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Game Thread | Habs vs. Blackhawks | 08/01/08


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So, as it happens, I was on this game in my season in NHL08, and I played it with the following results:

Montreal - 4 - Koivu (2), Markov, Higgins

Chicago - 1- Kane

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Love this season, everytime we call up someone its like Christmas morning. Waiting to unwrap the gift and see what we get. Locke sets up 2, Breezer returns with goal on PP, Halak lets in one early then stands on his head.

Go Habs Go!!

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hey... you don't want to know how long it took them to think of this.

Huet is playing right? not Halak. All the bold predictions are killing me. I do expect one of those 1st nhl shot 1st NHL goals from Locke tonight and Habs win 1- 0.

I hope Locke ends up killing in the NHL. It should be a vote of confidence tonight to watch a small player like himself (KANE) excel even though he's a shrimp.

GO LOCKE GO!!!!!!!!!!!

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Is Locke even playing? If Brisbois is back on d, and Streit is moving back up to forward, who is going to sit? Kosto?

From what i read, yes.

However Chips is gone, so maybe Locke takes his place? I don't know precisely...

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Streit is moving back to forward... but I'd expect Locke to play next game...

Something like:

Latendresse - Koivu - S. Kostitsyn

A. Kostitsyn - Plekanec - Kovalev

Higgins - Locke - Ryder

Streit - Lapierre - Dandanealt/Kostopoulos

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