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[Games Thread] Montreal vs Washington


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I hate to say it but I think Pricey should have had the last s/o goal, he just faded too far back in the net and left too many openings. However the fact we hung in with these guys and except for 1 stupid stupid penalty we had the game won. be proud of these guys they work hard. :hlogo: :ghg:

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I hate to say it but I think Pricey should have had the last s/o goal, he just faded too far back in the net and left too many openings. However the fact we hung in with these guys and except for 1 stupid stupid penalty we had the game won. be proud of these guys they work hard. :hlogo: :ghg:

I dunno man. that looked like pretty much a perfect shot. roof daddy blocker side, right in the corner

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A loss in the standings, a point in the final tally, and a moral victory in the end. Let's be honest here, how many thought that game was going to get out of hand after the first? Price made all the important saves and kept us in there until the boys fought back. That's a fantastic point against a great team.

  1. Moen and Metro fought the puck all night, it was hard to watch.
  2. Patches is starting to really drive the net, one has to wonder if it's only a matter of time.
  3. Bergy scores and then gives 1.8M Habs fans heart palps.
  4. Spacek steps in and all but stifles Ovie.
  5. On RDS, Gomez came on to explain that he'll hopefully be back on Tuesday. He did it in French.
  6. I hope we don't get everyone back at once. While limited in talent, this crew is playing well together. We need to integrate each casualty slowly to give everyone a chance to get on the same page.
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I dunno man. that looked like pretty much a perfect shot. roof daddy blocker side, right in the corner

i'm just saying he was way back in the paint, a little bit more out and that shot don't make it. He played an awesome game and always mistakes happen. i am not blaming him for the loss just saying I think he could have had it but he got a little out of position, he allowed himself to get pushed too far back into the goal. just my op. :hlogo: :ghg:

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I like what I see of Pacioretty. Seems to have more and more confidence and makes better plays. He played 20 min tonight. probably a career-high for him.

Great effort by Sergei K I thought.

To me this is two great news.

However, it's getting more and more difficult to imagine Chipchura staying in the NHL for long.

Oh and that Pyatt guy.. great find

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What an effort tonight against an excellent team! I was impressed by the way we came back in the game after a so-so start.

Hamrlik, Spacek, O'Byrne, Bergeron were strong on defense. Price made some fantastic saves again, particularly in the 2nd period. He gave us a chance to comeback. Did not have the win, but he is definitely showing what a great goalie he can become.

Pax and young K had a good game. I can' believe how good Pax is doing right now. He is more creative with the puck; uses his speed better; finds his teamates with good passes; checks solidly. I think he is becoming quite a player right in front of our eyes.

Another youngster who is showing great promise is White. He reminds me a lot of Mike Keane. Not great with the puck, but a gritty, tough to play against forward.

Talking again about Bergeron, I have to confess that I was tough with him on this forum. Now that I see what he can do, it's obvious that it was a great move by Gainey to sign him. His shot is something to see. Martin deserves also a lot of credit for his patience and Pearns too, for the work he has done to get this player better in his zone.

I know that a defeat is still a defeat, but I think that we are about to see a great improvement in the standings. Gomez, D'Agostini, Pouliot (and maybe AK46) will be available next week. Gionta should soon follow, and Gill too. A few weeks later, our leader on defense will be ready for a comeback. It will give a completely different set of choices to Martin. He will be able to form different line-ups depending of the opponent. It is my opinion that we will have a very tough team on the ice every night.

What's going on right now -- all the injuries, the adversity -- is not necessarily a bad thing. This team is learning, the hard way, what it takes to win. The lesson will remain for the rest of the year.

Take my word: we will make the play-offs and we have all it takes to surprise quite a few unbelievers.

Edited by JCPetit
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So? He shoots. He hit the post; and scored about 3 out of 4 before. In shootouts, I'd rather see "no hands" shoot and score then "nice hands" make lame dekes like Plex.

As a rule, in shootouts, those who shoot rather than deke, scores.

Yep. Bring back Ryder !!! No seriously, it is true, and very true against Carey Price. No one can deke hime, they have to shoot the puck.

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Terrible call on Mara late in the game... I think the Washington player deserved the penalty. but overall happy considering the game was destined to be a blowout early on.

Max Pac is one small step from breaking out into the player we think he can be, what a performance. :clap:

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Terrible call on Mara late in the game... I think the Washington player deserved the penalty. but overall happy considering the game was destined to be a blowout early on.

Max Pac is one small step from breaking out into the player we think he can be, what a performance. :clap:

Exactly what I was thinking last night. Pax is very close to a break-through. Once he realizes what he can do, he'll be amazing.

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It is just wonderful to see Price feeling comfortable enough to play the way he is. MaxPack is playing strong and Pyatt played some pretty sweet hockey too. It will be a shame when all our wounded return!!

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A loss in the standings, a point in the final tally, and a moral victory in the end. Let's be honest here, how many thought that game was going to get out of hand after the first? Price made all the important saves and kept us in there until the boys fought back. That's a fantastic point against a great team.

  1. Moen and Metro fought the puck all night, it was hard to watch.
  2. Patches is starting to really drive the net, one has to wonder if it's only a matter of time.
  3. Bergy scores and then gives 1.8M Habs fans heart palps.
  4. Spacek steps in and all but stifles Ovie.
  5. On RDS, Gomez came on to explain that he'll hopefully be back on Tuesday. He did it in French.
  6. I hope we don't get everyone back at once. While limited in talent, this crew is playing well together. We need to integrate each casualty slowly to give everyone a chance to get on the same page.

Nice summary !

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If you're unhappy with a point from this injury ridden lineup, then there's no hope for you.

You don't get the point Trizzak - has nothing to do with a depleted line-up. The point being made is that you're 11 SECONDS away from winning and getting 2 points instead of 1. You play 59 MINUTES and 49 SECONDS with an injury-ridden line-up and CAN win it with them, but give it up in the last 11 seconds. I wonder where the hope really is.

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Well, concidering what I thought the game would end with after the 2-0 goal I am really happy with the end result. I was fearing a big blowout but I guess Martin knows what to say to his team after a period like that. So close to getting a win but a point is great if yer behind 0-2 after the first period.

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Exactly what I was thinking last night. Pax is very close to a break-through. Once he realizes what he can do, he'll be amazing.

That's why i think he could benefit from being in Hamilton. He's playing hard, but having trouble finishing right now. It would be nice to to get him confidence finishing on his chances. PHysically, he's doing everything Lats wasn't - which includes driving to the net, he just needs confidence in being able to bury his chances.

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Terrible call on Mara late in the game... I think the Washington player deserved the penalty. but overall happy considering the game was destined to be a blowout early on.

Max Pac is one small step from breaking out into the player we think he can be, what a performance. :clap:

I had no problem with the call. Mara basically mugged the guy. Jacques Martin referenced discipline in his post game comments, and now Hamrlik has come out as well, talking about discipline. You knew the refs just wanted to call something late in the game. On a positive note, I think Sergei Kost is here to stay, and Max Pac looks to be developing very nicely. Suddenly, our often critisized young player development looks alot better.

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That's why i think he could benefit from being in Hamilton. He's playing hard, but having trouble finishing right now. It would be nice to to get him confidence finishing on his chances. PHysically, he's doing everything Lats wasn't - which includes driving to the net, he just needs confidence in being able to bury his chances.

Hummm... Too late for that IMO. The kid would not see that as a vote of confidence. I just think that once Gomez will be back, it will be easier to make two good lines, and the 3rd will look a lot better too. In just two weeks from now, we should have a much stronger line-up.

Here are the lines, sometimes this week, as I see them:


Pouliot-Plekanec-S. Kostitsyn



In three weeks, we should see something like this:


Pouliot-Plekanec-A. Kostitsyn


S. Kostitsyn-Lapierre-Moen

After Chistmas, the defensemen will be:



Mara-Bergeron (or Gill or Gorges)

It's gonna be a very different team on the ice. Very fast on offense, with an experienced defense corp quick to mount a counter-offense.

Edited by JCPetit
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Hummm... Too late for that IMO. The kid would not see that as a vote of confidence. I just think that once Gomez will be back, it will be easier to make two good lines, and the 3rd will look a lot better too. In just two weeks from now, we should have a much stronger line-up.

Here are the lines, sometimes this week, as I see them:


Pouliot-Plekanec-S. Kostitsyn



In three weeks, we should see something like this:


Pouliot-Plekanec-A. Kostitsyn


S. Kostitsyn-Lapierre-Moen

After Chistmas, the defensemen will be:



Mara-Bergeron (or Gill)

It's gonna be a very different team on the ice. Very fast on offense, with an experienced defense corp quick to mount a counter-offense.

that is something to look forward to.

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Lack of depth/quality defensively hurt in the last minutes.

Mara, Bergeron, Gorges, the NJ guy and to some point Spacek don'T do the job to clear the zone.

Sad to say we miss Gill, but it's true, pair him with Hammer and there is better chance they hold

40 seconds and then O'byrne covers some bodies for MArkov to clear the zone.

ANd hey i had to discuus things over with ex habs fans last night who gave up on the team for Bob failure.

Believe me there are many of these who gave up on the Habs, for many reasons but they are totally

blind to the miracle these Hammer, Pyatt, White, Moen, Paccioretty, Gorges, Metropolit play to held this team

head out of water.

1 They are not real fan they just bandwagoner. And i understand their frustraction to a certain point,

fed up of overmercchendiding overpromising and not delivering. But a fan is a fan, good time bad times,

like the GM or not.

2 Blindness to see the hardwork of players with limited capacity to bring results and not giving them recognition for that

is a lack of hockey IQ. Hard work is rewarded somehow someday.

3 The players gone are gone, time to move on.

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Sergei Kostitsyn = NHL material.

I could easily see :

Cammy - Gomez - Gio

S. - Plex - A.

Pouliot - Laps - Pax

Moen - Metro - whoever

I'd put AK with Gio and Gomer... and SK with cammie and plek. also, White and Pyatt = way better than Chip and Stewart

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I'd put AK with Gio and Gomer... and SK with cammie and plek. also, White and Pyatt = way better than Chip and Stewart

Right. Too bad for him, but I expect Chip will be on the waivers soon. Another team will probably give him a try.

Lack of depth/quality defensively hurt in the last minutes.

Mara, Bergeron, Gorges, the NJ guy and to some point Spacek don'T do the job to clear the zone.

Sad to say we miss Gill, but it's true, pair him with Hammer and there is better chance they hold

40 seconds and then O'byrne covers some bodies for MArkov to clear the zone.

ANd hey i had to discuus things over with ex habs fans last night who gave up on the team for Bob failure.

Believe me there are many of these who gave up on the Habs, for many reasons but they are totally

blind to the miracle these Hammer, Pyatt, White, Moen, Paccioretty, Gorges, Metropolit play to held this team

head out of water.

1 They are not real fan they just bandwagoner. And i understand their frustraction to a certain point,

fed up of overmercchendiding overpromising and not delivering. But a fan is a fan, good time bad times,

like the GM or not.

2 Blindness to see the hardwork of players with limited capacity to bring results and not giving them recognition for that

is a lack of hockey IQ. Hard work is rewarded somehow someday.

3 The players gone are gone, time to move on.

You're right about the lack of depth, but it's about to change.

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