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Game Thread | Habs vs. Bruins | 10/01/08


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on RDS Jacques Demers said Dandy looked like he was trying to take a kind of cocky look at Carbo on the bench for having benching him for the first time of his carreer. Well, he said it looked like this, but he hoped (so I do) that it wasn't this.

You could read Dandy's lips saying "wow" shortly after his goal. I think he was a little surprised/shocked/in disbelief more than anything else.

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I have a huge backlog of games to do; the season thread is very demanding, as are the game threads. With 5 classes at university and part time work in the military along with a night or two on the town every week... well, let's put it at this : it's going to be updated this week, guaranteed, (i already started and got more than half the updates complete) but i do all this stuff free, so keep that in mind ;)

military thing in St-Hubert ? I use to live at 5 minutes of car from the military base. I use to play tennis on their tennis court climbing the 30 feet high fence héhé !

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I know I was not yelling jusing I should have said please!

Hehe no worries, i know you were just asking, don't get me wrong. If we were discussing in person you'd know by my tone and body language that i'm all smiles right now following the Habs win. I was just trying to explain that i know i'm late with the thread and i'm sorry and i'll get to it, but just trying to explain that i'm really busy and it's not easy ;)

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I think the habs have owned the bruins enough in the playoffs over the last 5 years.

Other than the Bourque, Moog, Neely early 90s the Habs have destroyed the Bruins in the playoffs.

18 straight between 1943 and 1987

Then they lost 5 of 6 to the Bruins in the late 80s early 90s

And have upset them the last 2 times .

Pretty much have owned them other than a 6 year period in their histories.

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Good evening boys. Just got back from my buddies house...WHAT A GAME!!

I'm in Love! Even though i'm a heterosexual man... i think i'm in Love with Komisarek! ;) He almost did everything tonight! Blocked shots, stoped a 2 on 1 pass, gave at least 4 thundering hits, blocked some more shots...

I especially loved the hit he laid on Nokelainen at the habs blue line...That hit reminded me of a hit by Scott Stevens against a certain number 88!!!

Once again Kovy and plekanec played great games(2 points each) and Dandy came through with a very important goal in the third.

Huet was weak on the second Boston goal, but at least he made the others inportant saves.

In the end, the whole team played a good team game. The bruins tried to bring it to us, but not only did our boys "take it" they gave some back to the pooh-Bears.

What a great way to start this important road trip!

Go Habs Go!

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It's been said in this thread, but Komisarek was a freakin BEAST tonight. I watched it on RDS so I can only imagine how Pierre McGuire must have been slurping him. He was plastering Bruins left and right like crazy, they were even altering their game when they caught a glimpse of him lining them up. Habsfan, I totally understand your mancrush. ;)

God, this Markov-Komisarek pairing could be one for the ages if they stick together.

The rest of the game was fun, we certainly didn't bring our A-game though, especially on all those lethargic powerplays in the first. Smolinski was decent, he just needs to not screw up and win a few face-offs and he'll be fine. A good return for Dandenault. I liked what I saw from Higgins and Pleks as usual, but A. Kosty was kinda shaky. Koivu continued his penalty streak. Huet was good enough for the win, and he didn't fall apart after the second weak one, he kept his composure.

Good to win when we're not at our best, but we did deserve it against Boston tonight.

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Nice win by the Habs tonite. They have the Bruins number. Got off to a good start and held the fort. Some of my thoughts on the game. Another productive game for Pleks and Kovalev. Great effort by Dandy on this first goal and a pretty passing play by the 4th line on his 2nd. Great physical game by Komi. A bunch of great big hits. He sure is developing into a very good d-man. Agree that he and Marky could be a great combo for years to come. Add in Hammy and that is solid. Laps was nice and pesky in certain times. Won 10 of 14 draws. Good to see. Both goals by Huet were shaky. The first was kinda bad luck on the bounce off the boards. The 2nd by Lucic was weak, but otherwise he held the fort. Nice for him to only handle 25 shots. That being said, his play outside the crease with the puck is horrific. Carbo should tell him to stay in the crease except to stop the puck behind the net, but don't screw around and play it. It's just an accident waiting to happen. Smokes played about 15 minutes, getting an assist on the nice passing play in the 3rd, but otherwise i did not notice him too much.

All-in-all a nice win.

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It's been said in this thread, but Komisarek was a freakin BEAST tonight. I watched it on RDS so I can only imagine how Pierre McGuire must have been slurping him. He was plastering Bruins left and right like crazy, they were even altering their game when they caught a glimpse of him lining them up. Habsfan, I totally understand your mancrush. ;)

God, this Markov-Komisarek pairing could be one for the ages if they stick together.

exactly why I think Bob should sign RIGHT NOW Higgins and Komi for a kind of 6 years / 27 mils + performances bonuses deal. We HAVE TO get this guy on the team for at least the 5-6 next seasons.

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I hope that tonight's game puts the whole "we need a goon" talk to rest. My wife said there was a fight, which I missed, but I thought the boys showed a great deal of class in the way they dealt with Boston's bullies. Banging, crashing, centre ice hits. The hitting was fantastic. This is how you counter all of the fighting. Play the game the way it is meant to be played. Follow the rules, and drive their ribcages into the 7th row. Whern they get frustrated and take penalties, score some goals.

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I hope that tonight's game puts the whole "we need a goon" talk to rest. My wife said there was a fight, which I missed, but I thought the boys showed a great deal of class in the way they dealt with Boston's bullies. Banging, crashing, centre ice hits. The hitting was fantastic. This is how you counter all of the fighting. Play the game the way it is meant to be played. Follow the rules, and drive their ribcages into the 7th row. Whern they get frustrated and take penalties, score some goals.

There was no fight in the Habs game.

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Easy R. 3 star

1-Mike Komisarek : 2 shots on the ankles, monster hit in Lucic, he kept opponents afraid to go in.

2 Max Lapierre : Great work on penalty killing, rushed the net to dump one goal, punched Chara in the face.

This takes guts or foolisheness i do not know.

3 Milan Lucic : The guy is big, hit hard,he skates, he score. I want Latendresse to be like that.

Easy R. 3 headless chicken

1 Tim Thomas : The guy is ok if he is lucky. He was not lucky.

2 S. Kost : Fight the puck all game long or give it to the opponent, worst game yet.

3 Shawn Thornton, does this family name mean you have to be an a**? Hit the opponent when he is held

by a lineman and try to hit him on the ice after that. Stupid man.

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Foo-kin right.

Trashing the Scum makes my day. Look at those w**kers' faces moaning each time we pot one. Ha ha!

Go out and get a couple more wins on the road trip, lads. Then come home and hammer the pens. Show some people we're for real.

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exactly why I think Bob should sign RIGHT NOW Higgins and Komi for a kind of 6 years / 27 mils + performances bonuses deal. We HAVE TO get this guy on the team for at least the 5-6 next seasons.

I would LOVE contract extensions for these two in the range of 5-6 years... We may be paying more than they deserve at the beginning, but we'll be reaping the rewards through out (after 2 years I would say, they'd be underpaid). And long term deals for your younger core seems to be the way the league is going now...

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Those days are LONG gone.

Maybe, but I have seen a Leaf 7 seed knock of the 2 seeded Sens.

If the Habs knocked Jersey out of the playoffs this year the last 10 years of sucking against them would automatically disappear. It is all about the Playoffs for me.

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I would LOVE contract extensions for these two in the range of 5-6 years... We may be paying more than they deserve at the beginning, but we'll be reaping the rewards through out (after 2 years I would say, they'd be underpaid). And long term deals for your younger core seems to be the way the league is going now...

5 to 6 years is simply not long enough for Komisarek and Higgins. Higgins is 24 and Komisarek is 25. I would offer them both 8 year, 32 million$ contracts. In 8 years, Komi will be 33 and Higgins 32...which means they could still be valuable assets to the team. and at 4 million$ per year each...they will be cheap.

The only problem is that they might think that 4 million$ each is not enough. I'd be willing to go to 4.5 million$ each over an 8 year period(36 million$) but not much more than that.

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Maybe, but I have seen a Leaf 7 seed knock of the 2 seeded Sens.

If the Habs knocked Jersey out of the playoffs this year the last 10 years of sucking against them would automatically disappear. It is all about the Playoffs for me.

I agree just one playoff win against Brodeur would be glorious as long as it was en route to a CUP ;)

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5 to 6 years is simply not long enough for Komisarek and Higgins. Higgins is 24 and Komisarek is 25. I would offer them both 8 year, 32 million$ contracts. In 8 years, Komi will be 33 and Higgins 32...which means they could still be valuable assets to the team. and at 4 million$ per year each...they will be cheap.

The only problem is that they might think that 4 million$ each is not enough. I'd be willing to go to 4.5 million$ each over an 8 year period(36 million$) but not much more than that.

I think in order to be fair to both sides (team and player), you sign them to a 5-6 year deal now, and with one year left remaining on their deals, you sign them to another extension closer to what they're "worth" at that point. you'll be getting your money's worth through-out, but paying them "cheaper" in the first contract, and more in the second one... The thing is that you don't know how much of a toll injuries will have taken on their bodies in 8 years. This is sort of a happy medium. Don't get me wrong, I want them on the team until they retire, but really really long contracts are risky because if for whatever reason, things don't pan out, these people are harder and harder to trade, buy out, etc... not that I see us needing to do anythign of the sort with Higgy or Komi, but you never really know what the future holds...

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Just so you guys know Higgins and Komisarek can not be signed to extensions until next season.

Yeah I know. However Bob could start negociations with them this summer(after the season is over)!

I think in order to be fair to both sides (team and player), you sign them to a 5-6 year deal now, and with one year left remaining on their deals, you sign them to another extension closer to what they're "worth" at that point.

That might not be a bad idea!

The thing is that you don't know how much of a toll injuries will have taken on their bodies in 8 years. This is sort of a happy medium. Don't get me wrong, I want them on the team until they retire, but really really long contracts are risky because if for whatever reason, things don't pan out, these people are harder and harder to trade, buy out, etc... not that I see us needing to do anythign of the sort with Higgy or Komi, but you never really know what the future holds...

You have to take chances at some point. and both of these players are EXACTLY what we have been looking for. THey are both solid physically and more importantly they are rock solid mentally. THey seem to be able to handle the pressure of playing in the Mecca and have not shown a tendancy of being injury prone! If you don'T take some risks, you can't expect to win anything! No Guts, No Glory! :clap:

I'm not saying that we should sign all our young players to long term deals, but Higgins and Komisarek are just too good to risk losing when they'll be in their prime(at 29 years old). Lock'em up now while they might still be relatively cheap!

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Yeah I know. However Bob could start negociations with them this summer(after the season is over)!

That might not be a bad idea!

You have to take chances at some point. and both of these players are EXACTLY what we have been looking for. THey are both solid physically and more importantly they are rock solid mentally. THey seem to be able to handle the pressure of playing in the Mecca and have not shown a tendancy of being injury prone! If you don'T take some risks, you can't expect to win anything! No Guts, No Glory! :clap:

I'm not saying that we should sign all our young players to long term deals, but Higgins and Komisarek are just too good to risk losing when they'll be in their prime(at 29 years old). Lock'em up now while they might still be relatively cheap!

I think we're on the same page, just differing opinions on the small details...

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