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Andreas Engqvist Called Up


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There were a lot of people on this board who wrote him off with his earlier stint. Most players take a couple/three years before they can contribute at a meaningful level. Hopefully he is here to get a little more seasoning at NHL level. I see him as a valuable piece in the next couple of years.

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Andreas became the #1 center in Hamilton after serving a couple of years as a defensive specialist. Hopefully he brings that confidence with him however is he here to play center and Gomez the wing or will Engqvist be playing wing?

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Andrea is the softest thing I've seen in a Habs uniform.Totally sucked and irrelevant. This just shows the total lack of depth in this organization,thanks to the "braintrust". Andrea played like someone from the womens team. Why not Leblanc?

Andreas has been playing really well in Hamilton and since he got sent down has been playing excellent hockey. This is his chance to come up and prove himself.

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I am a fan of Engqvist, love his size and defensive smarts, the only drawback was his faceoffs.

But he is only 2nd year pro with bout 80 games under belt, which is far fewer tham most NHLers, such as a Plekanec, who i think played 200 AHL games or thereabout.

But i would say he is and will be a nice upgrade over that Finn and may stop the yearly change at the 4th line centre position, although White may end up at centre down the road?

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I am a fan of Engqvist, love his size and defensive smarts, the only drawback was his faceoffs.

But he is only 2nd year pro with bout 80 games under belt, which is far fewer tham most NHLers, such as a Plekanec, who i think played 200 AHL games or thereabout.

But i would say he is and will be a nice upgrade over that Finn and may stop the yearly change at the 4th line centre position, although White may end up at centre down the road?

Hopefully he can win some faceoffs, wasn't he supposed to be some kind of specialist?

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Sent back down.

Makes sense, the Dogs have big games Friday and Saturday vs Toronto and Lake Erie and Moen/White might be ready for the Sabres game, if not they can recall him on Monday again. Saves some cap space too.

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Andrea is the softest thing I've seen in a Habs uniform.Totally sucked and irrelevant. This just shows the total lack of depth in this organization,thanks to the "braintrust". Andrea played like someone from the womens team. Why not Leblanc?

We're at an odd phase in organizational development. The "next wave" is here, playing on the big team: Pacioretty, Subban, Weber, Diaz, Emelin, Eller, White, Desharnais. Our next batch of serious young talent seems to be 2-4 years away, mostly in juniors. In between there is very little.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this state of affairs in principle. Our veteran core (Gionta, Cammalleri, Markov, Gomez, now Cole and Kaberle, etc.) would be in their mid-30s and fading away just at the point where the next wave of players would be coming into its own; and meanwhile today's young guns would be accomplished veterans, the new 'core.'

That was, I think, the plan all along. Gainey's 2009 rebuild was designed to give us a solid veteran core into which the Subbans and Paciorettys could be inserted and which would tide us over until the Tinordis and Gallaghers arrive.

Three things went wrong with the grand plan:

-Two absolutely key components, Gomez and Markov, were, for very different reasons, total disasters. Gomez simply and inexplicably lost his great game. Worse, Markov was injured into oblivion. This left us with an ongoing, massive hole at C and bereft of our single most important position player - the one who drove the PP, the transition game, and controlled the defensive zone. Cataclysmic, structural weaknesses thus came to characterize our roster. On paper, this ought not to have been the case. But it was.

-Beyond Markov, recurring, long-term injuries plagued our lineup. Gionta, Gomez, Cammy, Pacioretty, Gorges, and several others have all spent really significant time on IR. This happens to other teams too, but arguably the Habs have been one of the less fortunate clubs on this front.

-Players, of which Cammalleri was the most visible, chose to throw a season away by rebelling against Martin. This meant that precisely at the time where the team should have been poised to benefit from a canny UFA addition (Cole), the ongoing development of key young guns (Subban and Pacioretty) to perhaps hit another level, we took a huge lurch backward. (Of course, the Markov injury may have prevented us from making that step forward regardless). Panicky management compounded the problem.

The result is that the entire plan is in tatters.

When I look at this big picture, unlike many observers I don't see a wider pattern of inept management. The Grand Plan was really a rather good one. And it almost worked; let's remember, we went to the Semis two years ago and easily made the playoffs and took the Prunes to Game 7 OT last season. This is ultimately a case of well-laid plans falling before a combination of terrible luck (Markov + injuries + the baffling evaporation of Gomez) and ill-concieved willfulness/stupidity (players betraying the coach, Gauthier's inept handling of Cunneyworth).

Gainey made mistakes but on balance did right by us. It's just that there are too many variables for anyone to control, and you need a preponderance of these NOT to go catastrophically wrong. It's a shame, really.

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We're at an odd phase in organizational development. The "next wave" is here, playing on the big team: Pacioretty, Subban, Weber, Diaz, Emelin, Eller, White, Desharnais. Our next batch of serious young talent seems to be 2-4 years away, mostly in juniors. In between there is very little.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with this state of affairs in principle. Our veteran core (Gionta, Cammalleri, Markov, Gomez, now Cole and Kaberle, etc.) would be in their mid-30s and fading away just at the point where the next wave of players would be coming into its own; and meanwhile today's young guns would be accomplished veterans, the new 'core.'

That was, I think, the plan all along. Gainey's 2009 rebuild was designed to give us a solid veteran core into which the Subbans and Paciorettys could be inserted and which would tide us over until the Tinordis and Gallaghers arrive.

Three things went wrong with the grand plan:

-Two absolutely key components, Gomez and Markov, were, for very different reasons, total disasters. Gomez simply and inexplicably lost his great game. Worse, Markov was injured into oblivion. This left us with an ongoing, massive hole at C and bereft of our single most important position player - the one who drove the PP, the transition game, and controlled the defensive zone. Cataclysmic, structural weaknesses thus came to characterize our roster. On paper, this ought not to have been the case. But it was.

-Beyond Markov, recurring, long-term injuries plagued our lineup. Gionta, Gomez, Cammy, Pacioretty, Gorges, and several others have all spent really significant time on IR. This happens to other teams too, but arguably the Habs have been one of the less fortunate clubs on this front.

-Players, of which Cammalleri was the most visible, chose to throw a season away by rebelling against Martin. This meant that precisely at the time where the team should have been poised to benefit from a canny UFA addition (Cole), the ongoing development of key young guns (Subban and Pacioretty) to perhaps hit another level, we took a huge lurch backward. (Of course, the Markov injury may have prevented us from making that step forward regardless). Panicky management compounded the problem.

The result is that the entire plan is in tatters.

When I look at this big picture, unlike many observers I don't see a wider pattern of inept management. The Grand Plan was really a rather good one. And it almost worked; let's remember, we went to the Semis two years ago and easily made the playoffs and took the Prunes to Game 7 OT last season. This is ultimately a case of well-laid plans falling before a combination of terrible luck (Markov + injuries + the baffling evaporation of Gomez) and ill-concieved willfulness/stupidity (players betraying the coach, Gauthier's inept handling of Cunneyworth).

Gainey made mistakes but on balance did right by us. It's just that there are too many variables for anyone to control, and you need a preponderance of these NOT to go catastrophically wrong. It's a shame, really.

I agree with the markov bad luck,but was there anyone who was happy with the Gomez deal and the contract.other than the "Gio and Cammi" wouldn't come here" fantasy story. I don't like the fact that BG gave JM the job when Lemaire was interested,and that Robinson never even got a return call when inquiring about being an asst. coach. We also never addressed the issue of getting k.'d by the Flyers or Bruins every year

I had high hopes for this player. I suppose it's early to say, but, he looks like he'll have a nice career in the Swedish Elite League.

he got benched in a blow-out. I still wish we gave Leblanc the call up

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I don't want Leblanc up here. Yesterday turned out to be a great night, but could have been a blow out the other way. Let him get a chance to dominate at the AHL level and come back next year. I'd rather have him on the top line in Hamilton then the 4th line in Montreal.

I agree with the markov bad luck,but was there anyone who was happy with the Gomez deal and the contract.other than the "Gio and Cammi" wouldn't come here" fantasy story. I don't like the fact that BG gave JM the job when Lemaire was interested,and that Robinson never even got a return call when inquiring about being an asst. coach. We also never addressed the issue of getting k.'d by the Flyers or Bruins every year

he got benched in a blow-out. I still wish we gave Leblanc the call up

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I don't want Leblanc up here. Yesterday turned out to be a great night, but could have been a blow out the other way. Let him get a chance to dominate at the AHL level and come back next year. I'd rather have him on the top line in Hamilton then the 4th line in Montreal.

Why are we one of the few teams that can't have a 20 yr old in the line up,instead going for an inferior player because he's older. He's the only player in our last 4 drafts that has played in the NHL. In hindsight,which is 20/20, last night would have been a great game for him to play in

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Why are we one of the few teams that can't have a 20 yr old in the line up,instead going for an inferior player because he's older. He's the only player in our last 4 drafts that has played in the NHL. In hindsight,which is 20/20, last night would have been a great game for him to play in

They wanted a C and someone who could play the PK. Leblanc (now a RW) is neither of those. That's why they went with Engqvist.

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Indeed, but they seem intent on trying Gomez on the wing for awhile.

Which IMO is one of the best coaching decisions made over the last 1 1/2.

Leblanc would have been playing on the 4th line and he is much better served in Hamilton, just like MaxPac was last year.

Next year if we can dump Gomez, resign AK46 we could have potentially the following top 9 wingers, which look pretty good to me (assuming DD remains as a centre - I'd rather have him on the wing though):




The wild card is Gallagher. He had a great camp this year, my preference would be for him to at least start the year in Hamilton, but if he plays his way on the team and is used in the TOP SIX or TOP NINE minimum, I wouldn't have a problem with giving him a good look for the first 5 to 10 games to see if he should stay up with the habs.

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