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I understand what you are saying but I don't think this team fits that mold, not this year.

I think so too, mostly because the coaching staff has kept players on a short leash all season. But precisely because they've got something to prove to all the doubters I'm afraid finishing first in the division right before the playoffs would be too much of an achievement. If they are to win the division, I'd rather it be early in Feb. so they can enjoy it and refocus for the playoffs and proving they're not a fluke.

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I'm going to bed happy. We could have gave up and lost 4-0 but we came back and got a point. Why Ovechkin was left alone in front, I don't know.........................but, Ottawa llooks like they are going to lose so the point is still moving in the right direction.

boston 3-0 with 5 minutes left

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We destroyed the Caps at home by destroying Ovechkin everytime he got the puck. This time he destroyed us. He is the one man wrecking machine. Glad he has a half ass team behind him or they would be a real threat.

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I hope the Habs are not looking at that game already.

Also I really hope Alfie is still out for that game.

We play Islanders and our make-up game on Sunday against Rangers. Ottawa plays the laffs. Hopefully Allfie is out for that game at least. As hurting as the Leafs are they will play hard against Ottawa.

If we win both N.Y games and Toronto wins.....We can actually take 1st place on Tuesday by beating Ottawa.

We can beat the Islanders and we can beat the Rangers, but can we beat them in the afternoon is my question.

I hope our boys are ready to take the bull by the horns.

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Yeah, be sweet to pass them. My wife is already using the "key injuries" line. True they have suffered not having Heatley, and probably would be 10 points ahead of us still "if" Alfie and Heatley were healthy all season. The point is, this is hockey, they weren't healthy, you have to deal with injuries in sport. We have been quite lucky so far, and it takes luck to go from 14th ranked preseason to Conference/Cup Champs. Luck, an under-rated/over-looked young squad, veteran superstar refinding long lost form, and more luck. Let's hope it keeps up. We paid big with the flu last year, its someone elses turn.

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afternoon games, meh

Same here. I despise afternoon games. I hate them!! :angry: I have a Poker tournament this saturday, and I get the feeling that there won't be a T.V. there!

Looks Like I'll be watching the Leaves play the Hens Saturday night. It'll be weird to cheer for the Leaves, but it's not like they are gonna catch us. C'mon Leaves, help us out a little. Kill some Hens!

Edited by Habsfan
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Same here. I despise afternoon games. I hate them!! :angry: I have a Poker tournament this saturday, and I get the feeling that there won't be a T.V. there!

Looks Like I'll be watching the Leaves play the Hens Saturday night. It'll be weird to cheer for the Leaves, but it's not like they are gonna catch us. C'mon Leaves, help us out a little. Kill some Hens!

I had a little bit of a smile on my face knowing hungry leafs will face No heatley ,Allfie and a shaky Emery. But apparently Emery is hungry to redeem himself and leafs don't have Ponikarovsky, Steen, and Antropov now. I guess we'll need to pray Sundin can pull an Ovechkin on the hens. No Shame Habsfan, we'll be cheering for Leafs in the name of THE HABS!!!

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I had a little bit of a smile on my face knowing hungry leafs will face No heatley ,Allfie and a shaky Emery. But apparently Emery is hungry to redeem himself and leafs don't have Ponikarovsky, Steen, and Antropov now. I guess we'll need to pray Sundin can pull an Ovechkin on the hens. No Shame Habsfan, we'll be cheering for Leafs in the name of THE HABS!!!

I hope the Leafs win 7-0, so the Leafs can re plan the cup parade route.

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I hope the Leafs win 7-0, so the Leafs can re plan the cup parade route.

I hope they go on a 5 game win streak, decide to be buyers, keep Sundin, trade Tlusty and go for it in 2008.

It sounds ridiculous, but in T.O. nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.

Their GM is the guy who said "Draft Schmaft"

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I hope they go on a 5 game win streak, decide to be buyers, keep Sundin, trade Tlusty and go for it in 2008.

It sounds ridiculous, but in T.O. nothing is beyond the realm of possibility.

Their GM is the guy who said "Draft Schmaft"

Can you find me that audio clip or that in a news paper.

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If it' O.K with all you guys and since this thread is all about being positive. I think we should and could cheer the Leafes on tonight in this particular thread. If you happen to cheer real loudly it won't be rubbed in your face later. We all no what is at stake.

O.k..........here it goes.

go leafs go

painful but I really want them to win tonight.

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Yes we may catch them and yes, this team is coming of age. Be nice if we make the payoffs, in general considering thoughts by most experts entering it. I just hope that if we go out early in the playoffs we aren't overly disappointed. It is a young team and most of the kids have no playoff experiance at this level.

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I had a little bit of a smile on my face knowing hungry leafs will face No heatley ,Allfie and a shaky Emery. But apparently Emery is hungry to redeem himself and leafs don't have Ponikarovsky, Steen, and Antropov now. I guess we'll need to pray Sundin can pull an Ovechkin on the hens. No Shame Habsfan, we'll be cheering for Leafs in the name of THE HABS!!!

LOL, what are the Leafs going to be like without those All-Stars.

Go Leafs Go. All the way to 10th in the Conference!! I have a feeling the Leafs will win this one.

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Considering the Sabres are minus Briere and Drury....

The Sens haven't improved significally.

The Blue team could sign God, and still smell like my dog's rear end,

And the Bruins will always be the Bruins......

What would it take for the CH to win the North East Division ?

Remember, if you win a division, you finish at worst 3rd in the Conference.

Teams like NYR, Phily, Washington Pittsburgh have me worried that a top 8 Conference finish may not be good enough.

What would it take for Les bleu blanc rouge to score a playoff spot by winning the division ?

Even back in July, I beleived.

Karma, baby, Karma.....

Now, 3 or 4 out of 5 vs. Ottawa.....

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4-2 Leafs.........things are looking good boys!!!!!!!!

as much as i want the laffs to win tonight, i still hate seeing all those leaf fans celebrate, it's probably because i live in toronto but it really irks me. but alas....go leafs go

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as much as i want the laffs to win tonight, i still hate seeing all those leaf fans celebrate, it's probably because i live in toronto but it really irks me. but alas....go leafs go

I can live with it, because I already know the ridiculous Coliacovo, Robbie Earl, Tlusty are awesome conversations tomorrow.

They have to play .800 hockey to make the playoffs. I will settle for .600 and screwing up their shot at Stamkos

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3 pts from the Sens with a game in hand.

So next week we've got 2 games vs the Sens. We got a chance to win 1st place by ourselves. Should be 2 incredible games. Plus there's a Habs-Leafs game thrown in between...

We haven't been too good vs the Sens this season. 3 losses.

jeu. 18 oct. 2007 Canadiens Sénateurs 3 - 4

sam. 10 nov. 2007 Canadiens Sénateurs 1 - 3

lun. 19 nov. 2007 Sénateurs Canadiens 4 - 2

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