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We need to win in Jersey. It would give this team so much confidence that we could take forward into the All-Star break. I know we haven't won there in a while, but I really think it can happen.

I think it will go a long way in showing us if this team is for real

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it seriously is NOW the best time to make a trade... not something major, but just something to say "hey guys we are serious about winning"

Carolina did that the year they won the cup by adding Recchi and Weight... I don't want Recchi and Weight...

but e.g. Getting a Faceoff guy, or a durable Begin replacement (since he's injured again) who can serve as an enforcer (I dunno if that guy exists/ could be available, but a guy like Chris Neil)

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Tomorrow's game in Jersey Is crucial.

I don't think the Habs have won a single game in Jersey in the past decade!(They might have won 1 game back when Theo was kicking ass?!?!)

In any case, Brodeur seems to enjoy beating up on the Habs, it would be soooooooooooooooooooooo fv.cking sweet if we could score 4 or 5 goals on Brodeur, maybe that would shut his piehole.

In any case, a win tomorrow in Jersey, and the Habs would be within 4 points of the Hens! Who would have thought that at the beginning of the season!?!

BY the way, if our boys make it in the playoffs, I recommend that each and every single one of us on these boards sends an e-mail to The Hockey News telling them that they have no idea what they are talking about and that they should not make predictions, since they suck sooo much at it! For those who are wondering why we would wanna do that...The Hockey News predicted that the Habs would finish in 13th place in the conference!

Edited by Habsfan
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BY the way, if our boys make it in the playoffs, I recommend that each and every single one of us on these boards sends an e-mail to The Hockey News telling them that they have no idea what they are talking about and that they should not make predictions, since they suck sooo much at it! For those who are wondering why we would wanna do that...The Hockey News predicted that the Habs would finish in 13th place in the conference!

I'll send them an email and a picture of me mooning them. In fact, there will likely be a lot of recipients of that picture.

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Here we go! Another evening with a chance to pull forward. Even though it may seem grim this evening, with the Habs in for a tough battle with Jersey and what should be an easy victory for the Sens we have reason to hope.

Tampa beat the Sens only a week ago. Good sign. Ottawa is still looking shaky and lost it's last three while Tampa has won it's last three. Heatley is out and Gerber is in net.

Montreal will have to keep it simple and it will surely be close. The law of averages puts the ball in our court, but also at the end of the day these Habs are looking pretty confident and playing well. Both teams are coming off huge blow-out wins their last games. Us 8-2, Jersey 7-3. At least get a point tonight boys, but two would be preferable .

We 6 points back with a game in hand.

Ottawa 49GP-64pts

Montreal 48GP-58pts

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On the HW front page poll, I can't understand how "winning the division" wasn't a runaway winner.

Maybe because 1st would mean home ice disadvantage. :lol:

But yeah, win some games! Make it interesting!

Yeah I was wondering the same thing - how someone could vote for anything other than that.

If we want to win the division, it'll be the games against Ottawa that'll have the biggest influence in deciding it.

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it seriously is NOW the best time to make a trade... not something major, but just something to say "hey guys we are serious about winning"

Carolina did that the year they won the cup by adding Recchi and Weight... I don't want Recchi and Weight...

but e.g. Getting a Faceoff guy, or a durable Begin replacement (since he's injured again) who can serve as an enforcer (I dunno if that guy exists/ could be available, but a guy like Chris Neil)

We need something bigger then that....we did that a few years ago and it wasn't impressive at all (Dowd anyone?)

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Yeah I was wondering the same thing - how someone could vote for anything other than that.

If we want to win the division, it'll be the games against Ottawa that'll have the biggest influence in deciding it.

It would be nice to catch them and then take the lead by beating them! Febuary 5th and 9th are marked on my calender. It's going to be a great week. Two Senator buns with a big slice of Maple Leaf in the middle.

GO HABS GO!!!!!!

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Febuary 5th and 9th are marked on my calender. It's going to be a great week.

This will be a crucial week in the calendar. If we can pick up 4 points against the Hens, that could mean the difference between 1st in the N.E. or 8th in the conference.

Let's not forget that the last 8 games the Habs play this season will be against our 4 divisional rivals. It goes something like this: Boston, Boston, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto. Now that is gonna be 2 crazy weeks for our boys!

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This will be a crucial week in the calendar. If we can pick up 4 points against the Hens, that could mean the difference between 1st in the N.E. or 8th in the conference.

Let's not forget that the last 8 games the Habs play this season will be against our 4 divisional rivals. It goes something like this: Boston, Boston, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto. Now that is gonna be 2 crazy weeks for our boys!

It will be a huge two weeks. At leats we playe teams that we know we can play with for sure.

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This will be a crucial week in the calendar. If we can pick up 4 points against the Hens, that could mean the difference between 1st in the N.E. or 8th in the conference.

Let's not forget that the last 8 games the Habs play this season will be against our 4 divisional rivals. It goes something like this: Boston, Boston, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto, Ottawa, Buffalo, Toronto. Now that is gonna be 2 crazy weeks for our boys!

You have the schedule right on the money.

The only grace the habs can have is to do what Desjardins said and motivate themselves to have the playoffs well in hand before they get to this point in the schedule so there is no pressure.

Fighting to stay in top spot is better though :)

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Why not?...... Now that we beat NJ (and more importantly the WAY we did), there's nobody out there who scares me that much.....I just like the way our all-of-a-sudden mobile "D" is moving the puck out of our zone, and how the opposition "D" is backing in so much vs our speed that our forwards can & are being more & more creative at their blue line ................ Make room for me on the bus!!

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GOD How I love a positive thread with no bitching and complaining. And how I love that we can talk and root for 1st place instead of making the playoffs. This team could take first place if they keep giving 100% every night. No nights off and no injury/flu bug and we are a force to be reckoned with. :ghg: :ghg:

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Why not?...... Now that we beat NJ (and more importantly the WAY we did), there's nobody out there who scares me that much.....I just like the way our all-of-a-sudden mobile "D" is moving the puck out of our zone, and how the opposition "D" is backing in so much vs our speed that our forwards can & are being more & more creative at their blue line ................ Make room for me on the bus!!

Ummm...ever heard of the Detroit Red Wings? They are by far, the BEST team in the NHL. Remember how they beat the crap out of our Habs earlier this year?

As much as I am very happy about the win over Jersey, I don't believe we should start planning the parade route just yet. Our boys still haven'T proven to me that they could beat the Senators, let alone the Red Wings!

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I've got tickets for the February 9th game in Ottawa. My dream would be for us to take over the conference lead following this game :clap:

I'm attending the game with a Sens fan too, ohhhh what a glorious day it would be!

all of our hopes and dreams and prayers go with you. yes it would be a great day indeed. :ghg: :ghg:

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all of our hopes and dreams and prayers go with you. yes it would be a great day indeed. :ghg: :ghg:

... not to mention many, many other Montrealers who will make the 2 hour drive to Ottawa to support the Habs! :clap: :hlogo:

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I think this team could just quietly sneak past the Sens. It's not the impossibility it would have been in past seasons.

Having said that, while I believe that we're now officially a *good team*, that's still a step away from being true Cup contenders. We are a dangerous, under-the-radar club with a lethally balanced attack and good all-around game. Other teams should be nervous about playing us in the playoffs. But even if we pass the Sens, a first-round exit would still not surprise me at all, and a semi-final appearance would astonish me. All these young players are still learning, after all.

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Yeah, I almost wonder if us going on a tear here and claiming first is a good thing within the next week or so... I'd rather catch the Sens in that final 8 game stretch when we play division rivals and head into the playoffs hot. Taking first away from Ottawa in the final week or so of the regular season would be so, so sweet.

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Downside to taking first place is coming in and playing one of those bubble teams who would have needed to play very hard, and very well right up into the final game of the season. Those kind of teams could be hard to knock off early.

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Downside to taking first place is coming in and playing one of those bubble teams who would have needed to play very hard, and very well right up into the final game of the season. Those kind of teams could be hard to knock off early.

That's not a downside. If we have to finish hard to get 1st (and stay motivated), which undoubtebly we will if we're battling Ottawa, we'll be just as sharp as the 7th or 8th place team we face.

Besides, that team we face might end up being Boston!

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Downside to taking first place is coming in and playing one of those bubble teams who would have needed to play very hard, and very well right up into the final game of the season. Those kind of teams could be hard to knock off early.

Dare I say the Leafs.... :lol: Sorry, back to reality

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That's not a downside. If we have to finish hard to get 1st (and stay motivated), which undoubtebly we will if we're battling Ottawa, we'll be just as sharp as the 7th or 8th place team we face.

Besides, that team we face might end up being Boston!

If it's Boston - as Donnie Brasco would say - Forget about it.

Truth be told, maybe we're all right - just about every team will be heading into the post season sharp since it's going to be a dogfight all the way in for each and every position.

I wouldn't be surprised if all four post-season matchups in the East are decided over the last couple days of the season considering the parity of it all.

Dare I say the Leafs.... :lol: Sorry, back to reality

Hey, you never know... lol.

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