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Game Thread | Habs vs. Capitals | 12/20/07


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Yep. I actually like it more - but we need a projected lineup, Cataclaw! Spidey always used the same lines as last game whether they were right or not. You might as well do that.

Noted for next time!

Nice solid pass by Koivu, and good job Lats sticking in front of the net. He could stand to get a tiny bit closer though, get more in Olzig's face, but it's a start. A good start. Keep it up Lats, i have faith in your abilities. Ditto for Koivu.

Habs were lucky to escape that period 1-0, but Huet was solid and a dumb penalty call paid off for the Habs. At least that #1 PP is still kicking!

GO HABS GO :hlogo:

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Is it me or is the RDS crew becoming more negative by the game, all i heard at the end of the period was how the Capitals dominated.

It was the same story last game, im tired of it. Say something nice about the Habs once in a while.

but the caps did dominate...

Thanks to Koivu and Huet we are up one

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Is it me or is the RDS crew becoming more negative by the game, all i heard at the end of the period was how the Capitals dominated.

It was the same story last game, im tired of it. Say something nice about the Habs once in a while.

yes, i want Pierre et Yvon (specially Yvon) heads because of that since the beginning of 2006-2007 season. BULLSHIT, all they do is giving food to other media and stupids fans who take 10 minutes of their time to call Ron Fournier to complain about Carey Price...

If Poti's penality was a penality, I WILL win 30 000 000 at lottery tomorrow...

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Well that was a bad period looks like they are still floating out there.

Yeah...they keep playing that loose and Ovechkin or Semin will break through eventually. Hope Guy reads them the riot act and they come out hitting like they did in the Leafs game.

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That's why I didn't celebrate the Pleks goal. Way to go Pleks :) But, there's nothing quite like a "tuneup". Especially against the explosive caps. Dumb penalty number 40. My apologies to his fans but in the offensive zone to take that PK? He's gotta stop that and do better. Hopefully he redeems himself with a good play/point in the game.

KEEP GOING :hlogo:

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