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Fail For Nail Campaign


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Really hope the Leafs put together a nice 5 game winning streak.

I DO NOT WANT the Habs passing them.

I don't want anything good for them, a nice mid round pick and no playoffs is the perfect prescription for leafs fans :)

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I don't want anything good for them, a nice mid round pick and no playoffs is the perfect prescription for leafs fans :)

something I always suspected is about to be proved as true --- even when the Habs suck, they are better than the Leafs.

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Except for the Habs win, a good night for the tank so far...

Winnipeg wins, Colorado win but Buffalo also gets a point, Anaheim is leading by 3 going into the 3rd, and Edmonton leads Columbus by 2 going into the 3rd.

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The more I think about it, the more I suspect our biggest organization need is on the wing. Of all our wingers in the organization only one (Pacioretty) is a sure-fire top 6er under the age of 30. Guys like Gionta and Cole will carry the load well for the next few years but we should really be looking at this from a long-term perspective. With a rare high pick, we can really add someone to build around. I think Forsberg might be our ideal pick, barring a draft lottery win.

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Fine at center?

the best center doesn't even have 60 points yet.

I would go so far far as saying they haven't had a real #1 dominant center since Damphousse. They have had good centers, no dominant ones.

They need to draft a center, either Grigerenko or Galyenchuk.

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I would rather have a few good centers and good wingers rather than one great center and no one to play with him.

Other centers that don't have 60 points: Datsyuk, Toews, Kesler, Getzlaf, B. Richards, etc... Tied at 16th for points among centers, Desharnais is in some pretty elite company.

The best team in the league right now is STL, and their highest scoring center has 45 points. Second best? NYR, who's highest scoring center has 53.

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I would rather have a few good centers and good wingers rather than one great center and no one to play with him.

When do you think Cole is going to drop his scoring?

I agree this team needs another elite winger since we traded our powerplay winger when we had no powerplay for a power forward at the beer league.

However, I see Desharnais just as valuable as a winger so he might as well move to that role and bring in a center with elite potential.

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Unless you draft one... That's my whole point. This team does not have good FA luck, so why not draft strong at every position? We are fine at center, defense and goal. Wing is where we are weak.

We are in no way "fine" at Centre. We do not have an elite number one centre. Love Desharnais and Pleks, but they aren't it, and there is zero, zilch, nothing in the system.

Meanwhile in the system at wing there is at least some potential in guys like Leblanc, Gallagher, Kristo, Holland, Quailer, Geoffrion, etc... but there is nothing at centre ice.

Its also possible (and a lot easier) to shift a centre to wing if that becomes necessary, rather than shifting a wing to centre which is a much harder transition.

Not impossible to do, but W to C is much harder.

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We are in no way "fine" at Centre. We do not have an elite number one centre. Love Desharnais and Pleks, but they aren't it, and there is zero, zilch, nothing in the system.

Meanwhile in the system at wing there is at least some potential in guys like Leblanc, Gallagher, Kristo, Holland, Quailer, Geoffrion, etc... but there is nothing at centre ice.

Its also possible (and a lot easier) to shift a centre to wing if that becomes necessary, rather than shifting a wing to centre which is a much harder transition.

Not impossible to do, but W to C is much harder.


But, we will take the BPA (forward i pray) come draft day.

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But, we will take the BPA (forward i pray) come draft day.

My own personal BPA rankings (i've seen all these guys play at one point or another, one I've seen the least of is Forsberg and I'm hoping he's at the U-18.

1. Yakupov (a class apart from everyone else)

2-3 Grigorenko and Galchenyuk (in order but very, very close between these two... they are a notch above the next group)

4-7. Murray, Forsberg, Trouba, Dumba (in order but very close between these 4, but thats the order they are in right now... big drop off to the next group).

8-12 Reilly, Faksa, Gaunce, Reinhart, Ceci, (not in order, I haven't focused closely enough on these guys to differentiate them, but they are the next grouping... might be some Euro guys in here too, or US NTDP or USHL guys I haven't seen)

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My own personal BPA rankings (i've seen all these guys play at one point or another, one I've seen the least of is Forsberg and I'm hoping he's at the U-18.

1. Yakupov (a class apart from everyone else)

2-3 Grigorenko and Galchenyuk (in order but very, very close between these two... they are a notch above the next group)

4-7. Murray, Forsberg, Trouba, Dumba (in order but very close between these 4, but thats the order they are in right now... big drop off to the next group).

8-12 Reilly, Faksa, Gaunce, Reinhart, Ceci, (not in order, I haven't focused closely enough on these guys to differentiate them, but they are the next grouping... might be some Euro guys in here too, or US NTDP or USHL guys I haven't seen)

Bout right, i might slide in 2 swedes, Collberg/Aberg as close to top ten guys? and i might even put Maatta ahead of Reinhart/Reilly(but Reilly i havent seen play at all). I thought Maatta has looked good/smart all-round in London games. But i dont think Habs will fall that far and at worst take a Murray/Dumba/Forsberg/Girgensons at 7th or 8th.

Habs just look too good lately and i think will win more than lose for next couple weeks.

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I don't have a real read on Collberg and Aberg as I've never sat down to focus on their play in a game. They may very well be in with that 4th tier, its just hard for me to personally judge it.

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I don't have a real read on Collberg and Aberg as I've never sat down to focus on their play in a game. They may very well be in with that 4th tier, its just hard for me to personally judge it.

No matter, cause i cant see that Habs fall lower than 7th or 8th pick and same as mid-late first rounders who will end up somewhere else.

But Collberg, even though i know is older than Forsberg, was much more a stand out at world juniors and seemed like s Swedish Skinner with quick release and Aberg is a similar but bit bigger forward playing in SEL.

ISS and McKenzie have em both in teens, but if discount habs need for forwards, they could be a top ten for Timmins?

But is funny how few Swedes the Habs have drafted? cept with late pick or 2.

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