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[Game Thread] Montreal Canadiens @ New Jersey Devils


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Ugh. We could have won that game.

Exactly what I was saying! The Devils came into this game thinking it would be easy. And they were ready to lose this game...but we did dickall to win!

I'm fv.cking pissed off right now. I need a smoke to calm down! See y'all tommorow!

Edited by Habsfan
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Nothing wrong with a goalie to give up a goal like that every now and then. It's the timing that is brutal. Roy always gave up softies, but not at critical situations like tonight or against the penguins.

This is his 2nd game in a row that he's given up a goal like that. To be honest, in all my years watching Dryden, I can only remember one as bad. I don't recall any like those 2 with Roy - not saying they both didn't give up bad goals, but not ones like that.

And whoever said it earlier about killing a team, is 100% accurate.

I'm not gonna say anything more about Price. What's the point? (Except maybe one more thing: better get used to it folks, cause *this* is the future).

I don't like him. I don't think there's any future with him. And I really am done talking about him. This is the last time I'm gonna waste angst on this guy.

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This is his 2nd game in a row that he's given up a goal like that. To be honest, in all my years watching Dryden, I can only remember one as bad. I don't recall any like those 2 with Roy - not saying they both didn't give up bad goals, but not ones like that.

And whoever said it earlier about killing a team, is 100% accurate.

I'm not gonna say anything more about Price. What's the point? (Except maybe one more thing: better get used to it folks, cause *this* is the future).

I don't like him. I don't think there's any future with him. And I really am done talking about him. This is the last time I'm gonna waste angst on this guy.

You had better take another Viagra then because Roy gave up a ton of softies. Your memory is far too subjective. Rick Natress from centre ice. No screen. In fact after the first 2 games in the 93 playoffs people were crying for Red Light Raccicot to start.

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I'm not that terribly upset by the weak (unlucky) goal on Price. It was more bad luck than anything.

Think how many things had to go wrong for that goal to go in. Its a high shot, going over the net. He doesn't quite get all of it with his glove. Which is just relfex. Comes down off the post and off his leg and into the net. Its not a weak goal, as much as an unlucky goal.

However after saying all that, Careys glove is weak. He needs to do some major work on his glove hand.

I'd say the real story is the lack of offence by the Montreal Forwards. Nobody wants to go to the net. Seems Latendresse is doing fine in Minnesota. Popping goals. Why cant any coach, Gainey, Carbonneau, Martin, Julien etc, get these assholes to go to the net and stand there? I dont think the Latendresse trade worked. It hasn't motivated people properly. Not sure it would help at all if Gionta came back.

I'd say if Philly is at all interested in Halak, and the reports out of Philly are true that Jeff Carter might be available then the Habs should really consider making an offer.

Maybe Halak and Andrei Kostitsyn for Jeff Carter. Kostitsyn was taken 1 place ahead of Carter in the same draft year, and Halak is better than any goalie Philly has had since Ron Hextall. Maybe throw in a mid round draft pick as well. Not sure what Carters cap hit is, but it would have to be similar to Kostitsyns, if not a bit more.

Edited by kaos
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This is his 2nd game in a row that he's given up a goal like that. To be honest, in all my years watching Dryden, I can only remember one as bad. I don't recall any like those 2 with Roy - not saying they both didn't give up bad goals, but not ones like that.

And whoever said it earlier about killing a team, is 100% accurate.

I'm not gonna say anything more about Price. What's the point? (Except maybe one more thing: better get used to it folks, cause *this* is the future).

I don't like him. I don't think there's any future with him. And I really am done talking about him. This is the last time I'm gonna waste angst on this guy.

Finally Jack, do you promise? He allowed 2 goals. Goalies who allow 2 goals per game are 1st ballot hall of famers. That doesn't mean his future is that bright, but c'mon.

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Pirce is great, Price sucks, yada yada yada.

In more important business, we've lost 4 straight. That sucks ass. :puke:

NOTE: kaos, Latendresse has 3 points in his last 8 games. Not exactly Alex Ovechkin over there.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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We recorded 3 shots on net in the 3rd period. I'm not all about statistics, but that's pathetic.

Thats because they were clearly playing for the tie. Good idea when the defence is as bad as it is. Most of the habs talent is on the top 6 forward positions, yet we play a system that relies very heavily on our defenders.

I hate to have to say this, but even carbos system was designed with the players skills sets in mind. Martin is trying to make a passive defense team with guys like bergeron Hamrlik spacek and Obryne. When i think clearly we would be better with an aggressive fore check. hell we give up 2-0 and 3-0 in the trap system? wow

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Finally Jack, do you promise? He allowed 2 goals. Goalies who allow 2 goals per game are 1st ballot hall of famers. That doesn't mean his future is that bright, but c'mon.

I promise... Price lovers, go to town, have a party, keep the propoganda flying...

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Bad rebound control by Price. When is bar when you need him? :P

Haha ooooouch KoZed.....yeah that was terrible rebound control, but with Price it's the exception not the norm :P

I seriously fell asleep during the third period, so had to watch the highlites..the crowd, the system, EVERYTHING about the devils is boring, is winning worth being bored to death?

For those thats saying 'this is on price?' BS!

Score some goals, help your goalie out for once.

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I promise... Price lovers, go to town, have a party, keep the propoganda flying...

Jack, with all do respect, my 4 year old debates better than you do. Instantly you're branded a Price lover, when you realize goaltending is not the team's problem.

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Price is solid and has been for sometime now. He and Halak both have been playing great!

The issue is timely goal scoring and we just did not have it yesterday. What do you expect playing the devils; they have a perfect system to defend a 1 goal lead and shutdown everything.

If you want to blame anyone this time; blame yourself for having too higher an expectation for the outcome of this game...

Yes we are Habs fans and yes we have high expectations playing marbles. but for heaven sake don't harp on a player or players when we were simply out matched as a team!


needless to say we as a TEAM! better improve our play again clubs like the devils and SCORE SOME GOALS!


Edited by Chips
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What the f*ck is Youppi! doing for the team this year? Habs unretired his half-forgotten ass yet he has done jacksh*t to repay them . . .

Can we package him with D'Ago for something???

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What the f*ck is Youppi! doing for the team this year? Habs unretired his half-forgotten ass yet he has done jacksh*t to repay them . . .

Can we package him with D'Ago for something???

I thought D'Ago was Youppi! You never see them in the same shot!

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Wow, that was as exciting as watching paint dry.

I think i understand why the Panthers didn't have any fans under Martin.

As usual, i don't understand the Price bashing, but what else is new. He even had 1 of the impressive 18 shots on goal they got.

You can't win if you score 1 goal.

I am going out on limb for tonight's game. My bold prediction is they will muster up 25 shots tonight. Yep, you heard it here first.

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Martin does have a faster team then last year, the problem as i see it, is they play way too passive to create offense and draw penalties.

They play 40 seconds in there own end, clear the puck, line change, then start over again. Not really a good recipe for drawing penalties and scoring chances.

They are still without 2 good offensive palyers and Whatever Pouliot will bring to the table.

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I do notice the really short shifts and many offensive chances ruined by the dump and change, I cant understand the thought of puck possession team when you're constantly dumping and giving the puck away.

The players on line changes, should hold the puck while two players on their line, change and dump it in when the subs get in so they can at least try to reclaim the puck, then the dumper chase, or hold onto the puck while their linemates change and pass the puck off to them.

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Well, to quote Boone quoting Melnick, "...on a list of the Canadiens' 10 biggest problems, goaltending is 11th." For those complaining about the gaffe Price made on his first goal allowed, we'll take away Brodeur's weak one against Moen and call it a 1-0 game.

Lemaire vs Martin. That game was a snoozefest waiting to happen. I couldn't believe Pikkarainen's goal when it happened. That play really looked offside to me. On the Elias goal, man did he just steamroll past Plex. I think it was Rolston he tried to poke check and just got burned, shoulda stayed with Elias on that one. For all that Plex is doing well this year, I'll give him a mulligan on that one. Now on to the Wild, snoozefest, the sequel.

I haven't commented much on games this year, but to be honest, Cammalleri is the only player that I expect something to happen when he's on the ice. While Plex has been playing well this year, his style isn't a "get you out of your seat" style. Cams shoots, and I'm pretty much ready for the red light to go on. I'll refrain from further judgment until Gionta and Markov are back in the lineup (I'd say Pouliot, but I'm expecting him to be a complimentary player at best) and the Habs are finally icing the team we started the season with. But right now, it ain't pretty.

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Martin does have a faster team then last year, the problem as i see it, is they play way too passive to create offense and draw penalties.

They play 40 seconds in there own end, clear the puck, line change, then start over again. Not really a good recipe for drawing penalties and scoring chances.

They are still without 2 good offensive palyers and Whatever Pouliot will bring to the table.

Good point

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other coaches have a book on this team, and it ain't good. use speed in our zone. force our slow "D" to draw penalties....Win. I didnt watch this game. i hate new jersey. but that has been the gameplan for a while now. this team has actually been playing pretty good for the last 10 or 12 games. the pk is killing them. how many 1 goal games have there been?

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Jack, with all do respect, my 4 year old debates better than you do. Instantly you're branded a Price lover, when you realize goaltending is not the team's problem.

Just a minor point Habsy, "with all *due* respect."

And I'd personally amend your comment to say that goaltending is not the *only* problem. (I'll leave my kids and grandkids out of it.)

Can't you just be happy we have a good goalie?

I think this comment was meant to bait me. Told you... I'm not playing...

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Just a minor point Habsy, "with all *due* respect."

And I'd personally amend your comment to say that goaltending is not the *only* problem. (I'll leave my kids and grandkids out of it.)

I think this comment was meant to bait me. Told you... I'm not playing...

Thanks for the spelling correction, is english class now over? Kids and grandkids? Really? So you're of that age, and you still think that anyone who believes that Carey Price is a good young goalie is a Price-lover. You actually just posted that garbage again in another thread.

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