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Max Pacioretty Watch

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18 hours ago, The Chicoutimi Cucumber said:

What I don't understand is why we think Patches will generate more value on the market now, or at this year's deadline, than at least year's deadline, when he still had a full year left on a dirt-cheap contract. Wouldn't teams have valued a top-line goal-scorer for 4.5 mil or whatever it is for two playoffs and a full season, plus whatever they can negotiate beyond that, more than they value a rental? So wouldn't last year's deadline have been the optimal time to move him? Water under the bridge, of course, but it still puzzles me somewhat.

He should actually have been even traded the year before after the team sucked in the playoffs, but definitely at last year’s deadline. But our idiotic GM was a moron and said his defence would be better with the pylon Alzner, than with the General Markov.  he was also stupid enough to think we were a contender.

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9 hours ago, DON said:

Unless he wears #6 for Habs, then is opposite eh?


The guy is almost 4 years older than Subban


Patch is a few months older than Subban.


Its not the same comparison... come on Don... you know this stuff, its intellectually dishonest to suggest that its the same comparison.  Two guys who have nearly 4 years of difference (and play the same position were compared) and now two guys who are basically the same age (and play different positions) are being compared. 

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Boy, this Subban for Weber never goes away, eh?!


I don't like taking about players like cattle, for the same reason I don't like being treated like cattle at work 


I say: Bite the bullet, extend Pacioretty and go down with the ship that is built on an "ageing" elite RD an "ageing" elite LW and an "often hurt" elite Goaly .... sinking for Hughes 


Edited by alfredoh2009
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18 hours ago, Metallica said:

I thought Pacioretty was supposed to be traded as soon as possible???  Ahh cant wait for another drama filled season with the habs. 


They were trying to get him moved at the draft but he wouldn't agree to an extension with the Kings. After that, the offers for him got worse and worse as teams filled their LW needs. At this point trading him as soon as possible would be getting 30 cents on the dollar.

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18 hours ago, Metallica said:

I thought Pacioretty was supposed to be traded as soon as possible???  Ahh cant wait for another drama filled season with the habs. 


Until a deal is close, basic PR bullcrap demands that everyone play-act as though everything is hunky-dory.

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2 hours ago, The Chicoutimi Cucumber said:


Until a deal is close, basic PR bullcrap demands that everyone play-act as though everything is hunky-dory.

Yeah, it's called acting professionally :B)

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1 hour ago, Toronthab said:

I like Pacs. But he can't do it alone. Trade Bergevin. ... I work cheap...:huh:

He has a new Domi to play with.:scared:

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13 hours ago, alfredoh2009 said:

Yeah, it's called acting professionally :B)

If the habs were acting professionally MB would have been fired by now.

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22 hours ago, hab29RETIRED said:

If the habs were acting professionally MB would have been fired by now.

Hello hab29RETIRED, I thought you were over at the other thread enjoying a session of moaning and complaining... what's new ?! :nuts:

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I can't remember looking less forward to what should have been a hockey season and not an illustration of managerial incompetence. I want my team back. 

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11 hours ago, Toronthab said:

Max should trade Bergevin. 




In all seriousness, when as gentle and supportive a fan as yourself turns on management, that is a really brutal indictment. 

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Max's trainer says he's in the best shape of his life. Which is 99% trainer fluff but 1% likely a detail that he's 100% healthy and ready to go for opening season, and a healthy Pacioretty is crucial to have a tradeable Pacioretty.


Best case scenario he scores like eight goals in the first 10 games on one of his hot streaks and a team getting shut out just panics and offers something big for him. 

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7 minutes ago, Machine of Loving Grace said:

Max's trainer says he's in the best shape of his life. Which is 99% trainer fluff but 1% likely a detail that he's 100% healthy and ready to go for opening season, and a healthy Pacioretty is crucial to have a tradeable Pacioretty.


Best case scenario he scores like eight goals in the first 10 games on one of his hot streaks and a team getting shut out just panics and offers something big for him. 


Notwithstanding the problem of questionable linemates, it's quite realistic to expect Max to have a monster season. This is his last shot at a huge payday. His motivation level will be off the chart.

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8 minutes ago, Dalhabs said:

Watch us trade him for Seabrock and a 2nd... soooo much character!


I think there was a real possibility about two years ago of Montreal making a trade for Seabrook. I think any attempt to get him now would be rejected by Molson.


Drouin, Shaw, Alzner, Weber, and Price are the only deals that go beyond three years. The only way we were acquiring a deal longer than that is for the purposes of a buyout or to get picks and prospects and Seabrook wouldn't fit that unless Chicago gives us... a lot. Like a lot.


In the end I think we get the first round pick we want for Pacioretty, but after that... not sure. The scenario in my head is near the deadline, Colorado is leading their division and suddenly gets a couple injuries so they decide to give up their first round pick (since they got Ottawa's), A.J. Greer, and a prospect D (Colorado is weak at LD so not Girard or Zadorov) for Pacioretty. Colorado has the money to sign him.

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3 hours ago, Habopotamus said:

Hearing Pacioretty's speech at his golf tourney and some of the interviews, I have gained a bit of soft spot for him. 


This whole situation has been handled terribly. 


He's an exemplary pro, wrongly maligned by a good chunk of the fanbase. Doesn't mean we should re-sign him, however.

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3 hours ago, Habopotamus said:

Hearing Pacioretty's speech at his golf tourney and some of the interviews, I have gained a bit of soft spot for him. 


This whole situation has been handled terribly. 


I got zero issue with the man aside from the fact he was a poor choice for captain, which again is not his fault aside from accepting. It was a lose lose situation. The real leader is the goalie and nobody wants to allow goalies to wear the C. So he got the pressure.


I'll never know what was up with Markov as well. Rumours were that he rejected it but he said that wasn't true. If it wasn't true there shouldn't have been a vote. But it's old news now.


He was our Kessel. We handled a superstar winger poorly. His streakiness became an issue that a real top six centre would have alleviated. Maybe we should have moved him in 2014 to be our Richer to get a Muller but again, old news. Now we got a captain on his way out. 

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