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Montreal - Chicago Game Thread


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bah.. price is back on his knees and deep in his net... has to push out on that pass and get off the post.

Kopecky was right on top of him in the blue paint. Price had nowhere to go.

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Kopecky was right on top of him in the blue paint. Price had nowhere to go.

He has to push out.. there was plenty of room for him to come out.. he was down and deep before the shot even came...

Our defense has been terrible however, letting chicago push him back...

Made some nice saves, plus got some luck on that last flurry.. again caused by a stupid play at the other blueline.

one good shift this entire period.. :(

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I'm loving Moen.

That was a great goal, kinda looked like a fluke but I think Moen was trying to do something like that. Thats why he shot the puck like that.

Moen is highly under rated. He does lots of the little things right and he scores. He's tied for 2nd on the Habs now and he costs under 1/3 of what Gionta costs. Not to shabby. :clap:

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Game notes after 2:

Good showing by Price. He's not doing anything he wasnt doing before. The challenge in his case is to be exactly that focused for 3 periods. I didnt really like his body language on the 1st goal.

Kostitsyn: the Enigma. As in: what was he thinking when he turned the puck away about 8 times? Why isnt he skating hard and driving the net like he did twice? Sometimes he looks like Higgins did last year: can't beat anyone 1-on-1 and always ends up losing the puck. Doesnt seem like he doesnt care, just that he completely lost his touch.

Latendresse: invisible. He and Chips arent getting much ice because of Dago's injury, but like I said since the 1st game vs NYI last week, he falls much more often than before. I'm suspecting an injury or something.

Gorges & Gill: still as horrible as ever. Boy am I starting to cringe every time they're on the ice.

Cam-Plex-Laps: I'm liking that line. There's determination and drive on that line. Hopefully they develop more chemistry.

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Moen is highly under rated. He does lots of the little things right and he scores. He's tied for 2nd on the Habs now and he costs under 1/3 of what Gionta costs. Not to shabby. :clap:

Gionta is beginning to worry me. He started out so well, hopefully he can break out of his mini slump.

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There is nothing wrong with Josh Gorges, he is being draged down by Gill. I would frankly rather see Brisebois out there.

What do you do with Kostitsyn or Latendresse, Lapierre not exactly setting the world on fire.

They totally miss Markov tonight as I watch the mobility of the Hawks defenceman.

Chipchara is playing better.

They have been totally owned in the faceoff zone.

Mara and Spacek were good signings.

Aren't you glad they did not trade Plekanec!!!

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Please don't lose to the leafs.. they are playing better and lack scoring, but they have goaltending now.

This team is simply not good enough. Not one of our prospects or even young guys is doing squat this year. Outside of Gomez, Gionta, Pleks, Cammy, and moen.. they all suck.. please note that Pleks is the only carry over..

Its not the new guys brought in that are the problem, is the ones we are still stuck with who are regressing!

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More than half our shots were RIGHT AT HUET! Its so frustrating knowing that you would have made better shot than some of these guys.:puke:

Bench Andrei, Im fed up with him.

Edited by haber
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We cannot get the big goal when we need it. WTF is a. Kost doing behind the net when there's already someone with the puck behind it....GRRRRR he drags down whatever line he is on, he needs to be sit for a couple.

Price makes up for the lack of first pass from the D, he has to be given more chance to play, once again the team in front of him barely show up, and the Halak fan boys will probably bemoaning his play, but I would say at least 4 scoring chances were directly created by Price's long pass.

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Sigh.. too deep.. he has to be at the top of the blue paint... he seems to creep back at as the game goes on.. not sure why..

I honestly do not understand your thinking on this one, the shot beat him 5 hole didn't it? So its not like he was beaten because he didn't cut down an angle or something. If anything being out on top of the crease would have given him less reaction time on that shot.

But anyway Kostitsyn should be sat next game for that poor excuse of a back-check, You give Pat Kane that much time to look around and set up a play and you are asking for trouble.

And why couldn't we generate one Damn good scoring chance in the third period on a team that played the night before?

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Wow what a ridiculous game. It's getting real frustrating to watch this team play. They had a golden chance to win in cause it got miraculously tied in the second period. They're facing a Hawks team that was tired and they blew it in the third, so many turnovers and stupid passes.

FYI, someone should tell the players that you ALWAYS keep an eye on the teams star players. You'd think they would have learned a lesson after giving Crosby a hat trick but I saw the same thing with Pat Kane tonight, giving him so much space.

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I wouldn't throw Price under the bus here, he did his job in my opinion and did nice saves throughout the night. That last goal might look like a routine shot but it was Kane with the puck (and no cover) making a nice pass to Sharp in the slot and one-timed it.

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Price was 2nd star, he wasn't the problem. The team scored three goals in two road games, just unacceptable.

He was only the 2nd star by RDS, not the official second star.

This was a team loss for sure, but I don't like Price's positioning, whether it goes in or not. He is simply too deep. That last goal he was barely off his goal line and on his knees.... If you come out and keep your stick positioned correctly, that is an easy save (well, not easy, but savable).

Our D sucks lately, and perhaps this is screwing Price up. I don't think he has much confidence, but I think he has even less confidence in the Defence and in that, I agree with him completely. Sometimes the best way to give a goalie more confidence is to play better in front of him. Tie up the guys to the side so he can confidently play the shot. Price looks to me like he is trying to over every possible angle since he can't count on his D taking anyone!

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