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No kidding

That means that we'll take either New Jersey or New York in the 2nd round.

We have the psychological edge over both teams.

Good stuff, good stuff....

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86 - Habs beat NYR

93 - Habs beat NYI

Can't win a Cup without going through a New York team! :)


But the mpst important thing is that we know that we can beat NY and NJ

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Eastern Conference Champions Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The best case senario for the Habs. Now we won the east and now either Ottawa or Pitsburg will not advance to round 2.

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And Penguins vs Senators in the 1st round.

Muahahaha, 1 less talented team after the 1st round.


And Caps vs Flyers, meaning we avoid Ovechkin/Huet or the Broad Street Bullies.

So out of the 4 teams that would have meant trouble, 2 will be eliminated and we can only face one of Pitts or Caps until the Conference Finals.

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Pens threw that game badly.

Malkin was terrible, not skating, dumping and chase (he never does that).

Crosby scratched at the last minute...

Lots of missed shots, and Philly took a million penalties.

Alfredsson is out for a month, so Therrien was smart to figure that throwing the game, even if it meant losing home ice advantage after round 2, would be worth it to get Ottawa, then either the Caps or NJ/NYR (if there's a darkhorse upset).

Ah well, who cares?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your Eastern Conference Champions..."

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And Caps vs Flyers, meaning we avoid Ovechkin/Huet or the Broad Street Bullies.

So out of the 4 teams that would have meant trouble, 2 will be eliminated and we can only face one of Pitts or Caps until the Conference Finals.

I really don't want to meet Philly, they have sent so many players to the hospital since the pre-season :angry:

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Pens threw that game badly.

Malkin was terrible, not skating, dumping and chase (he never does that).

Crosby scratched at the last minute...

Lots of missed shots, and Philly took a million penalties.

Alfredsson is out for a month, so Therrien was smart to figure that throwing the game, even if it meant losing home ice advantage after round 2, would be worth it to get Ottawa, then either the Caps or NJ/NYR (if there's a darkhorse upset).

Ah well, who cares?

"Ladies and Gentlemen, your Eastern Conference Champions..."

Briere didn't play either

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Briere didn't play either

Look like the pens wanted to choose their opponents and they really wanted to lose this game.

I hope it burns them in the end ... I hate therrien and their cocky young attitude of invincibility

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Look like the pens wanted to choose their opponents and they really wanted to lose this game.

I hope it burns them in the end ... I hate therrien and their cocky young attitude of invincibility

Ottawa beat Pittsburgh last Spring, could happen again this year. That would bite the Pens right back in the ass.

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Hey, this is fantastic. It's one more piece of irrefutable evidence that we can rub in the faces of all those 'experts' who picked us to finish out of the playoffs and/or LAST in the Conference. 'Oh, you were SLIGHTLY OFF...WE'RE F**KIN' FIRST IN THE ENTIRE F**KIN' CONFERENCE, YOU F**KIN' JACKASSES!!!" :lol::lol::lol:


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Hey, this is fantastic. It's one more piece of irrefutable evidence that we can rub in the faces of all those 'experts' who picked us to finish out of the playoffs and/or LAST in the Conference. 'Oh, you were SLIGHTLY OFF...WE'RE F**KIN' FIRST IN THE ENTIRE F**KIN' CONFERENCE, YOU F**KIN' JACKASSES!!!" :lol::lol::lol:


Well put!!


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