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Habs to play Washington


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I love it...the worst thing underdogs can do is show no backbone. You don't want to lose before you step on the ice. Hit Ovie every chance you get, challenge Laps...challenge him to make Ovie pay everytime he's on the ice. Same with Moore and Moen, you take down Ovie, the team starts to lose it's luster.

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Plekanec can't talk shit until he actually plays a good playoff game.

Edited: because Fanpuck was breaking balls.

Plek didn't make a comment on his game, he was talking smack about the Caps goaltending, which is sub-par, everyone knows it. I hate this...we as fans bemoan the 'hockey players are robots' when it comes to interviews, the second a guy comes out and says what he really thinks, he gets lampooned. Good on Plek for speaking his mind, maybe this will motivate his team, who cares about bulletin board material for the caps...the habs need some fire of their own.

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Funny thing is that the Caps goaltending numbers are not that much worse then our. Halak has a clear lead over either of them, but not Price. Considering half the people are either hoping or predicting that Halak will suck and be replaced by Price, I am not sure its that big an advantage. It is certainly not as big an advantage as the offensive capability difference. It is also true that Halak as basically zero playoff experience, and Price has just a bit.

Let's add in that once Halak or Price loses by 2 goals they will be castrated and booed in Montreal, and you can see how a fast start by the Caps offense can quickly negate any statistical goaltending advantage we have.

Seriously, halak had a bad last game and many people are talking like we should be starting Price on Thursday, or dump Halak if he loses the first game. Same will go for Price in this town. He got booed for losing when he was the 3rd star!!!!!

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Funny thing is that the Caps goaltending numbers are not that much worse then our. Halak has a clear lead over either of them, but not Price. Considering half the people are either hoping or predicting that Halak will suck and be replaced by Price, I am not sure its that big an advantage. It is certainly not as big an advantage as the offensive capability difference. It is also true that Halak as basically zero playoff experience, and Price has just a bit.

Let's add in that once Halak or Price loses by 2 goals they will be castrated and booed in Montreal, and you can see how a fast start by the Caps offense can quickly negate any statistical goaltending advantage we have.

Seriously, halak had a bad last game and many people are talking like we should be starting Price on Thursday, or dump Halak if he loses the first game. Same will go for Price in this town. He got booed for losing when he was the 3rd star!!!!!

Give Price avg 3.5+ goal support and compare his numbers. whats wrong with being critical of the other team? The caps are all offense...their D is sub-par, I'm not saying anything that's not known around the league. Theodore may have more playoff experience..but it's mostly negative experience.

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I don't get why we're upset about getting in to that Propecia-encrusted head. We know he's mentally weak. Let's use that. Kudos to Plex.

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Thats the point. Neither Price nor halak are going to get that kind of goal support, and Theo will. Theo doesn't have to win the game, he just has to make sure he doesn't lose it. Halak or Price have the pressure of being the best player to give us a chance. I still think Halak is better then Price right now, but we would need both of them in net at the same time to hold off the Caps.

Give Price avg 3.5+ goal support and compare his numbers. whats wrong with being critical of the other team? The caps are all offense...their D is sub-par, I'm not saying anything that's not known around the league. Theodore may have more playoff experience..but it's mostly negative experience.
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I'll be interested to see if our veteran D - Hammer, Spacek, and Gill - suddenly step up. I've seen that before from grizzled vets who appear to be on the downside: suddenly they lose 10 years in the dance. If it happens, we'll have a series.

Theo is an X-factor in my book. Could be awful, could be so-so (most likely), could suddenly dominate.

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I'll be interested to see if our veteran D - Hammer, Spacek, and Gill - suddenly step up. I've seen that before from grizzled vets who appear to be on the downside: suddenly they lose 10 years in the dance. If it happens, we'll have a series.

Theo is an X-factor in my book. Could be awful, could be so-so (most likely), could suddenly dominate.

When Markov was out and montreal beat the caps Spacey and Hammer stood up and held Ovie scoreless. I know Ovie is the big shot, but this team cannot overlook their other firepower, if you can shut down everything else and make Ovie have the pressure on him to succeed, I like our chances. Ovie is not a clutch player in his small career, he's similar to big ole Joe Thornton, game 7 breakaway last year, home ice, didn't score. I'm just saying, lets not over estimate that Ovie will single handely beat the habs, when he's done NOTHING of the sort this year.

Experts might not put weight into the regular season numbers, but I do, and in the regular season, the habs played Ovie perfectly.

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Smells like the birth of a rivalry in here.

Either that, or Plex just decided to make the Caps angry and rile up their whole room. Hopefully he actually scores this series to back up his mouth.

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When Markov was out and montreal beat the caps Spacey and Hammer stood up and held Ovie scoreless. I know Ovie is the big shot, but this team cannot overlook their other firepower, if you can shut down everything else and make Ovie have the pressure on him to succeed, I like our chances. Ovie is not a clutch player in his small career, he's similar to big ole Joe Thornton, game 7 breakaway last year, home ice, didn't score. I'm just saying, lets not over estimate that Ovie will single handely beat the habs, when he's done NOTHING of the sort this year.

Experts might not put weight into the regular season numbers, but I do, and in the regular season, the habs played Ovie perfectly.

Yeah...I think we have a chance if our veteran D really come up big. As for your claim that the Caps will fade, the reality is it's more likely to go in the other direction. Granted, several Capitals, including Mike Green, had disappointing playoff runs last season. But NO highly-touted team ever succeeds in its first playoff drive or two. It's waaay too early to draw parallels with San Jose. The Caps, including Ovie, have now been through the required experience of playoff disappointment. Looked at objectively, they are exactly at the right stage of team development to take the next step and make a truly deep run.

The only reasons for NOT thinking that they're quite ready to go all the way are:

1-they still seem to have no team commitment to defence. Even the Oilers of the 80s clamped down defensively at playoff time. It may take at least one more humiliation before they clue in.

2-organizationally they are one of those lunatic franchises that settles for patchwork solutions in nets (but as Detroit shows, that sometimes can work).

3-It's also true that Ovie also bombed in the Olympics, which was surprising and does raise questions.

4-Finally, the team plays in the weakest division in hockey, which inflates in regular season totals somewhat.

All told, though, I wouldn't expect the Caps to fade; I think it's more likely that they will approach this series like big-time Cup-hungry pros, dishing out punishment and not being easily thrown. Habs will have to play smart, focused, quick-strike, rope-a-dope hockey with maximum effort from all key players, AND get goaltending worthy of this franchise's storied history of playoff netminding thievery. :hlogo:

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2-organizationally they are one of those lunatic franchises that settles for patchwork solutions in nets (but as Detroit shows, that sometimes can work).

I don't know about that. Kolzig was too old to be their starter anymore and it would have been unwise to give into the huge contract demands of Huet. Theodore was a good decision for them. He came at a more reasonable price and length of contract than Huet, and has given them about the same quality of play as Huet. Theo came in to hold the fort down while Varlamov worked his way up. The kid looked like a stud until he got hurt earlier this season. If he'd stayed healthy, I think we'd be talking about how strong Washington's goaltending is, with an already playoff tested youngster and a seasoned veteran backing him up.

Ovie is not a clutch player in his small career, he's similar to big ole Joe Thornton, game 7 breakaway last year, home ice, didn't score. I'm just saying, lets not over estimate that Ovie will single handely beat the habs, when he's done NOTHING of the sort this year.

I think his 21 points in 14 playoff games last season (9 in 7 the year before) would have something to say about Ovie being another Thornton.

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The Caps will be wanting this thing over quickly. They've been in 3 playoff series the past two years, all of them going 7 games. Of course, this is their first rivaly-free series... the other 3 were against old Patrick Division foes. We all know that old rivalries sometimes create more difficult matchups.

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When does Maggie the monkey make her picks?

Ovie has shown playoff scoring, however, he was not the force at the Olympics we all expected. Maybe we catch him snoozing, or off his game. Maybe Halak continues to dominate him. Maybe we stay out of the penalty box and contain their rush. Maybe we pull an upset or maybe we get blown out in 4. Here's to hoping! Until we are out we have a chance, and we ain't down yet.

Guys, as with y'all I am anxiously waiting, coming here to read anything, knowing there ain't nothing new.

I hope the party kids from last year have some dirt they can throw at Jose on the ice to get him off his game. He has been both great and the abolute shites in his career. I hope we get to him, although nothing personal. Not his fault he couldn't handle be the number 1 guy in Montreal! Many other players have caved in this city and gone up to up and down questionable careers. Heat is on him, hope he pulls a Lalime out there! Pleks is right, he ain't no Miller or Brodeur. He ain't no Luongo, Ward, Huet, Kiprasov, Halak or Price for that matter!

The dreaded Martin system is right for this matchup. You ain't going to beat these guys in a wide open game. JM saw his high scoring team fold to the TML (Toronto Maybe Last) and must remember how they lost. Did he learn from it? This could be a simular step for Wash. Upset in first after a Presidents ain't nothing new for upstart teams.

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15 goals, 15 assists in 21 playoff games? 4 points in 4 games in the Olympics (5 goals in 8 games in 2006)?

Where did this notion of Ovechkin not being a clutch player come from? Like it or not, Ovechkin is going to be a force and I'm worried since Halak hasn't played him this season.

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I think our chance will be if our Defence play well enough to create some turnovers and counterattacks AND that we take good care of these chances because I think we will be under heavy fire this series. Read in a swedish newspaper that Bäckström will most likely miss the first game or something like that.

Edited by Dalhabs
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