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Thanks guys

I'm really happy to have a housefull of boys.

my gf doesnt know it yet but she just became a fan of hockey !!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Hoooooly shit.

I don't know if anyone watches the VMAs anymore but I feel really bad for Taylor Swift. I don't even like her music.

I dunno how long this video will stay on youtube but heres what happened: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sW5ok-t6iEo

What a dick move by Kanye West !!!

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Found another version of the award thing. Kanye West should be banned from the music industry. Either that, or Taylor should be allowed to kick the living shit out of him whenever she wants. That was utterly classless and just shows what a complete punk that asshole is. May a semi crush his limo on the way to whatever party is stupid enough to invite him.

Edited by Colin
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Found another version of the award thing. Kanye West should be banned from the music industry. Either that, or Taylor should be allowed to kick the living shit out of him whenever she wants. That was utterly classless and just shows what a complete punk that asshole is. May a semi crush his limo on the way to whatever party is stupid enough to invite him.

What a classless fool.

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- Taylor Swift was crying backstage...I guess that makes you happy, Maca?

- Beyonce brought her back on stage to actually have an acceptance speech. Thats pretty cool

- Kanye was asked to leave right after. He also flipped off the audience after the rant who were booing him. Looks like he was probably drunk.

Edit: Scratch the Beyonce thing, that was REALLY cool. Just saw it on youtube. Beyonce wins video of the year, doesn't bother to give a speech and just asks Taylor to come back out. Mad respect for Beyonce, I'm never gonna diss her or her music ever again.

Edited by jetsniper
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Standing ovation to the hardest to fight inside-the-house-fly that I've ever confront in my whole life ! It took me 1 hour (part time) to kill her. She received 2 shots that I consider "could have been enough" in the first 10 minutes, but only died on the 3rd and lethal shot. Congrats, you deserved this post...

Edited by JoeLassister
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I love Taylor Swift.

Kanye West used to be good, but he fell off. Now he's just okay. But still entertaining. I look forward to seeing him make more pop stars cry in the future.

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Just a funny thing I just found:

Americans vs. Canadians

The following is the transcript of an ACTUAL radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations, of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in Oct. 1995. Reprinted in the Memorial University campus newspaper.

Americans: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the North to avoid a collision..

Canadians: Recommend you divert YOUR course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.

Americans: This is the captain of a US Navy ship, I say again, divert YOUR course.

Canadians: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course.


Canadians: THIS IS A LIGHTHOUSE. Your call.

(note: probably isnt true, USS Missouri was decommissioned in Jan. 1995)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sick of the word cancer. I'm sick of hearing about it, living with it in this reality, and more importantly, I'm effing sick and tired of close friends and family having it.

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So, I finally put myself out there and have started contacting people to help me come up with a career plan. I'd pretty much resigned myself to leaving the classroom months ago, but have struggled with actually moving on to the unknown. It doesn't seem like something that I should find difficult asking for help with, but it really has been. Wish me luck.

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So, I finally put myself out there and have started contacting people to help me come up with a career plan. I'd pretty much resigned myself to leaving the classroom months ago, but have struggled with actually moving on to the unknown. It doesn't seem like something that I should find difficult asking for help with, but it really has been. Wish me luck.

Ok, good luck

Gonna go back to school?

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