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[Game Thread] New York Rangers @ MONTREAL CANADIENS


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Games against New York always are interesting. I'm looking forward to this one.

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Since being put on the DL of cruiseships, and being home where I can recoup, I have watched the Habs win twice and listened to the Dogs win/ Perfect 3-0-0/ Let's keep it going!


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Watch out for Higgins tonight! He'll be hopped-up in that way he always used to be against the Islanders.

It'll be interesting to see how Gomez does. He's been flying lately - a bit of an explosion tonight isn't out of the question. :hlogo:

Price or Halak? What do you think? I say Halak, NOT because I blame Price for any of our early-season struggles or think he played badly, but because when you need wins, you don't change a winning formula until you have reason to.

EDIT: according to Habs I/O, Martin is going with Halak for exactly the reason I just stated. Good move, J-man.

Edited by The Chicoutimi Cucumber
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Watch out for Higgins tonight! He'll be hopped-up in that way he always used to be against the Islanders.

It'll be interesting to see how Gomez does. He's been flying lately - a bit of an explosion tonight isn't out of the question. :hlogo:

Price or Halak? What do you think? I say Halak, NOT because I blame Price for any of our early-season struggles or think he played badly, but because when you need wins, you don't change a winning formula until you have reason to.

EDIT: according to Habs I/O, Martin is going with Halak for exactly the reason I just stated. Good move, J-man.

Gomez will make us forget about that higgins guy tonite

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Watch out for Higgins tonight! He'll be hopped-up in that way he always used to be against the Islanders.

It'll be interesting to see how Gomez does. He's been flying lately - a bit of an explosion tonight isn't out of the question. :hlogo:

Price or Halak? What do you think? I say Halak, NOT because I blame Price for any of our early-season struggles or think he played badly, but because when you need wins, you don't change a winning formula until you have reason to.

EDIT: according to Habs I/O, Martin is going with Halak for exactly the reason I just stated. Good move, J-man.

Funny, because he went against this formula early in the season when he went to Halak in Calgary.

Lesson learned I guess.

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Funny, because he went against this formula early in the season when he went to Halak in Calgary.

Lesson learned I guess.

Sigh.. that was back to back games, so they were going to be split...

Price earned the right to CHOOSE the game he wanted to play, and he chose to Vancouver for obvious reasons. Last year, he tried to play both games and sucked so bad in Calgary he didn't get to play in Vancouver. This year, he didn't want to risk it.

This is not back to back games, nor is it a special "home game" for Price, hence the decision to go with winning lineup, including the goalie. Price will surely play the Tuesday game against the Isles (which should be an easier game) and if he wins, he will get the next start.

Frankly, I hope they split the duties pretty much down the middle unless (or until) one of them consistently earns the starting job. This is not rocket science...

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Sigh.. that was back to back games, so they were going to be split...

Price earned the right to CHOOSE the game he wanted to play, and he chose to Vancouver for obvious reasons. Last year, he tried to play both games and sucked so bad in Calgary he didn't get to play in Vancouver. This year, he didn't want to risk it.

This is not back to back games, nor is it a special "home game" for Price, hence the decision to go with winning lineup, including the goalie. Price will surely play the Tuesday game against the Isles (which should be an easier game) and if he wins, he will get the next start.

Frankly, I hope they split the duties pretty much down the middle unless (or until) one of them consistently earns the starting job. This is not rocket science...

Is this from an interview?

I could care less if Price plays tonight. He will be the starter, I am no longer splitting hairs

like some continue to do. I don't believe Halak is better, but I also believe that you don't mess with success, hence why I wouldn't have started Halak in Calgary coming off two monster performances and why it makes sense to start Halak tonight.

The question was light to CC and in reference to lesson learned, let it go.

How is Huet doing by the way? Wouldn't it be great to have him locked into $5M for

another 3 seasons.

Edited by Wamsley01
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I could care less if Price plays tonight. He will be the starter, I am no longer splitting hairs

like some continue to do. I don't believe Halak is better

another 3 seasons.

I dont believe Halak has more natural talent or more upside than Price, but at this point I do believe Halak is much more mature mentally and more able to deal with the responsibility of being at the top of his game on a constant basis, ie. better work ethic.

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Is this from an interview?

I could care less if Price plays tonight. He will be the starter, I am no longer splitting hairs

like some continue to do. I don't believe Halak is better, but I also believe that you don't mess with success, hence why I wouldn't have started Halak in Calgary coming off two monster performances and why it makes sense to start Halak tonight.

The question was light to CC and in reference to lesson learned, let it go.

How is Huet doing by the way? Wouldn't it be great to have him locked into $5M for

another 3 seasons.

Two points, because you tend to ignore them...

1. I have never argued to sign huet for $5M. Why you keep saying that like it validates dumping him for nothing and flying solo with Price is beyond me. I think most people realize now that that was a mistake.

2. There were several reports going into Calgary that they were going to split games and Price was given the choice. CBC talked about it on the broadcast or I would link it for you.

I was pointing out to you why this is not a lesson learned, but I totally different situation for the coach. If Calgary was several days ahead of Vancouver, Price would have played both based on his first 2 games. My sigh was in reference to the fact that this has come up several times in the last 2 weeks and several people have pointed out the back to back nature of those games and that Price CHOSE his start.

In any case, I sure hope Price regains his mojo, because if he doesn't we are screwed. IMO, neither Halak or Price is good enough right now to lead us to the promise land.

I dont believe Halak has more natural talent or more upside than Price, but at this point I do believe Halak is much more mature mentally and more able to deal with the responsibility of being at the top of his game on a constant basis, ie. better work ethic.


All goalies have bad games. All goalies have brain cramp moments... Its how you react that separates the men from the boys.

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How is Huet doing by the way? Wouldn't it be great to have him locked into $5M for

another 3 seasons.

Ya know, for all that people criticize Gainey for letting UFAs walk - and I've done it myself, because in principle those guys should be dealt for picks or other assets before being lost to the open market - his player evaluation seems, in fact, to have been pretty good on balance, notwithstanding two much-publicized disasters.

-Streit: disaster #1. The guy has been missed ever since, and is clearly a top-4 defenceman - the only one the Gainey regime produced. Should have been locked up.

-Riberio: disaster #2. 'nuff said.

-Grabovksi: he could play on my team, and it was stupid to throw him away on a team short of C, but *so* far he's more 'potential' than 'actual' production. IF we keep Pleks, and IF Pleks keeps playing like he is, then we'll never miss him.

-Souray: Hamrlik's healthier and his all-around game is better (notwitshstanding last season). If you want a one-dimensional shot from the point, you're significantly better off paying Bergeron + Hamrlik $6.5 mil total than Souray $6 mil.

-Komisarek: hmmm. So far, it looks like Komi's critics were right. Not worth the money. Spacek (who I nonetheless believe should be trade bate at the deadline - but nobody has taken me up on that argument) probably represents better overall value.

-Higgins: so far, no better with the Rags than he was last season with us. If there's an issue with the Gomez deal, it's the McDonough 'throw in,' not the loss of Higgins.

-Tanguay: a non-entity so far. I'm sure he'll be fine, but Bob may well, and accurately, have sized him up as less of a difference-maker than the guys he chose to bring in. Again, it's premature, but it *looks* like he was right.

-Koivu: so far, as we expected - over the hill but still capable of providing some moments. In hockey terms, Gomez is a real upgrade.

-Kovalev: the usual. Which we can do without.

-Huet: should have been kept for the playoff drive rather than dealt at the deadline, but clearly no one we should have locked up at those rates.

It's not at all as bad a track record as some would have you believe. This is why I continue to assert that the problem has been a failure to develop homegrown talent, much more than 'asset management' per se.

Anyhoo: GO HABS GO!!!!!! :hlogo: :hlogo: :hlogo:

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Ya know, for all that people criticize Gainey for letting UFAs walk - and I've done it myself, because in principle those guys should be dealt for picks or other assets before being lost to the open market - his player evaluation seems, in fact, to have been pretty good on balance, notwithstanding two much-publicized disasters.

-Streit: disaster #1. The guy has been missed ever since, and is clearly a top-4 defenceman - the only one the Gainey regime produced. Should have been locked up.

-Riberio: disaster #2. 'nuff said.

-Grabovksi: he could play on my team, and it was stupid to throw him away on a team short of C, but *so* far he's more 'potential' than 'actual' production. IF we keep Pleks, and IF Pleks keeps playing like he is, then we'll never miss him.

-Souray: Hamrlik's healthier and his all-around game is better (notwitshstanding last season). If you want a one-dimensional shot from the point, you're significantly better off paying Bergeron + Hamrlik $6.5 mil total than Souray $6 mil.

-Komisarek: hmmm. So far, it looks like Komi's critics were right. Not worth the money. Spacek (who I nonetheless believe should be trade bate at the deadline - but nobody has taken me up on that argument) probably represents better overall value.

-Higgins: so far, no better with the Rags than he was last season with us. If there's an issue with the Gomez deal, it's the McDonough 'throw in,' not the loss of Higgins.

-Tanguay: a non-entity so far. I'm sure he'll be fine, but Bob may well, and accurately, have sized him up as less of a difference-maker than the guys he chose to bring in. Again, it's premature, but it *looks* like he was right.

-Koivu: so far, as we expected - over the hill but still capable of providing some moments. In hockey terms, Gomez is a real upgrade.

-Kovalev: the usual. Which we can do without.

-Huet: should have been kept for the playoff drive rather than dealt at the deadline, but clearly no one we should have locked up at those rates.

It's not at all as bad a track record as some would have you believe. This is why I continue to assert that the problem has been a failure to develop homegrown talent, much more than 'asset management' per se.

Anyhoo: GO HABS GO!!!!!! :hlogo: :hlogo: :hlogo:

Absolutely. Many of these guys should either have been traded for assets, or let go. A few of them could have been signed, and certainly cheaper if done early. That is the main issue I have with Gainey.

I think the purge last summer was needed and I like who he brought in, given the circumstances. I think we are missing a couple of pieces still, but we just don't have them in the system. If our development had been better, we would be in a happier place right now. Given the cap and farm, I think we are going to struggle a bit unless Gainey pulls off a major steal from another GM. Those steals are getting pretty hard to come by these days.

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Ya know, for all that people criticize Gainey for letting UFAs walk - and I've done it myself, because in principle those guys should be dealt for picks or other assets before being lost to the open market - his player evaluation seems, in fact, to have been pretty good on balance, notwithstanding two much-publicized disasters.

-Streit: disaster #1. The guy has been missed ever since, and is clearly a top-4 defenceman - the only one the Gainey regime produced. Should have been locked up.

-Riberio: disaster #2. 'nuff said.

-Grabovksi: he could play on my team, and it was stupid to throw him away on a team short of C, but *so* far he's more 'potential' than 'actual' production. IF we keep Pleks, and IF Pleks keeps playing like he is, then we'll never miss him.

-Souray: Hamrlik's healthier and his all-around game is better (notwitshstanding last season). If you want a one-dimensional shot from the point, you're significantly better off paying Bergeron + Hamrlik $6.5 mil total than Souray $6 mil.

-Komisarek: hmmm. So far, it looks like Komi's critics were right. Not worth the money. Spacek (who I nonetheless believe should be trade bate at the deadline - but nobody has taken me up on that argument) probably represents better overall value.

-Higgins: so far, no better with the Rags than he was last season with us. If there's an issue with the Gomez deal, it's the McDonough 'throw in,' not the loss of Higgins.

-Tanguay: a non-entity so far. I'm sure he'll be fine, but Bob may well, and accurately, have sized him up as less of a difference-maker than the guys he chose to bring in. Again, it's premature, but it *looks* like he was right.

-Koivu: so far, as we expected - over the hill but still capable of providing some moments. In hockey terms, Gomez is a real upgrade.

-Kovalev: the usual. Which we can do without.

-Huet: should have been kept for the playoff drive rather than dealt at the deadline, but clearly no one we should have locked up at those rates.

It's not at all as bad a track record as some would have you believe. This is why I continue to assert that the problem has been a failure to develop homegrown talent, much more than 'asset management' per se.

Anyhoo: GO HABS GO!!!!!! :hlogo: :hlogo: :hlogo:

I like the rundown of players you just gave. I think people can complain about getting nothing in return, but how can you expect to compete in, never mind make the playoffs if you deal all impending UFAs at the deadline? Every team loses UFAs, and this year for the first time we gained some. That's the nature of the business. Some UFAs can be dealt and you can still expect to contend, but not all. Souray could have been dealt, but we likely wouldn't have made the playoffs. Streit could have been dealt, but he was a major point producer for us, how could we expect our PP to continue producing without him? And considering our PP that year had a significant effect on the games won total, it would have been like throwing in the towel before the playoffs even start. Just to not "lose him for nothing". Then last year, we were tied in 8th. Had we unloaded any unloadable (by unloadable, I mean anyone who we could get something decent for, not 5th rounders) pendings UFAs, we likely would not have made the playoffs. Losing UFAs for nothing is sometimes the cost of getting to the playoffs.

If you are given a choice, would you take a playoff appearance, or a 2nd rounder and not make the playoffs?

And yes, Bob's well discussed policy of not negociating contract extensions during the year could have saved us a player or two, it also could have put us in some bad spots as well (being stuck with Komi instead of Gionta at 5 mil).

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