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[Game Thread] Calgary Flames @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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Guys, why aren't we focusing on the real issue here? Halak letting in that 1st period goal clearly deflated the team. If Halak makes that save, Montreal wins this game 0-0!

If anyone should be blamed, it's Gorges. Deflected Iggy's shot on the goal and took an awful penalty with 2 mins left in the game.

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If anyone should be blamed, it's Gorges. Deflected Iggy's shot on the goal and took an awful penalty with 2 mins left in the game.

Actually we should probably blame the schedule maker. Why did they schedule any games against good teams, when the everyone knows the habs would need at least 20 games to gel after blowing up their lineup.

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Funny thing is... I complained about Gainey and his moves right at the beginning of the year and got dumped on big time. The only guy who seemed to agree with me was Kozed.

I didnt like the Gomez trade and any of the signings until we signed Gionta because then it looked like Gainey was planning to build a speedy team, that there was a larger plan behind all the signings. But looking at the team now, it's nothing like I thought we'd be. We're slow because our transition game sucks; but also because of Martin's obsession with short shifts. We miss a lot of offensive opportunities because the players are recalled to the bench. I understand the idea behind it, but seeing as we're having tons of problems scoring, Martin could/should loosen the leach.

Also one thing that is hurting us incredibly: the PP. It's so horrible. Once it will start to improve, things will change.

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If anyone should be blamed, it's Gorges. Deflected Iggy's shot on the goal and took an awful penalty with 2 mins left in the game.

Had Halak anticipated that deflection, as any goalie should, the entire game changes.

What's with the argument? Calgary scored more goals than Montreal, ergo the goaltender lost the game and must be blamed. Consistency, please!

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Had Halak anticipated that deflection, as any goalie should, the entire game changes.

What's with the argument? Calgary scored more goals than Montreal, ergo the goaltender lost the game and must be blamed. Consistency, please!

Almost funny, Trizz.

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Guys, why aren't we focusing on the real issue here? Halak letting in that 1st period goal clearly deflated the team. If Halak makes that save, Montreal wins this game 0-0!

I know right? Like he NEEDS to make that save. Not making it changes the way the team dynamic works. As far as I'm concerned, he is ruined. I mean come on. I am sick of goaltending ruining our chances at success!

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Wamsley, I'm running on the theory that Gainey is quietly trying for another rebuild, underneath the disguise of this core. Having failed to develop any elite talent in the *first* five-year plan, he got himself another core and hoped like hell that it would keep us competitive until the next crop of players arrives. So what are we being "sold?" Hope for the future in the guise of hope for the present, I'd say. Of course, if Bob goes and trades away more picks for 32-year-olds, then that'll put the kibosh on this theory.

I wonder what the players themselves are thinking. Gionta, Cammy, Moen...when these guys signed they seemed so enthusiastic. Moen suggested we were Cup contenders and he wanted to be a part of it. Are they all looking sideways at each other now: "err..., say, Gomer, just what the $%^$%^#$%^# have we gotten ourselves into???" :blink:

(Actually, my original prediction for this group was a first-half crisis, followed by redemption led by the Cup-ring-wearing veterans. So far, the first half of that prediction is coming true. Cough. :monkey:

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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I'm frustrated, and pissed at the lackluster play of late. Although I'm not ready to jump the ship yet, eventually those bounces WILL go our way, and things will all be well, when one goes in, they will go in bunches, I believe. What I do know, is that this season will test loyalties of the fans.

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No guys seriously. I am angry! Furious that Halak let that goal in. We had a chance to win and bottom line is he let his team down. Calgary's goalie let in less goals than our goalie. I am sick of weak goaltending deciding our fate!

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Wamsley, I'm running on the theory that Gainey is quietly trying for another rebuild, underneath the disguise of this core. Having failed to develop any elite talent in the *first* five-year plan, he got himself another core and hoped like hell that it would keep us competitive until the next crop of players arrives. So what are we being "sold?" Hope for the future in the guise of hope for the present, I'd say. Of course, if Bob goes and trades away more picks for 32-year-olds, then that'll put the kibosh on this theory.

I wonder what the players themselves are thinking. Gionta, Cammy, Moen...when these guys signed they seemed so enthusiastic. Moen suggested we were Cup contenders and he wanted to be a part of it. Are they all looking sideways at each other now: "err..., say, Gomer, just what the $%^$%^#$%^# have we gotten ourselves into???" :blink:

(Actually, my original prediction for this group was a first-half crisis, followed by redemption led by the Cup-ring-wearing veterans. So far, the first half of that prediction is coming true. Cough. :monkey:

National news agencies never call me up for my opinion, but I think Mr G made necessary moves this year. We WERE going for it all, and we didn't make it with terrible injuries and the subsequent downloading of the team weight onto kid Price. He got Lang, Tanguay....did a simply wonderful job. And it didn't work out. Man proposes, Allah disposes as the Muslims say.

It was time to gear up again and try to re-ignite the team. He had to gamble with Price and should at least give him this season to do or die. Losing Markov is a very big loss to this team, and I suspect we'd have a different dynamic if he were with us, but c'est la vie.

In short I think Mr G has done an excellent job as GM and continues to do so. I am happier than hell, I have not had to look at him in the Leaf box for the last few years.

Carry on uncle Bob and I'll try to have the good sense to see the course you're steering with a club that doesn't have the luxury of tanking a season, but which has to get the job done with late draft picks and entertaining hockey.

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I feel the same about most of your posts on goaltending, lately.

That's too bad for you. But if you wanted to make that point, you should have picked another game then one where Halak allows 1 screened & deflect goal, finishes the game with a .967 sv% and gets 2nd star. Comparing apples and oranges to try to make a point is the stuff I expect from fanboys. You're smarter than that.

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You're smarter than that.

Once again, I feel the same way about most of your posts on goaltending lately.

It takes a loss with Halak in net for everyone to complain, all at once, that secondary scoring has been hurting the Habs. Where was this when Price played? There have been an awful lot of low scoring games this season, and right now the only team that the Habs have dominated has been the New York Islanders.

I hope this focus on the lack of consistent scoring continues into the games that Price plays. Of course, now that I've said that, his next start will probably be another Vancouver-like game.

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It takes a loss with Halak in net for everyone to complain, all at once, that secondary scoring has been hurting the Habs. Where was this when Price played? There have been an awful lot of low scoring games this season, and right now the only team that the Habs have dominated has been the New York Islanders.

I hope this focus on the lack of consistent scoring continues into the games that Price plays. Of course, now that I've said that, his next start will probably be another Vancouver-like game.

Hmmm, Trizz? It's not the loss that get people complaining about secondary scoring. That topic has been on the air for a while in various thread. People are second guessing Gainey's moves. It's just that losing 1-0 underlines it even more.

Like I said, you chose a bad game to try to make the point of people having double standards when it comes to Halak & Price. In the TB game Price allowed two iffies, the 3rd one being a back-breaker when the Habs are trying to get back in the game. Tonight Halak allows 1 goal mid-first and then keeps the Habs in the game the rest of the whole 50 mins left. You should be honest enough to admit it makes a ton of difference.

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The saddest thing is....This is your Montreal Canadiens for the next 5 years.

This is our Montreal Canadiens for the next five years BEFORE we have to start letting people go due to cap problems. We will never be this good again for quite some time.

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Hmmm, Trizz? It's not the loss that get people complaining about secondary scoring. That topic has been on the air for a while in various thread. People are second guessing Gainey's moves. It's just that losing 1-0 underlines it even more.

Like I said, you chose a bad game to try to make the point of people having double standards when it comes to Halak & Price. In the TB game Price allowed two iffies, the 3rd one being a back-breaker when the Habs are trying to get back in the game. Tonight Halak allows 1 goal mid-first and then keeps the Habs in the game the rest of the whole 50 mins left. You should be honest enough to admit it makes a ton of difference.

Dunno man, but I tend to be with Trizz on this one. Everytime Price allows a iffie, it ruined the guys effort to come back. But everytime Halak allows a iffie (not talking about Iginla's goal), he kept the guys in the game but they were not able to come back. I've seen this on this board several times.

And for the 3rd TB game, I just don't understand how you can blame Price that much. I totally blame Mara for a bad pinch move who resulted in a 2 on 1. Hell, a 2 on 1 where they hit the post. He hits the post 1 cm on the right, the rebound is not the same and we're not even talking about a goal but how Mara was disgusting on this play that COULD have lead to a goal...

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Dunno man, but I tend to be with Trizz on this one. Everytime Price allows a iffie, it ruined the guys effort to come back. But everytime Halak allows a iffie (not talking about Iginla's goal), he kept the guys in the game but they were not able to come back. I've seen this on this board several times.

And for the 3rd TB game, I just don't understand how you can blame Price that much. I totally blame Mara for a bad pinch move who resulted in a 2 on 1. Hell, a 2 on 1 where they hit the post. He hits the post 1 cm on the right, the rebound is not the same and we're not even talking about a goal but how Mara was disgusting on this play that COULD have lead to a goal...


There is something bad with Price's body languange if he allows a bad goal.

But we can't blame Price or Halak for our iffy season

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No guys seriously. I am angry! Furious that Halak let that goal in. We had a chance to win and bottom line is he let his team down. Calgary's goalie let in less goals than our goalie. I am sick of weak goaltending deciding our fate!

Halak gave one goal, by one of the best shooters in the game. The Habs scored no goal. Who do you think is responsible for this defeat?

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They didn't play too bad, they didn't play real good offensively either. If one of your top guys can't even get a shot on goal on a breakaway it's not your night.

Dumb penalties: Check

If Price didn't play the habs would have won: Check

Splitting up the big 3 to create more offense: Check, oh wait a minute, everytime there split they have 4 lines who can't score.

Losing too many 1 on 1 battles: Check

Lats, Lapierre, AK46 all invisibe: Check

Plenty of turnovers: Check

1 goal or less: Check

Yoy might as well put Lats Lapierre and AK46 on the 4th line together, they do less damage that way.

Put Moen with Pyatt and White. Put Pacioretty Pleks Metro together see what hgappens.

Leach looked ok, am i the only one who would rather see leach on the bottom pair with Carle? I would also Put Mara and Hamrlik together as the shut down pair, move Spacek back to the LD with Gorges.

Unfortunately i don't see many wins coming up.

The good news is they are moving in a top 5 pick.

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And for the 3rd TB game, I just don't understand how you can blame Price that much. I totally blame Mara for a bad pinch move who resulted in a 2 on 1. Hell, a 2 on 1 where they hit the post. He hits the post 1 cm on the right, the rebound is not the same and we're not even talking about a goal but how Mara was disgusting on this play that COULD have lead to a goal...

"Blame Price that much"? Just look at the freaking replay of the goal. http://canadiens.nhl.tv/team/console.jsp?h...414&fr=true

First off, the Habs are trailing by 1, defensemen will pinch in to keep the puck in the offensive zone. You will give 2-on-1's if you're trying to score a goal by all means possible.

2nd of all, Tanguay just sent fumbled with the pass and sent a feeble backhander toward the net. Price had make his lateral movement, he was there. He just missed the puck completely. You could make a case that if Gorges doesnt trip over himself he could have swapped the puck from behind Price before Wright got there, but the goalie is supposed to stop that shitty shot.

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