the third period, Yzerman and Hull were benched. Yzerman is considered one of the best leaders ever. It happens to everyone at times.

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Well that was ugly, 2 1/2 hours that i'll never get back again. That was total domination.

How do you get outshot 55-20 against Nashville? Can you say Bag Skate?

I know, i know the habs would have won if Price made 55 saves and scored a few goals.

Can someone tell Lats, lapierre, Ak46 the season has started.

Many fans would just like to see some effort even if you lose, you do get paid to do that.

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Well that was ugly, 2 1/2 hours that i'll never get back again. That was total domination.

I know, i know the habs would have won if Price made 55 saves and scored a few goals.

I was wondering if the Habs ever got it out of their own zone in the dying seconds of the 3rd, if Martin, instead of pulling Price, would just have him skate up and join the play. I hear he's got a good wrist shot.

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