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[Game Thread] Calgary Flames @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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Kipper played a good game, he made the saves he was supposed to, but he saw every single one of those shots.

I cant recall seeing a screened shot out of any of his saves.

Halak did well by keeping the Habs within one after the first goal. This team simply cannot score. That's 2 goals in the last 9 periods now.

Why not give Sergei a shot on the second line? Max gives his all out there but the fact of the matter is, he is not a top 6 forward. Sergei could be one if he puts it all together.

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Markov, Cammy, Gomez and Gionta wrap up 23M for the forseeable future.

Who or what is going to make this team better than a team battling for 8th?

Gainey has two bullets left in his gun.

SK 74 and one to use on himself.

I really have no idea what the identity of this team is. D? Scoring? Special teams? They suck at all 3.

I want to believe in this team, I really do. Since Gainey blew his brains out in July, I really have no clue

what the plan is. That is extremely frustrating for me.

We all knew Markov was this team's MVP and that his loss would hurt.

Cammy's on pace for 33 goals and 66 pts, Gomez and Gionta on pace for 52 pts. Plex on pace for 67 pts bests all over them.

What really hurt us is this:

Kostitsyn on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Lapierre on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Latendresse on pace for: 9 goals, 4 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

Pacioretty on pace for: 4 goals, 9 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

That's your wingers #3, 4, 5 and 6. You can't go anywhere without any offense from the wings.

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Crap and vintage jerseys.


I still think this began to fall apart with short term thinking based around the 100th anniversary.

Gainey lost me when he fired Carbo to make the playoffs and then spent ALL his money in the summer.

Just because you have cap space, doesn't mean you have to spend it all in one summer.

I said I would give it 20 games, well they have two games to show me they are moving forward,

I am less than optimistic right now.

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I still think this began to fall apart with short term thinking based around the 100th anniversary.

Gainey lost me when he fired Carbo to make the playoffs and then spent ALL his money in the summer.

Just because you have cap space, doesn't mean you have to spend it all in one summer.

I said I would give it 20 games, well they have two games to show me they are moving forward,

I am less than optimistic right now.

On a side note, Tanguay and Begin are having fun

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We all knew Markov was this team's MVP and that his loss would hurt.

Cammy's on pace for 33 goals and 66 pts, Gomez and Gionta on pace for 52 pts. Plex on pace for 67 pts bests all over them.

What really hurt us is this:

Kostitsyn on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Lapierre on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Latendresse on pace for: 9 goals, 4 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

Pacioretty on pace for: 4 goals, 9 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

That's your wingers #3, 4, 5 and 6. You can't go anywhere without any offense from the wings.

Did Gainey pay $18M in salaries for a 65 pt forward, and two 50 point forwards?

If he did, he is an idiot.

I have ZERO expectations for this team. Gainey's brainless spending spree in the summer

sucked some enthusiasm from me, the way they are playing continues to do so.

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What really hurt us is this:

Kostitsyn on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Lapierre on pace for: 4 goals, 19 assists and 23 pts in 82 games

Latendresse on pace for: 9 goals, 4 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

Pacioretty on pace for: 4 goals, 9 assists and 13 pts in 82 games

That's your wingers #3, 4, 5 and 6. You can't go anywhere without any offense from the wings.

Good analysis! Until two of these 4 guys gets going, we are gonna struggle!

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Did Gainey pay $18M in salaries for a 65 pt forward, and two 50 point forwards?

If he did, he is an idiot.

I have ZERO expectations for this team. Gainey's brainless spending spree in the summer

sucked some enthusiasm from me, the way they are playing continues to do so.

Would you like a bag for all the word vomit? How many games played? Maybe one should judge the "65 and 50pt" forwards when the season is done. You may be right, but criminy, give it a rest. You sound like an old hag whining about how cold it is every five minutes.

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Did Gainey pay $18M in salaries for a 65 pt forward, and two 50 point forwards?

If he did, he is an idiot.

I have ZERO expectations for this team. Gainey's brainless spending spree in the summer

sucked some enthusiasm from me, the way they are playing continues to do so.

Well right now the move Gainey made that disappoint me the most is Jacques Martin. I thought the Habs would be a team based on speed and relentless puck pursuit. Instead we're dumping the puck all the time because Martin wants very short shifts.

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Would you like a bag for all the word vomit? How many games played? Maybe one should judge the "65 and 50pt" forwards when the season is done. You may be right, but criminy, give it a rest. You sound like an old hag whining about how cold it is every five minutes.

Exactly, what does a 3pt game from each of them do in the next game for their projected point totals?

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Did Gainey pay $18M in salaries for a 65 pt forward, and two 50 point forwards?

If he did, he is an idiot.

I have ZERO expectations for this team. Gainey's brainless spending spree in the summer

sucked some enthusiasm from me, the way they are playing continues to do so.

Who else could he have gotten? Koivu and Kovalev? They are playing worse Kovy wanted over $4 Million himself.

I agree it sucks, but every other year he didn't overspend, so he didn't get anyone. then we all complained that he could not land a free agent. I said 2 years ago and last year that he would have to overpay to get anyone. Seems to me he is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

I really think the bigger problem is the kids not developing. If they did, we would have a reasonably balanced, albeit expensive team.

Look at Toronto.. they are just as expensive and who do they have ... one player!

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I still think this began to fall apart with short term thinking based around the 100th anniversary.

Gainey lost me when he fired Carbo to make the playoffs and then spent ALL his money in the summer.

Just because you have cap space, doesn't mean you have to spend it all in one summer.

I said I would give it 20 games, well they have two games to show me they are moving forward,

I am less than optimistic right now.

Gainey lost me completely when the team sucked and didn't seem to have any charachter and he didn't start moving his assets. He compounded that error by trying to force Price to be the number 1 goaltender. By the time of the Gomez trade and the free agent signings, I wish he had used that bullet before making those moves.

A scene in Godfather 2 summed up Gainey's only option to me last summer, the scene where Tom Hogan tells Frankie Pentangeli what the did in the roman times.

The habs are the only team i've ever cheered for and will be the only team I'll ever cheer for, but the bottem line is this team is screwed unless the habs can find somebody as dumb as Gainey to take Gomez of their hands. $18m tied up in a salary cap era on three forwards, of which only one is really an elite 1st liner is utter stupidity.

As good as he is, I really don't think Markov is going to make all that much of a difference. At the end of the day, against a decent big tough defence, the smurf line isn't going to get in tight. Goalies will have a clear line of sight to the puck the way kipper did tonight.

The situation with the second line will only get worse. I see Pleks walking away this year, unless the Habs GROSSLY overpay for him. He should be signed long-term RIGHT NOW, or he will either be gone or will cost too much the longer Gainey waits. I also can't see Gainy's thoroughbred being willing to play in Montreal long term.

On defence, there is no one behind Markov that can be considered a truly elite prospect (I've got high hopes on Subban, but he is by no means a sure thing), and Markove is only signed for what - another two years??? Given what Gomez is getting, I really can't see us being able to keep him either. So in two years, what are we going to be left with other then the overpaid smurf line.

No matter how much I look for a silver lining, I think we are screwed,

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Well right now the move Gainey made that disappoint me the most is Jacques Martin. I thought the Habs would be a team based on speed and relentless puck pursuit. Instead we're dumping the puck all the time because Martin wants very short shifts.

Actually I hate the Martin signing as well. People are to fixated on the Ottawa team he coached. That was a stacked team and they never went anywhere under Martin. he also accomplished nothing in Florida. Florida didn't start improving until they got a new coach.

To me the last 15 years has been partly due to the habs unwillingness to look for and hire the best coach available rather then being the affirmative action training academy for inexperienced francaphone coaches. If they hired a proven winner with a track record that speaks french, i'd have no issue. IMO Martin doesn't fit that bill.

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Guys, why aren't we focusing on the real issue here? Halak letting in that 1st period goal clearly deflated the team. If Halak makes that save, Montreal wins this game 0-0!

Yup, Kipper made the saves he needed to, and Halak did not. End of story :P

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Funny thing is... I complained about Gainey and his moves right at the beginning of the year and got dumped on big time. The only guy who seemed to agree with me was Kozed.

I certainly don't enjoy being right this time, but this is a bad team. Hopefully, the Molsons can start the reclamation project by getting a decent gm. I'd personally like to see Serge Savard come back (though I doubt he'd accept it).

The single Gainey acquisition that I abhor the most is the Gomez one. I never realized how soft this guy plays. He *is* a great passer but he takes care of Mr. Gomez before he takes care of the puck. And we're stuck with this guy for what? 5 years? I can understand now why the Rangers are laughing their heads off at this trade...

Too bad Jim Popp isn't a hockey guy...

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Who else could he have gotten? Koivu and Kovalev? They are playing worse Kovy wanted over $4 Million himself.

I agree it sucks, but every other year he didn't overspend, so he didn't get anyone. then we all complained that he could not land a free agent. I said 2 years ago and last year that he would have to overpay to get anyone. Seems to me he is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.

I really think the bigger problem is the kids not developing. If they did, we would have a reasonably balanced, albeit expensive team.

Look at Toronto.. they are just as expensive and who do they have ... one player!

How mjuch worse is Koivu then Gomez. At least Koivu goes HARD to the net. I like Gomez and wouldn't mind having him as a second line centre making under $4M. But all of the habs fans were on Koivu for not being a BIG DOMINATING Centre, or being a true #1 centre. Is Gomez really a #1 centre?? He sure the heck isn't a BIG DOMINATING centre!!

Having Koivu for anther year or two at $2.25M seems a lot more enticing to me then Gomez at $7.3M for the next 5 years!!!!

I had a huge argument with my brother about Kovy after his big year, I thought they should have traded him then, my brother who loves Kovy and still wears his Kovy jersey, thought that Kovy had finally broken out. Guys his age don't suddenly break out or change. If gainey had any balls he would have moved him after that big year.

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Funny thing is... I complained about Gainey and his moves right at the beginning of the year and got dumped on big time. The only guy who seemed to agree with me was Kozed.

I certainly don't enjoy being right this time, but this is a bad team. Hopefully, the Molsons can start the reclamation project by getting a decent gm. I'd personally like to see Serge Savard come back (though I doubt he'd accept it).

The single Gainey acquisition that I abhor the most is the Gomez one. I never realized how soft this guy plays. He *is* a great passer but he takes care of Mr. Gomez before he takes care of the puck. And we're stuck with this guy for what? 5 years? I can understand now why the Rangers are laughing their heads off at this trade...

Too bad Jim Popp isn't a hockey guy...

Well really if he doesn't take care of "Mr Gomez" then what are we left with? The same team without Mr Gomez.

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Funny thing is... I complained about Gainey and his moves right at the beginning of the year and got dumped on big time. The only guy who seemed to agree with me was Kozed.

I certainly don't enjoy being right this time, but this is a bad team. Hopefully, the Molsons can start the reclamation project by getting a decent gm. I'd personally like to see Serge Savard come back (though I doubt he'd accept it).

The single Gainey acquisition that I abhor the most is the Gomez one. I never realized how soft this guy plays. He *is* a great passer but he takes care of Mr. Gomez before he takes care of the puck. And we're stuck with this guy for what? 5 years? I can understand now why the Rangers are laughing their heads off at this trade...

Too bad Jim Popp isn't a hockey guy...

Hey I've been posting Anti-Gainey threads for the last year and been getting dumped on for the past year.

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